PhelpsCounty , Genealogies and Biographies
PhelpsCounty History
PhelpsCounty, Genealogies and Biographies
PhelpsCounty History
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CVMPhelpsCounty Genealogy
Box 37 Fldr 1.*Abert, James W. Drawings, Certif., Promotion, 1864 (filed Box 142).
2.Allen, Granville.
3.Andrae, Alexander A. I and Eliza (Carney, owners of old Tiffaney Hotel).
4.Appley, William and Mercy (Land)(1st doctor/surgeon in Rolla).
5.Arthur, Barnabas and William (MIW lineage).
6.Ary, William H.
7.Asher, J. Marion and Sarah E. (Morrison)(Asher Hollow).
8.Avery, John and Elizabeth.
9.Bacon, George H.(interview-drawing of charcoal wagon).
10.Baker, Lenox Lenox-Hamilton-Harrison Families(Wilson family history).
11.Baker, Lenox Lenox-Hamilton-Harrison Families.
12.Baker, Lenox (Professional Background.-doctor).
13.Barber, Ruben D. and Mary J. (Gillum)St. James.
14.Bardley, C.E.(professor MSM).
15.Barnitz, Frank H. and Mary (McClure)Lake Spring.
16.Barricklow, P.A. and Anna (Matthews)(obit).
17.Beckman, Henry C.
18.*Beddoe, William and Mary(Pilot Knob-shoemaker during Civil War).
19.*Beitzel, Clifton B.(Judge-aided MSM 1871).
20Bell, Conway(farmer-Civil War).
21Bennett, Paul(Tabernacle Camp Meeting Flyer).
22Bishop, Edmund W. and Jane (Sellard) Biography & Obituaries.
23.Bishop, Edmund W. Correspondence memorial.
24.Bishop, Edmund W. Daughters, Jennie B. Harrison & Julia B. Poole.
25.*Bishop, Edmund W. Documents and Letters (old 1860s).
26.Bishop, Edmund W. Home.
27.Bishop, Edmund W. Memorial and Pageant.
28.*Bishop, Edmund W. Photos, Bishop Family.
29.Bishop, Edmund W. Publications, CVM. 1955.
30.Black, Samuel and Amanda J. (McCutcheon).
31.*Blackwell, William H. & Mary Jane (photo-John Wiley Blackwell 1952).
CVMPhelpsCounty Genealogy
Box 37 Fldr 32.Bland, Harry O.
33.*Bland, Richard P.
34.Boone, Israel.
35.Bowen, Thomas and Agness (Cree)general information.
36.Bowles, John Hyer (Lake Springs).
37.Bowles, William H. and Ella E. (Kinsey).
38.Bowman, James R. and Lavonia C. (Yeager).
39.Bowman - Sally Families.
40.Bradford, William.
41.Bradford-Pait Families.
42.Branson, Thomas and Elvira (Cox).
43.Breeden, Charles A. and Effie (Weeks)(1st Christian Science practioner ).
44.Breuer, Paul and Catherin, Family Centennial, 1942.
45.*Breuer, William H. Atlas, Gasconade Co. (filed Box 142).
46.Brown, William and Nancy A. (Huffman)Cold Spring.
47.Bryant, Willis O. and Bardney(Dixon).
48.Buehler, Henry A.
49.Burns, W. F. and Sara (Johnson)Newburg.
50.Buskett, James L. and Therese (Evans).
51.Carrigan Brothers Knobview - Frisco RR.
52.* Chamberlain, Daniel and Rebecca (Fouty).
53Chamberlain, Henry and Jane.
54.*Clark, Jacob See also Powell, William J. & Frances H. (Martin).
55.Coffee, Meredith and Harriet (Wallis).
56.Coffman-Matlock Families.
57.Collins, Perry and Alvira (McCutcheon).
58.Coppedge, Alexander & Mary.
59.Coppedge, William.
60.Coppedge Family Association. 1948-1953.
61.Coppedge Freeman Families.
62.*Coppedge Magnussen Families.
CVMPhelpsCounty Genealogy
Box 37 Fldr 63.Corey, William A.
64.Crocker,Uriel and Sarah K. (Haskell)
65.*Culbertson, Benjamin M. and Rosa (Jackson)
66.Daily, John J. and Annie H. (Hannefin)
67.Davis, John T.
