- We have developed a national sampling frame similar to the NASSEP V but based on 2015 demographic projections of the 2009 KNBS census data and a spatial algorithm that defines discrete population enumeration areas (EAs) bounded within Kenya’s 7,149 sub-locations. Each EA containing roughly 200 households or about 1000 persons. Would the Secretariat consider alternative sampling frames besides the NASSEP V?
AgResults Response: AgResults would consider an alternative sampling frame besides the NASSEP V but it would need to be robustly justified to prove it would provide the same level of representativeness. The NASSEP V is supposed toguide the PSF firm sampling frame,samples will further be weighted based on the distribution ofcompany’ssales in each of the AgResultspilotcounties especially forthe MpMSS.
- The 3 and 11 week data collection time allocation for the RRHS and MpMSS appears to be quite compact. Would the Secretariat be open to discussing a reasonable extension of the data collection period during the inception phase?
AgResults Response: The time period is compact, achievable, and firm. We are looking for an applicant with the capacity to meet the stated schedule.
- Is there a defined budget ceiling?
AgResults Response: As non-survey implementers, AgResults would not assume to dictate budget perimeters and lookto the applicants to provide the best value to AgResults based the activities outlined in detail in the RFP and the applicant’s own experience and expertise.
- Attachment 5: Labor Pricing Template is missing
AgResults Response:The link on the website has been updated and is active with the Labor Pricing Template.
- Is it possible for different firms to constitute joint venture or consortium in bidding for the survey?
AgResults Response: Firms may submit an application independently or in one association, joint venture or consortium for the purposes of the Pilot, and cannot concurrently apply as a member of other participating groups. The association, joint venture or consortium members shall designate a lead member who will be authorized to bind the association, joint venture or consortium and who shall submit the Proposal on their behalf and together with duly signed and notarized authorization granted by all other members authorizing the lead organization to represent them in all matters related to the Pilot, including receipt of payment. The named lead member will be the sole point of contact with respect to any communications or actions by or concerning AgResults entities, including the Pilot Manager, Secretariat, Steering Committee and Trustee. The composition or the constitution of the association, joint venture, or consortium shall not be altered without the prior consent of the AgResults Secretariat.