The Drake Family of Northern Virginia
By Charles E. Drake
2003 Charles E. Drake
Comment: Many of the relationships proposed in this paper are only suppositional and should not be considered proven without appropriate evidence.
The first Drakes in Northern Virginia were Richard Drake and Phillip Drake. Richard Drake arrived in the 1660s and Phillip in the 1670s. As is often the case, there are gaps in the records that make tracing their descendants difficult. It seems likely that persons who later bore the name Drake in Virginia were descendants of Richard, rather than Phillip.
Generation No. 1
Phillip1 Drake was probably born about 1640 in England. He married Eleanor [------] and died in 1699 in Virginia.
Phillip may have been related to Richard, but it is not likely that he was closely related, for he does not interact in the records with Richard.
Phillip Drake lived in the area known as Pamunkey Neck, in what was at one time New Kent County and later King and Queen County. Pamunkey Neck is that long finger of land running northwest to southeast between the Pamunkey--North Anna River and the Mattaponi River, ending at their confluence to form the York River. The area was known as St. Stephen's Parish, which originally covered northern New Kent, but was subsequently cut off to form King & Queen County (1691). St. John's Parish was created for Pamunkey Neck and King William County in 1701.
Phillip Drake appears in the records as follows:
22 April 1670 Phill. Drake was one of the headrights of George Chapman who patented 4150 acres in New Kent County in Pamunkey Neck for transportation of 83 persons. (Patent Book 6, p. 294; Chapman Cavaliers and Pioneers, Vol 2, 1666-1695, p. 75)
15 September 1671 Phillip Drake witness the deed of Jonathan Hower of Mattapony in County of Northumberland to William Hill. (Deed and Will Abstracts of Northumberland County VA 1670-1672/ 1706-1711, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, 1994, p. 36-7; also in Northumbria Collectanea, 1645-1720, in Beverly Fleet, Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Vol 1, p. 523 where date is given as 15 November 1671)
18 October 1671 Whereas Martha Carr, servt. of Phil. Drake had had a bastard Childe in ye tyme of service, It is ordered yt. ye sd. Martha serve according to Act. Phil Drake bound to pay ye Fine.
(Order Book Abstracts of Northumberland County, VA 1666-1678, Antient Press, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, 1995 p. 48)
15 November 1671 Phil Drake & Elinr. Drake & Janet Johnson & James Claughton are bound "body for body" for appearance of Rich. Pembarton (Order Book Abstracts of Northumberland County, VA 1666-1678, Antient Press, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, 1995 p. 52)
21 August 1672 Philip Drake mentioned in the records of the estate of John Winser (Order Book Abstracts of Northumberland County, VA 1669-1673, Antient Press, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, 1998, p. 69)
17 December 1673 Hogs belonging to Philip Drake were killed. (Order Book Abstracts of Northumberland County, VA 1669-1673, Antient Press, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, 1998, p. 95)
18 June 1674 Philip Drake appointed constable for Mattapony. (Order Book Abstracts of Northumberland County, VA 1674-1677, Antient Press, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, 1998, p. 7, 13)
1674 Joseph Seems hired servant to Philip Drake to serve an extra 1/2 year. (Order Book Abstracts of Northumberland County, VA 1674-1677, Antient Press, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, 1998, p. 11)
23 January 1674/5 Westmoreland County Phill. Drake authorize my loving freind Edwd. Franklynn my attorney to sue any person at the next court in the County of Westmoreland. Phill: (X) Drake
Wit: Tho. Tanner, Geo. Hatton Rec. 26 February 1674/5. (Westmoreland County, Virginia Deeds, Patents, Etc., 1665-1677, Part Three, by John Frederick Dorman, Washington, 1974 p. 29)
18 August 1675 Mr. Thomas Wharton begin arrested to this Court at the suite of Philip Drake and Philip Drake not filing his declaration according to law, a nonsuite is granted Thomas Wharton against Philip Drake with costs and damages according to Act (Order Book Abstracts of Northumberland County, VA 1674-1677, Antient Press, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, 1998, p. 34)
15 September 1675 Law suit William Warrilow vs. Philip Drake (Order Book Abstracts of Northumberland County, VA 1674-1677, Antient Press, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, 1998, p.39)
7 June 1679 Phillip Drake listed with 2 tithables (Order Book Abstracts of Northumberland County, VA 1677-1679, Antient Press, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, 1998, p. 78)
28 March 1680 Deed from Adam Booth to Phillip Drake, land in Mattaponi. (Northumbria Collectanea, 1645-1720, in Beverly Fleet, Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Vol 1, p. 523)