68.Dean, George R. and Luella C. (Scott)
69.Dean, Perry and Endemile(Matlock)
70.Dent, Lewis
71.*Diehl, Jerome M. and Ida (Strobach)
72.Diestelkamp, Herman H. and Anna S. (Breuer)
73.Dillon, John A. and Isabella (Rogers)
74.Dillon-Beckham Families
75Dismer, Frank B. and Carrie (James)
76Donahoe, Daniel and Mary (Murray). Donahoe-Love Families.
77Donnan, Andrew
78.*Douthat, Robert W. & Mary Jane (Wells)
79.Douthat, Robert
80.Dun, James and Elizabeth (Graham)
81.*Dun, James and 1st Wife: Mary Belle (Robberson) Otterman; 2nd Wife:Lucy (James) Rucker
82.Dun, John G. and Elizabeth (James)
83.Dun-James-Claypoole Families
84.Dun Family. Correspondence, 1945-1948.
85.Dun Family Letters.
86.Dun Family Wills.
Box 38 Fldr 1.Duncan, James Riley and 1st Wife: Armetta (Mathes); 2nd Wife: Mary Jane (Roberson); 3rd Wife: Martha Caroline (Ragan).
2.Duncan, John Jr. and Nancy J. (Bradford).
3.Duncan, John Sr.
4.*Duncan, Lucy R. (Bradford).
5.Duncan, Robert B. Quest.
.CVMPhelpsCounty Genealogy
Box 38Fldr6.*Duncan Family Correspondence.
7.Duncan Family Interviews.
8.Duncan Family Notebooks, CVM.
9.Duncan-Bradford-Freeman Families Partial Record of Kerr-Long- McFarland-Routt-Vance Families.
10.Duncan-Feeler Families.
11.Duncan-Hawkins Families.
12.Duncan-Hawkins-Hooker-Johnson-Jones-Love-Wells-Zeuch Families. Notebooks, CVM.
13.Duncan-Ramsey-Boulware Families Notebooks, CVM.
14.Dunham, Reed.
15.Dunivin, Michael and Rachel (McKay).
16.Duvall, Andrew R. and Louise (Butler).
17.Dyer-Carney Families.
18.*Edgar, Rutelia (Houston) Interviews and Obituary.
19.Edgar-Houston Families, Cards, Announcements, Invitations, Misc.
20Edgar-Houston Families Documents.
21Edgar-Houston Families Letters, Business and Friends.
22Edgar-Houston Families Letters, Personal.
23.*Edgar-Houston Families Photos.
24.Edgar-Houston Families Receipts.
25.Edgar Family Corresp, 1954,1957.
26Evans, Wllis G. and Emily H. (Treece-copy personal diary Sen E. Evans).
27Evans, William and Mary (Kirkpatrick).
28.Farnham, F.C.
29.Farris, Frank H.(In Memoriam Book).
30.Faulkner, Jesse W. and Grace L. (Upp).
31.*Faulkner, Robert P. and Margaret E. (Guy).
32.*Ferrell, Enoch and Catherine (Meade).
33.*Flett-Frost Families.
34.Followill, Milton and Lucinda (McGee).
35.Fore, Charles.
CVMPhelpsCounty Genealogy
Box 38Fldr36.Fort-Long Families.
37.*Freeman, Annie L. (Duncan)Minutes of Little Piney Assoc of Reg Bapt).
38.*Freeman, Thomas R.
39.Freeman-Coppedge-Houston-Lenox-Pillman-Wayman-Wishon Families.
40.Freeman-Jesse Families.
41.Fulbright, C.H.
42.Fulton, C.H.
43.Gaddy, Pleasant and Lucinda.
44.Gallaher, Joseph W. and Elizabeth (Doherty).
45.Germann, Frank D.
46.Glover, John.
47.Goodhue-Stebbins Families, Extended.
48.*Gorman, Matthew.
49.Grayson, Ellis and Ada (Gaddy).
50.Griffith,James L.
51.Grisham, Charles.
52.Haas, Frederick and Katrina (Koch).
53.Hale, M.C. and Sarah J. (Robertson).
54.Haley-Lane-Madden-Miller Families.
55.Hancock, Phil.
56.*Harrison, Benjamin. U.S. President, 1889-1893.
57.Harrison, Benjamin Berry and 1st Wife: ( Penelope C. Dodson); 2nd Wife: Frances P. (Thomas).
