Date: 1 February 2017 /
Chair: OCHA Secretariat:OCHA Venue:-OCHA Meeting Room
Agenda Item / Key Points / Action Points
Opening Remarks; Review the action points from the last meeting; Adopt Previous Minutes
OCHA welcomed ISCG members and asked members to introduce themselves.
1.1Review of action points from last meeting:
1.21.1. Identify Information Management (IM) focal points (FPs) and establish IM subgroup in Central Darfur State (all)- OCHA has shared Terms of Reference (ToR) and concept note. Agencies are yet to identify FPs.
1.2 ISCG to attend Video Tele-Conference on JIPS Civil-Military Coordination (CMCoord).
1.3 Hold separate meeting on 15 December on Sudan Humanitarian Fund (SHF) prioritization- for North,West, Central Jebel Marra (IDPs) and Um Dukhum (returnees) - done
1.4 IMC/CRS to share Golo/Jokosty assessment report by 5 February.
1.5 UNAMID/PoC to update on UNAMID Senegalese FPU move to UNAMID team site and alternative protection for INGO premises located close to the FPU.PoC was not present in the meeting. / 1.1OCHA to call for an IM sub-group meeting in February.
All agencies to identify FPs
1.2 (Done)
1.3 (Done)
1.4 As mentioned
1.5OCHA to raise remaining concerns with United Nations Department of Safety and Security (UNDSS) and raise request for radio communications.
- INGOs to write to HAC and ask for GoSprotection.
Humanitarian updates on JM response - Access and IA assessment missions. / OCHA expressed that better information sharing is required for better coordination of the JM response. Currently many organizations are responding but more information sharing is necessary to avoid duplication of work and resources, proper understanding of the situation and appropriately targeted response. To this effect, NNGOs are encouraged to attend sector meetings to aid this process.
2.1 Health:
IMC: Taken over Katti,Kurifal, Jakosty, Guldohealth centers and Golo hospital.IMC recruited three staff (two Medical Doctors and one Project Officer) for Golo hospital and 27 additional staffs were seconded from SMoH to start activities in Golo.
IMC visited Boorion 30 January and plans to cover it also.
IMC already received nutrition food supplies from WFP for nutrition centers in Katti and Kurifal.
CRSis coveringRokero,FangaSuk and Abunga health centers.
CRS is delivering medicine to Rokero health facility, conducting training and providing maintenance of MoH ambulance. CRS is conducting assessment to prepare for the rehabilitation of Rokero health center.
Gaps remain in Golol(previously covered by ICRC),Kutrum and Killing (previously covered by MSF) and Daya where there is no clinic. However CRS is negotiating for access to cover this gap.
No recent assessmentswere conducted in the four locations mentioned. Population and extent of needs are still unclear.
Thur: Islamic Relief Worldwide (IRW) runs a clinic in Thur. Government is constructing a hospital in Thur under health insurance. However, recently five construction workers were abducted from the site by unknown people, they were later released (UNDSS)
Nertiti: World Relief has opened new clinics in Malay, JabelAhmer and sector eight in Nertiti North camp.
2.2 FSL:
Thur missed planting season for 2016 causing shortages. Several protection concernsare reported around the camps,farm areas and firewood collection areas.
Food distribution – DRC/WFP will commence General Food Distribution (GFD)in Thurfor new and existing IDPs in Mid-February.
DRCis also implementing an ECHO emergency response programme (vouchers), which started in October/November and December 2016. And currently ongoing from January to February. The project targets the 4500most vulnerable new arrivals householdsin Nertiti, Thur and Guldo. DRC is yet to get access to Golo. A meeting is planned with the military in Zalingei today.
DRC/WFP Food distribution is ongoing regularly in all IDP camps in Nertiti, but plan forGolo, Guldo and Thuris pending IOM registration and WFP supply chain. IOM received clearance for Goloon 31 January. They also plan registration in Amar Jadeed and Rongatass. However, IOM is facing challenges in mobilizing logistics for the mission.
There is a funding gap for seeds and tools in JM for FSL partners.
VSF is providing vaccination services in Nertiti. There is a gap in services in Central Jebel Marra (CJM) locality.
2.3 NFIs:
UNHCR is waiting for IOM registration of new returnees in Golo. UNHCR will also conduct assessment of new returnees and Post Distribution Monitoring (PDM).No partnership is planned with Sudanese Red Crescent Society (SRCS) this time as assessment of previous distribution is required from them.UNHCR reporteda new strategy of openness – considering new partners.
DRC is stock piling NFIs in Zalingei and Nertiti, (Zalingei 300 HH, Nertiti 1000 HH approximately.)
2.4 WASH:
UNICEF: Developed 3Ws for Jebel Marra(shared previously). Other partners have provided information but there is an information gap in government activities.
UNICEF is working with the Government Water and Environmental Sanitation (WES) to develop a response plan for Golo.
UNICEF- Mission to Golo to monitor education activities is pending. Trying to coordinate with IOM or WFP for a joint mission.
2.6 Child Protection (CP):
DRC is conducting some activities in Nertiti, Thur andGuldo. They were unable to access Golo. The NNGO Seaker isimplementing some CP activities in FangaSuk and Rokero.