17 August 1681 Pembarton, assignee of Cox agt Phil. Drake, dismissed. (Order Book Abstracts of Northumberland County, VA 1680-1683, Antient Press, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, p. 39)
17 October 1681 Edward Barnes and Mary his wife complain that Richd Cox detained from them a child of the sd Mary. Phil Drake and Francis Stanley swear that Mary demanded the child within 2 months after it's father's death but was refused. Cox is ordered to deliver the child to its mother and Barnes ordered to pay him 300 lb tobo for keeping it. (Northumbria Collectanea, 1645-1720, in Beverly Fleet, Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Vol 1, p. 638)
19 October 1681 Philip Drake oath and mentioned in case involving Edward Barnes, Mary, and Richard Cox. (Order Book Abstracts of Northumberland County, VA 1680-1683, Antient Press, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, p. 43; also in Northumbria Collectanea, 1645-1720, in Beverly Fleet, Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Vol 1, p. 523)
19 July 1683 Philip Drake and Edward Woolridge against James Jones. (Order Book Abstracts of Northumberland County, VA 1683-1686, Antient Press, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, p. 8)
- - - - Judgment to Thomas Hickman agt Philip Drake--attachment granted Philip Drake against the estate of Edward Watts. (Order Book Abstracts of Northumberland County, VA 1683-1686, Antient Press, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, p. 56)
29 August 1694 Richmond County Virginia. Power of Attorney. Thos. Mallard of Northumberland County, planter, to "my good friend Sam'll Samford to accept a purchase of 100 land in Richmond County from Sam'll Griffin of Northumberland County. Signed Tho Mallard his mark. Wit: Jeffrey Adamson, Phill Drake. (Richmond County, Records, 1692-1704, in Beverly Fleet, Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Vol 1, p. 261)
29 August 1694 Phill. Drake witnessed the power of attorney of Tho: Mallard of Northumberland County to Samll. Samford to acknowledge a deed of sale of one hundred acres in Richmond County. (Deed Abstracts of Richmond County, Virginia, 1692-1695, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, 1991, p. 91)
3 March 1697 Phillip Drake (his mark) and Richd: Valandyham (his mark) witness the deed of Zachariah Nicholls of Richmond County to Raleigh Travers of Northumberland xxx land originally patented by Henry Corbin[1] Esqr. in 1662. (Deed Abstracts of Richmond County, Virginia, 1695-1701, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, 1991, p. 41)
2 April 1697 Phillip Drake and Rawleigh Travers witness the deed of Zachariah Nicholls to Richard Vanlandyham. (Deed Abstracts of Richmond County, Virginia, 1695-1701, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, 1991, p. 42)
9 April 1699 Phillip Drake decd. Will dated 9 April 1699 leaves land to Philip Busle and Jane his wife. Will probated 21 June 1699. (Northumbria Collectanea, 1645-1720, in Beverly Fleet, Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Vol 1, p. 523)
Court 21 June 1699
Phillip Bussle Exor of Phill. Drake decd. proved by Richard fflynt and Thomas fflynt and Richard Booth. (Duvall, Lindsay O., Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Vol. 1 Northumberland County, Virginia 1678-1713 p. 19)
1703 Adam Booth was deceased by 1703. He sold land in Mattaponi to Phillip Drake on 28 March 1680. (Northumbria Collectanea, 1645-1720, in Beverly Fleet, Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Vol 1, p. 505)
15 September 1703 Phillip Bussle and Jane his wife of St. S. par planter sell David Straughan of same par, for 6000 lb tobo, 75 acres land bequeathed to them by will of Phillip Drake decd, dated 9 April 1699 and proved 21 June 1699. The land in Mattapony as shown by deed of Nathl Hickman to Edmond Elder. And another tract bought by sd Phillip Drake from Adam Booth decd by deed dated 28 March 1680 adj Tho Hickman's Swamp. Wit Richd Hews, Tho x Miller, James Kean. Re-rec 17 March 1716/7
(Northumbria Collectanea, 1645-1720, in Beverly Fleet, Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Vol 1, p. 505)
17 March 1714/15 Phillip Bussle fails to cure "a poor distempered man"
(Northumbria Collectanea, 1645-1720, in Beverly Fleet, Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Vol 1, p. 505)
20 March 1716/17 Jane, relict of Phillip Bussle swears he died without a will. Admr granted. (Northumbria Collectanea, 1645-1720, in Beverly Fleet, Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Vol 1, p. 505)
Presumed issue of Philip Drake and Eleanor [------]
i. Jane2 Drake, married Dr. Phillip Bussle
1. Richard1 Drake was born about 1630 in England, and died after 1685 in Virginia. He probably married Anne Woffendale. He may have been related to Philip Drake, but probably not closely.