58.Harrison, Benjamin B. Business Deals, A-F.1840s-1880s.
59.Harrison, Benjamin B. Business Deals, G-La. “
60.Harrison, Benjamin B. Business Deals, Le-Pe.“
61.Harrison, Benjamin B. Business Deals, Phillips, Rufus. ”
62.Harrison, Benjamin B. Business Deals, Po-R.“
63.Harrison, Benjamin B. Business Deals, S-Y.“
Box 39 Fldr 1.Harrison, Benjamin B. Church Fund. “
2.Harrison, Benjamin B. Court Cases, B-C.“
3.Harrison, Benjamin B. Court Cases, D-L.“
CVMPhelpsCounty Genealogy
Box 39Fldr4.Harrison, Benjamin B. Court Cases, M-W.“
5.Harrison, Benjamin B. Court Cases, Harrison not Party. “
6.Harrison, Benjamin B. Land Deals.1840s-1880s.
7.Harrison, BenjaminB.Lands, Swamp.“
8.Harrison, Benjamin B. Masonic Association.“
9.Harrison, Benjamin B. Papers, Various.“
10.Harrison, Benjamin B. Personal Property & Receipts. “
11.Harrison, BenjaminB.School.“
12.Harrison, Benjamin B. Speeches, 1876, 1881.“
13.Harrison, Benjamin B. Taxes. “
14.Harrison, Benjamin B. Unique Envelopes.“
15.Harrison, Charles Lewis (engineer).
16.Harrison, Edward M. and Linda (Minium).
17.Harrison, Georgia.
18.Harrison, James B. (1788-1842) and Lovisa V. (Duncan).
19.Harrison, James Berry. (1907) and Ada. Estate.
20.Harrison, James Berry. Legal Papers.
21.Harrison, James Berry. Letters.
22.Harrison, James Berry. Masonic Lodge.
23.Harrison, James Berry. Memorial Address on James C. McGinnis.
24.Harrison, James Berry. Receipts, General.
25.Harrison, James Berry. Receipts, Legal Cases.
26.Harrison, James Berry. Receipts & Bills, Merchants.
27.Harrison, James Pryor and 1st Wife: Lucy Jane(Young); 2nd Wife: Margaret (Hefton); 3rd Wife: Winnie Ann (Moss).
28.Harrison, John and Mary (Malone).
29.Harrison, John Brazil and 1st Wife: L.C.; 2nd Wife: Elizabeth B. (Dodson); 3rd Wife: Martha (Hyer).
30.Harrison, John P. & Jennie (Bishop).
31.Harrison, Lucie E.(teacher’s certificates/contracts 1870s-1880s).
32.Harrison, Robert T. and Maggie V. (Thompson).
33.*Harrison, Thomas C. and 1st Wife: Mary A. (Lenox); 2nd Wife: Maria M. (Moore) Poole.(family Bible records).
CVMPhelpsCounty Genealogy
Box 39Fldr34.Harrison, Thomas C. Wilson Lennox Estate.
35.Harrison, William P. and Nancy (Hamm).
36.Harrison, Family Correspondence, Information on.
37.Harrison, Family Correspondence, Genealogical Information.
38.Harrison Family History “Arlington’s Secret”-“Phelps Co. First Caucasian Home” CVM.
39.*Harrison Family Photos.
40.Harrison-Dodson Families.
41.Harrison-Duncan Families.
42.Harrison Family( Not James Harrison Line).
43.*Harrison, Samuel A. & 1st Wife: Nancy Jane; 2nd Wife: Margaret (Kitchen) Mace May be related to Arlington Harrisons.
44.Hawkins, Joseph Carter.
45.Hawkins, Solomon and Sophronia I(Duncan).
46.Hawkins, William E. and Mary Malinda (Duncan).
47.Hawkins, Zion and Elizabeth (Johnson).
48.Hawkins Family Documents and letters.
49.Hawkins Family. Information, general and interviews.
50.Hawkins-Wynn Families.
Box 40 Fldr 1.Headlee, Elisha and Rachel (Steele).
2.Hearst, George R. and Phoebe E. (Apperson).
3.Hearst, Phoebe E. (Apperson) Organizations.
4.Hearst Family Correspondence.
5.Hearst Family Newspaper Articles.
6.Hell, Lucy E.
7.Herrman Family.
8.Hess, Scott.
