Web-TV for Schools - Report from Vejle Business College, Denmark

The students

The students enter our school from the age of 17 to 20 years (on average at the age of 17.8 years) and they are students here for three years. The Web TV project is part of the education the first two years.

The students are divided into six groups, male and female mixed, and each group works with individual subjects.

The subjects

The teachers articulated a list of ten subjects and from that list the students chose six subjects, namely:

  1. Energy – wind
  2. Energy – coal
  3. Country Culture – Danish
  4. Country Culture – second generation refugees
  5. College Culture
  6. Company – Arla

The students worked with these subjects when having lessons within English, Danish, Computer Science, Social Economics and Marketing, not isolated in each of these lessons but across lessons.

Source of information

While working in their projects the students have seeked information from the outside world not only what was relevant for the subject chosen but also from experts.

This implied three days trip to Copenhagen and one day trips to cities outside Vejle. The students have visited

  • companies producing energy
  • Bonus Møllen
  • Elsam
  • companies producing film and TV
  • TV 2 (public TV channel)
  • Studio 1*2 (company producing TV commercials focusing on web based solutions)
  • Nordisk Film (film and TV producing company)
  • experts working with cultural issues
  • Folketinget (Danish Parliament)
  • Elisabeth Gerner Nielsen, Minister of Culture
  • Vejle Kommune (Municipality)

All visits were documented on video and the students were asked to prepare questions in order to secure a two-way dialogue.

Output and Diploma

It is obligatory for the students to deliver a report in Danish (minimum 25 pages/maximum 40 pages are required) based on a synopsis written in English.

The students are required to produce a film including storyboard writing, filming and editing. The final film must contain English, be it speak, dubbing or subtitles.

Having finalized the project the students go through an oral examination and they receive a Diploma within IT, Marketing and Social Econimics.

Ruben Krog, Vejle Business College

28 December, 2003