Richard Drake came to Virginia prior to 1673 when he first appears in the records of Lancaster County (later). He may be the Richard ______(page torn in the original) who was transported along with Mary Drake by Henry Corbyn in 1661/2, or he may be identical with the Richard Drake who was indentured to John Covill in 1674. In some of those records he was referred to as "Mr." implying a higher than usual social status. If this was the case, he might have been able to buy his way out of his indenture.
He seems to have been a merchant or businessman, rather than a farmer. Perhaps some of the relevant records are lost, but the records that have survived seem to record mostly business dealings. Richard Drake has not been found to appear as a patentee of land, suggesting any property he owned was acquired by purchase, perhaps within an existing community.
Richard Drake appears in the records as follows:
12 Mar 1661/2. Henry Corbyn for transportation of Richard ______, Mary Drake
(Duvall, Lancaster Co Ct. Orders, Vol. 2)
3 March 1672/3 Lidia Sherlock, wife of John Sherlock, Junr. of Rappahannock County regarding land sold by husband unto Richard Drake of County of Lancaster. Ct. 22 March 1672/3. (Deed Abstracts of Old Rappahannock County, Virginia, Part 1 of 1672-1676, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, Antient Press, 1989, p. 49)
12 February 1674 Richard Drake apprenticed in Bristol for transportation to Virginia for years to John Covill Esq. (Peter Wilson Coldham, Complete Book of Immigrants, 1661-1699, p. 220)
18 November 1675 Mr. Richard Drake vs. Mr. William Russell (Order Book Abstracts of Northumberland County, VA 1674-1677, Antient Press, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, 1998, p. 42)
1 December 1675 Paid to Mr. Drake for ammunition (Order Book Abstracts of Northumberland County, VA 1674-1677, Antient Press, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, 1998, p.47)
15 March1675/6 Richard Drake attr. of Mr. Richard Itterly against Henry Bradley (Order Book Abstracts of Northumberland County, VA 1674-1677, Antient Press, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, 1998, p.63)
19 April 1676 Judgement granted to Mr. Richard Drake against ye estate of Mr. Robert Jones; also noted in a suit against Thomas Waddy (Order Book Abstracts of Northumberland County, VA 1674-1677, Antient Press, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, 1998, p.66-7)
17 May 1676 Mr. Richard Drake against. Will. Flowers (Order Book Abstracts of Northumberland County, VA 1674-1677, Antient Press, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, 1998, p.70)
21 February 1677/8 Richard Drake and Alex. Atkins agt. ye sherriffe Genis not appearing; also against Sherriffe Parker and Sherriffe Brewer; subsequently Thomas Brewer was cited. Whereas Mr. Azricam Parker was arrested to this Court at ye suite of Mr. Richard Drake and Mr. Alexander Atkins for the sume of two thousand and seaventy fower pounds of tobacco and caske and not appearing Judgment is granted Mr. Thomas Winter, Attorney of Mr. Richard Drake and Mr. Alexander Atkins for the sume against the Sherriffe according to Act. Whereas Mr. Thomas Brewer was arrested to this Court at ye suite of Mr. Richard Drake and Mr. Alexander Atkins for ye sume of fower thousand five hundred thirty and fower pounds of tobacco and caske and not appeareing, Judgment is granted Mr. Thomas Winter, Attorney of Richard Drake and Alexander Atkins against the Sherriffe for the sume according to Act. (Order Book Abstracts of Northumberland County, VA 1677-1679, Antient Press, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, 1998, p.22, 23)
22 March 1676, Court 19 March 1677/8 Richard Drake vs. Hen. Bently (Order Book Abstracts of Northumberland County, VA 1677-1679, Antient Press, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, 1998, p. 31)
20 November 1678 Patent to Malaq. Peal for 845 acres in Westmoreland County adj. Robert Vaulx for transportation of 17 persons including Richd. Drake (P.B. 6, pp. 665; Chapman, Cavaliers & Pioneers, Vol 2, 1666-1695, p. 192)
