Location List API v1

About this API

A “location” is a predefined geographical area at the town, city or county level – for example Bath, Greater London, Isle Of Wight. We define these locations and create new ones from time to time. Vendors can be in one or more location (i.e. Oxford and Oxfordshire).

This API allows you to get a list of all the locations we have on our system, optionally filtered by country.

The result is generated in real time and is not cached on our server. If you are hitting the API regularly, please consider caching it at your end.

Request format

The request is made as an HTTP GET with the following parameters:

Name / Requirement / Description / Type
partnerid / Required / The partner ID which we will supply to you / Integer
apikey / Required / The API Key which we will supply to you / String
countryid / Optional / The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the country you want to get locations for.
For example GB or ES. / String

Example request for all locations:

Example request for locations in the UK:


An XML document is returned with the following elements:

Name / Description / Attributes / Type
locationlist / Document root node / Container
status / Container
code / The status code – see below / Integer
message / Details for the status code if applicable / String
location / id: The ID of the location (Integer) / Container
name / The name of the location / String
numvendors / The number of vendors in your partner account in this location / Integer
countryid / The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the country the location is in / String
summary / A brief summary of the location, maximum length 250 characters / String
photourl / The URL of the thumbnail photo for the location hosted by us / URL
lat / The latitude of the approximate centre of the location / Decimal
lng / The longitude of the approximate centre of the location / Decimal
zoomlevel / Our recommended map zoom level in order to display this location in full on a map, based on the zoom levels used by Google Maps / Integer
tbnurl / The URL of the location’s page on the Travel Booking Network website / URL

Status codes

Code / Description
0 / Success
1 / Problem with the supplied countryid
10 / Invalid credentials or authentication error


API URLs given in this document are for the test environment. For the live environment replace “uat1api” with “api”.