9.Horine, Michael.
10.Houston, helen K.
11.*Hudgens, William & 1st Wife: Susanah(Tucker); 2nd Wife: Catherine (Paulsell).
12Huffman family.
CVMPhelpsCounty Genealogy
Box 40Fldr13.*Hume, George.
14.Hunter, John A.
15.*Hutcheson, John G.
16.Hyer, John and Mary Ann (Ruth).
17.Hyer, Samuel and Elizabeth (Mitchell).
18.Hyer Family Interview.
19*Hyer Family Photos.
20.Hyer-Harrison Families.
21.Jackson, Oral V. and Bertha M. (Dent) Harris.
22.James, Robert R. and Flora May (Rieke). Vichy, MO.
23.Jamison, Claude R. and Marie (McCormick).
24.Johnson, Thomas J., Sr. and Martha.
25.*Johnson Family Correspondence.
26.Johnson Family Obituaries.
27.Johnson-Fuller Families.
28.Jones, Elijah and 1st Wife: Sarah; 2nd Wife: Emiline.
29.Juer, William.
30.Kerr, John C. and Alice. (Curry).
31.King, Patrick and Julia.
32.*King, Solomon and 1st Wife: Mary; 2nd Wife: Margaret; 3rd Wife:Pertina.
33.Kitchen, William A. and Margaret (Neely).
34.Lane, Hiram and Phebe.
35.Laney, Peter.
36.Lenox, David and Elizabeth (Brown).
37.Lenox Family. Correspondence.
38.Loenox Family. Home, Hamilton Lenox and Pamela M. (Harrison).
39.Lenox-Wilson Families.
40.Leonard, Riobert and Esther.
41.Light-Dykes Families.
42.Line, Joseph C.
43.Livesay, Amanda M.(Correspondence).
44.*Livesay, John W. and Martha(McDonald).
45Livesay-Hutcheson Families.
CVMPhelpsCounty Genealogy
Box 40Fldr46.Livingston, John H. and Margaret I. (Armstrong).
47.Long, Edwin.
48.Lorts, Adam and Phoebe A. (Romine).
49.Love, Clarence W. Diary -loose newsclippings.
50.Love, Isaac J. and Phoebe (Connelly).
51.Love, Pleasant and Dialthea (Armstrong).
52.Love, Robert A. and Amanda (Miller).
53.*Love-Miller Families.
54.*Malcolm, David W. and Sophia I. (Pomeroy).
55.Martin, Luther W. & Jeanne F. (Reynolds).
56.Massie, Nathaniel.
57.Massey, Samuel.
58..Matlock, Zachariah and Eady.
59.Mayberry, William H.
60.McBride, James H. & Mildred A. (Barnes).
61.*McCaw, Robert & Annie(Christie).
62.*McCrae, Charles M.
Box 41 Fldr 1.McDole, John.
2.McDonald, Albert A.
3.McFarland, A. Sidney(includes names of men making iron at MIW).
4.McGee, John and Sarah (Johnson).
5.McGregor, Pryor H.
6.Melton, William D. and Sarah J. (Arthur?).
7.Melton, John C. and Nancy (Dudley).
8.Miller, Martin and Nancy.
9.Mitchell, Ewing Y.
10.*Mitchell, Joseph H. & Anna (Clayton).
11.Mitchell, Sherrill L., Sr. and Sarah Ann (Bradford).
12.Mooney Family.
13.Morgan, Henry C. and 1st Wife: Eudora J. (Starrett); 2nd Wife: Clara(Schamponey).
14.Morris, John and Jan.
CVMPhelpsCounty Genealogy
Box 41Fldr15.Morse, William and Lucy Ann(Harris).
16.*Neumann, Albert and Augusta (Koch).
17.*Orchard, Alexander H. and Jane.
18Owen-Branson Families.
19Parsons, Daniel R.
20.*Paulsell, Oliver P. and Mary Ann (Hudgens).
21Pezoldt, Julius and Ellen (Toomey).
22.Pinnell, Asa.
23.Pinson-Elliott Families.
24.Powell, William James and Frances H. (Martin)(see also Clark, Jacob).
25.Prewett-Boulware Families.
26.Quinley, Peter M. and Mary Elizabeth (Farnwalt).
27.Ragsdale, Richard J. and 1st Wife:? (Ragsdale); 2nd Wife: Martha Jane (Baker).