3 Sept 1683 Richard Drake witnessed the deed of John Erwin of parish of Sittingborn and Co. of Rapppa. Ct. 24 Sept 1683.
(Deed Abstracts of (Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, 1682-1686, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, Antient Press, 1990,pp. 34-35)
26 May 1685 The inventory of the estate of John Erwin includes a bill of Richard Drake. Recorded 22 Sept 1685. (Will Abstracts of (Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia 1682-1687, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, Antient Press, 1990, pp. 61-62)
25 April 1701 Patent to James Terry for 418 acres in St. Johns Parish in Pamunkey neck [King and Queen County] was due to transportation of 9 persons including Richd. Drake (P.B. 9, pp. 356-357; Chapman, Cavaliers & Pioneers, Vol. 2, p. 46-7.)
Marital information about Richard Drake is not conclusively proved, but his widow may have been the Ann Drake, who appeared in a few records as follows:
20 April 1684 An Drake was among the seven headrights claimed by Mr. Robert Read when he patented 350 acres of land in York and Warwick Counties. (P. B. 7, p. 353; Chapman, Cavaliers and Pioneers, Vol. 2, 1666-1695, p. 274)
4 November 1703 Richmond County Attachment is granted to John Loyd Esqr., Admr. of Thomas Loyd deced., assignee of Anne Drake, against ye Estate of Ralph Bowker, Exr. of the Last Will and Testament of James Bowker deced, according to Declaration returnable &. (Order Book Abstracts of Richmond County, Virginia, 1702-1704, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, 1991, p. 81)
3 February 1703/4 Richmond County Court The action brought by john Loyd, admr. of Thomas Loyd, assignee of Anne Drake, against Ralph Booker, exr. of the Last Will and Testament of James Booker, deced is dismist, the Plt. not prosecuting.
(Richmond County Orders, 1702-1704, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, 1991, p. 86)
3 February 1703/4 Judgment upon Attachment is granteed to Thomas Richardson against John Furloe for Five hundred and fifty pounds of tobbo: attached in the hands of Anne Drake, and for Foure hundred and seven pounds of Tobbo: attached in the hands of Mr. George Payne in all one thousand and twenty pounds of tobbo: wch: this Court have ordered to be paid wth: cost of suits als Exo.