2.7 Protection:
NNGO ASSIST is implementing some activities in Nertiti, Thur and Guldo. There are gaps in Golo, Rokero and FangaSuk. No protection assessment was conducted in Golo because of government restrictions. / 2.0 Participants to share mission reports on Jebel Marra- All
2.1 IMC to share update on assessment in Booriby 5 February.
2.2 Update pending from FSL sector leads- they were not present in the meeting.
2.2.1 IOM and OCHA to further discuss mission planning and use of escort. OCHA to raise with DSS and POC.
Update from FSL
2.3 UNHCR to update on ES/NFI response in Golo
2.4 UNICEF to share 3Ws by 7 Febraury.
2.5 UNICEF to update on response plan in JM Feb 7
2.6 UNICEF to update on response plan by 7 Feb
2.7 OCHA to raiseto protection in Khartoum on remaining gaps in protection. ISCGto confirm that protection and sub-sectors still unable to access CJM/NJM.
2.8 Protection colleagues to join a meeting with UNAMID Senior Women Protection Advisor to raise access challenges/impacts.
3-IA assessment to TamarBoljimail village. / OCHA: Following militia attack in Boljimail village, residents of the village were displaced to Hamedia and Abata. A joint assessmentconducted in the area found out that nearly 300 households HHs (1416 individuals)had already returned to their village of origin and are in need of urgent assistance. Main needs are in FSL, NFIsand health sectors. The health center and schools have all been abandoned.
3.1 TamarBoljimail response so far –
NFIs:UNHCR in partnership with Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) conducted assessment. A request for NFIs was submitted to Geneina for processing. DRC is ready to support incase there are remaining gaps.
FSL:DRC has existing seeds scheme. DRC team will return to the area to assess possibility for redistributionaccording to the mission report.
WFP Recommended 3 months food distribution.
WASH: DRC has a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with WESto repair a borehole. And could repair one of the damaged boreholes in the area.
For sanitation, UNICEF will raise in WASH coordination meeting and update ISCG.
EDUCATION: UNICEF will confirm with Education sector and provide update.
NUTRITION: UNICEF will confirm with Nutrition sector.
HEALTH: WHO discuss with MoH in CDS, yet to confirm if Tamar Boljimail health center will be equipped to resume activities, WHO will follow up with MoH and update ISCG, the issue is to be discussed in Health coordination meeting, including emergency health kits
PROTECTION:UNHCR previously constructed police posts in the area. Some gaps still remain. There are only seven police personnel in the village. Reinforcement is recommended to the GoS police.
CHILD PROTECTION (CP): UNICEF will confirm with CP sector.
GBV: Not represented and no recommendations were made.
Mine action: Concern of Unexploded Ordinances (UXOs). / Sectors to expedite response to identified needs.
WFP to provide update on progress on recommendation.
3.1 OCHA to raise issue of UXOs with the UNAMID Ordinance Disposal Office.
RRR mission to return areas in Umm Dukhun (UMD).
/ 4.1 UNDP appreciated all who participated in the UMD mission by road for two full days, ieZalingei-Mukjar-UMD.Ten villageswere visited. Additional seven villages which HAC added are yet to be assessed. The team found three villages completely empty. Other three villages Kabar, Muradafand AbuJaradilremain inaccessible, Government informs because of land issues. Discussion will continue following reportcompilation.UNDP RRR coordination from ElFasher and Khartoum will hold meeting on Monday in follow up. Next RRR meeting is scheduled on 6 Feb.
4.2 IOM Qatari assessment in Moraya village in Um Dukhum wascompleted and the mission report was completed. / 4.1 UNDP to share report with ISCG latest by COB 5 Feb.
5- AOB.
Updates on
-SSC Meeting
-CMCoord / 5.1 The Safety and Security (SSC)meeting is scheduled for 2 February at 1300hrs at HAC office to discuss GoS police escorts rate and conditions. Police sent letters to some agencies, requesting them to pay SDG100for police officer,SDG 300 for escort Commander and SDG3000 as administrative fees for each police vehicle. The police mentioned that they will not coordinate with other states in setting rates for incentives and will not decrease the amount they have agreed upon.
Current practice is as follows: For missions outside Zalingei, SDG100/per police officer, SDG 200 for commander, SDG 1500 as administrative fee for each vehicle, fuelas per mileage and SDG 125 per police officer when they overnight.
The new rateswill be discussed in the SSC meeting on 2 February.
SSC requested that when there are access problems, it should be communicated to the SSC before raising it to Khartoum.
5.2 Sudan Humanitarian Fund (SHF) – OCHA advised that when organizations have any concerns with SHF allocation, they should contact the SHF technical secretariat in Khartoum directly.
5.3 Coordination Mechanism on Inter-Communal Violence- UNCT/HCT are requested to input to action plan and prioritization circulated by UNAMID to all members.
5.4 CMCoord: All advised to ensure travel with provided escorts from Shawa airstrip. Members to note that submitted MCDAs will now be cc’d to mission support in addition to usual recipients.
5.5World Relief (WR): A newINGO in Central Darfur. They are still learning the context and practice. WRaskedwhether they can charge patients as community initiative. Health partners mentioned that healthcare provided by INGOs is free of charge. In other sectors such as WASH, community contribution is applied but not for health. / 5.4 OCHA to circulate UNAMID action plan on communal violenceto ISCG members for input including identification of any other priority areas not covered.
Next Meeting in March 2017