28.Rauch, Jacob and Margaret I. (Harriett) Stevens.
29.Renick, George W. and Hester J. (Todd).
30.Robinett, James H. and Sarah L. (Smith).
31.Rodman, Walker B.
32.Roehm, Christian and Eugenia S. (Sims).
33.Rolufs, Juergen A. and 2nd Wife: Elise(Bohne).
34.Rucker, Booker Hall (1868-1957) and Margaret B. (Southgate).
35.*Rucker, Margaret B. (Southgate) Household Accounting Books, 1937-41.
36.Rucker, Ray F. and Elsie M. (Goodier).
37.*Rucker Family Photos.
38Rucker, John F. and 1st wife: Julia(Rucker): 2nd wife: Frances J. (Dingle).
39.Sadler, Carl L.
40.*Sappenfield, Louis C. and Carilee(Atkisson).
41Savage, Roena.
42*Schendel, Samuel and Lucille(Riege).
43.Schuman, Charles, Sr. and Pauline (Dietz).
44.Scott, J.H. Letters, 1859, 1885-1887.
45.Scott, John B.
46.*Scott, John W. and Estella A. (Sappenfield).
CVMPhelpsCounty Genealogy
Box 41Fldr47.Shaw, Frederick W.
48.Shoemate, Wilson.
49.Simily, Jacob and Margaret.
50.Smallwood, Charles, Sr.
51.*Smith, Samuel and Elizabeth(Dyer).
52.*Snelson, Thomas and Mary (Welch).
53.Snodgrass, Simon S. and Edna (Carney).
54.Southgate, Margaret B. Scrapbook, 1884.
55.Sowers, Jacob and Susanna(Shoaf)(copy “Philip Sowers and His Legacy”)
56.Spencer, Jacob L. (Tom) and Hulda E.
57.*Spilman, James A. and Louisa (Hawley).
58.*.Spilman-Bowman Families Photos.
59.Spurgeon, James R.
60.Stricker, Eamil A. and Pauline(Smith).
61.Strobach, Ferdinand.
62.Stuart, Samuel H. and Elizabeth (Lenox).
63.TenEyck, John W. and Della T. (Emory).
64.Thompson, B. Frank.
65.Via Jessie M.
66.*Walker, Charles P. and 1st Wife: Jane (McMinn); 2nd Wife: Caroline (Douthitt).
67.Walker, J. Ellis.
68.Warmoth, Isaac and 1st Wife: Elinor(Lane); 2nd Wife: Louisa (Crew).
69.Wash, William J. and Caroline S. (Lipscomb).
70.Watts, J.J. Extended Family Record.
71.Wayman, John W. and Eve (Garr). Wayman-Pillman-Deer Families.
72.*Webber, John and 1st Wife: Eliza Jane(Powell); 2nd Wife: Sarah (Crites); 3rd Wife: Lucinda F. (Sally) Yowell.
73.*Webber Family. Photos.
74.Wiggins-Frazier-Hoyt-Jones-Mankin Families.
CVMPhelpsCounty Genealogy
Box 41 Fldr75.*Williams, Edward D. and Martha G. (Jones).
76.Wilson, Eli B.
77.*Wishon, Benjamin and Elizabeth G. (Singleton).
78.Woodman, L.E. (Wick) & Ellen(Woodman Musical Slide Rule/Exerc Bk). 79.* Woods, Micajah and Sarah H.(Rodes).
80.Wright, Lewis F. and 1st Wife: Frances; 2nd Wife:?(Kester).
81.Wynn, Richard and Harriet (Hawkins).
82.*York, William C. and 1st Wife: Emily H.; 2nd Wife: Louisa E. (Dodd).
83.Zeuch, Walter C.and& Mabel (Hawkins).
CVMPhelpsCounty Genealogy
Box 42 Fldr 1.Abert James W. Sketches Certificate of Promotion June 25, 1864.
2.Breuer, William Standard Atlas of Gasconade Co. Mo.
3.Love, Clarence W. Diary 1904 Book No.1.
4.Love, Clarence W. Diary 1912-1916 Book No.5.
5.Love, Clarence W. Diary 1915-1916 Book No.6.
6.Love, Clarence W. Register of Deaths 1905-1915 Book No.7.
7.Love, Clarence W. Record of Misc. Rolla Families. Book No. 9.