Cell Exam Monday, November 3rd.

Cell Parts

Cytoplasm-A watery, jellylike substance that fills a cell and contains the other cell parts.

**Cell Wall-The stiff outer layer that protects a plant cell and gives it shape.ONLY IN A PLANT CELL

Chromosomes-genetic information if found here. They are located in the nucleus. Humans have 46 in each cell.

**Chloroplast-A kind of organelle in plant cells that contains chlorophyll, which enables the plant to makes its own food.


Nucleus-The control center of the cell, which directs all the cell’s activities.

Cell membrane-A thin layer that surrounds the cell and keeps it together, and controls the substances passing into and out of the cell.

Nuclear membrane-A membrane that surrounds the nucleus and controls the materials passing into and out of it.

Vacuole-A storage space in a cell, stores food, water and waste for the cell.

Mitochondria-Bean-shaped organelles that break down sugar to produce energy.

DNA-A complex chemical that contains information about every part of an organism. THE BLUEPRINT OF LIFE

Ribosome-Proteins are made here. May be attached to ER.

Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)- Moves materials throughout the cell.

Animal cells are more round. Plant cells are rectangular.

What 2 parts are in a plant cell but not in an animal cell?

Cell Wall and Chloroplast.

Robert Hooke was the first person to see cells through a microscope. He gave cells their name.

Mitosis is the division of body cells. We get an exact copy at the end of this cell division. (46 chromosomes)

Meiosis is the cell division of reproductive cells. We get ½ of the original cell. (23 chromosomes)

Cells spend most of their life in interphase.

Mitosis Phases

Prophase- Chromosomespair up.

Metaphase- Chromosomes line up in the middle of cell.

Anaphase- Chromosomes pull apart

Telophase- The nuclear membranes return.

Cytokinesis-Cell division is complete.

Diffusion- is the movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration, until evenly spread out.

Osmosis-is the diffusion of water molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of lower concentration through a semipermeable membrane, until they are evenly spread out.

Cellular Respiration is a chemical process that takes place in cells turning the food, eaten by an animal or created by a plant, into the energy the organism needs to survive.

Food(glucose)+Oxygen = Energy

Multicellular organisms are organized from simple cells to form complex organisms.

Cells to tissues to organs to organ systems to Whole organism