(Richmond County Orders, 1702-1704, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, 1991, p.87)
3 February 1703/4 Richmond County Court The action brought by Samll.Wroa against Anne Drake is dismist, ye plt. not prosecuting
(Richmond County Orders, 1702-1704, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, 1991, p. 90)
6 October 1708 Richmond County Ann Drake witnessed the deed of William Pilkington of Parish of Sittenburne in County of Richmond to Edward Stevens
(Deed Abstracts of Richmond County, Virginia, 1705-1708, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, 1991, p. 118)
8 June 1715 Richmond County Anne Drake and George Payne witnessed the deed of James Kitchen and Elizth Kitchen of Parish of Sittenburne to Wm Deacons and Sarrah his wife. (Deed Abstracts of Richmond County, Virginia, 1714-1715, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, 1993, p. 100)
8 June 1715 Richmond County Anne Drake and George Payne witness the deed of James Kitchen and Elizth his wife to Thos. Francis. (Deed Abstracts of Richmond County, Virginia, 1714-1715, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, 1993, pp. 100-101)
Anne Drake and William Woffendell witnessed the will of Henry Drake, 14 December 1722
(King George County Virginia Will Book A–1, 1721-1752 and Miscellaneous Notes, by George Harrison Sanford King, 1978 p.13-14)
7 August 1730 Anne Drake witnessed the will of Christopher Pritchet. (King George County Virginia Will Book A–1, 1721-1752 and Miscellaneous Notes, by George Harrison Sanford King, 1978 p. 60)
The appearance of Ann Drake in apparent business records, sometimes without the accompanying appearance of a Drake male, suggests she may have been a widow, carrying on the family business for a time. She serves as a link to Drakes who appear later, and helps provide evidence connecting all of them together, for some of the names connected with her appear later. Her maiden name was possibly Woffendale. Her possible brother or nephew William Woffendale died in 1746, naming a number of Drakes as legatees. An analysis of his estate records helps to sort out a number of the family:
Will of William Wofendale
To uncle Francis Wofendale; wife Tabitha Wofendale; son Jemmy Wofendale; To Richard Drake my gun now in his possession; To Thomas Clater; remainder interest of son Jemmy Wofendale to James Drake's two sons John and James Drake two negroes, to James Clater, son of Thomas and Sarah Clater one negro; remainder interest of wife to Richard Drake, Mary Sims, Sarah Clater, Margaret Dodd & Henry and Benjamin Drake, sons of Clap: Drake; 26 October 1746.
Court: 6 February 1746/7. (King George County Virginia Will Book A–1, 1721-1752 and Miscellaneous Notes, by George Harrison Sanford King, 1978 pp.142-3)
In obedience to an Order of Court dated 4th December 1747...We the subscribers have set apart the Widdows Dower and the Legacys in the will of William Wofendall, decd.,
The Widdows Dower Peter, Tom, Cockeye, Toney, & Kate
To John Drake Florah & Frank
To James Drake Young Sarah & Hannah
To Jane Wofendall Winney
To James Claytor Pegg
(Deed Abstracts of King George County, Virginia (1735-1752), Ruth and Sam Sparacio, 1987 p. 94)
Virginia Genealogical Society Quarterly, Vol 10, No.3, 1972, pp. 66-68
"Some Genealogical Observations" by Sanford King. Abstracted as follows:
William Woffendall died testate in 1747 in King George County. He married (1) Jane, widow of Charles Tyler, (2) Tabitha [------] who died testate in 1790 in King George County. Tabitha married (2) Meredith Payne and (3) George Strother. The will of William Woffendall was recorded in the lost King George County Will Book 1. The inventory of his estate has been torn from King George County Deed Book 6. King George County Order Book #5-A, p. 58, names the residual legatees as Richard Drake, Mary Sims, Sarah Claytor, Margaret Dodd, Henry Drake, and Benjamin Drake. In 1791, a lawsuit was brought by certain plaintiffs against George Strother executor of his mother Tabitha [-----] Woffendall Payne Strother. These plaintiffs were Franklin Simms and Suckey his wife, Henry Simms, Mary Dunton, Nancy Vents, Sarah Tiller, Richard Drake, Thomas Bettisworth and Eleanor his wife, George, Sarah, Larenzo, Alexander, Elizabeth and Polly Simms by Elizabeth Simms, their next friend; Benjamin Drake, John Drake, and James Drake.
Further court records allow the descendants of the residual legatees to be determined, including:
Richard Drake's heirs: Franklin Sims and his wife Suke; Richard Drake, Thomas Bettisworth and his wife Elinor, Jane Drake, daughter of Thomas Drake, deced.
Mary Sims's heirs and representatives: Franklin Sims, Henry Sims, Mary Dunton, John Vince and Nancy, his wife, John Sims his heirs, viz. George, Sarah, Loringoe, Alexander, James, Elizabeth and Polly Sims.