are organizing
Club exhibition on May 7th 2011
Turf Zlatá podkova Humpolec
Granting titles CAJC, CAC, res.CAC
Club exhibition on May 8th 2011
Turf Zlatá podkova Humpolec
Granting titles CAJC, CAC, res.CAC
7.00 – 8.30 Reception of dogs
9.00 – 15.30 Judging in Circles
16.00 – 17.00 Shows, competitions
First application deadline: March 7th 2011
Second application deadline: March 31th 2011
The applicationsare available on the addresses bellow or can be downloaded from the following web sites:
, or in the Top actions section (“Vrcholové akce”)
Maříková Iva, Na Piketě 540/III, 377 01 Jihdřichův Hradec, tel.: +420 725788224, + 420 777685805, e-mail.:
Hybrantová Dana, P.O. BOX 29, Pošta 142, 143 01 Praha 4 Modřany, tel.: + 420 603976472,
Pls., send the completed application including a photocopy of dog’s identification and a proof of fee payment on the followingaddress:
Hybrantová Dana, P.O. BOX 29, Pošta 142, 143 01 Praha 4 Modřany, tel.: + 420 603976472, e-mail
The applications sent later than on March 31th 2011 or without a proof of fee payment will not be accepted!!!
On May 7th 2011
Mrs. Věra Dvořáková will be the Chief Judge
Labrador retriever - boys: Mr. Frank Gawthorpe UK, kennel Waterbrook
Labrador retriever bitches: Mrs. Margaret Gawthorpe UK, kennel Waterbrook
Golden retriever – boys:Mrs. Susanna Höger, A
Golden retriever – bitches:Mr. Arnold Ryder, UK, kennel Jaskar
Flat coated retrievers:Mrs. Joyce Ryder, UK, kennel Jaskar
Other retrievers Mr.Karlo Bala, Serbia, kennel Don Carlos county
On May8th 2011
Mr. Miloš Kašpar will be the Chief Judge
Labrador retriever - boys: Mrs. Margaret Gawthorpe UK, kennel Waterbrook
Labrador retriever bitches: Mr. Frank Gawthorpe UK, kennel Waterbrook
Golden retriever – boys:Mr.Karlo Bala, Serbia, kennel Don Carlos county
Golden retriever – bitches:Mrs. Joyce Ryder, UK, kennel Jaskar
Flat coated retrieversMr. Arnold Ryder, UK, kennel Jaskar
Other retrievers Mrs. Susanna Höger, A
Exhibition committee reserves the right to change the judges, if necessary.
KCHLS MEMBERS(after price reduction) / KCHLS NON-MEMBERS
1 exhibition / 2 exhibitions / 1 exhibition / 2 exhibitions
One dog incl. catalogue / 550 CZK / 1000 CZK / 650 CZK / 1200 CZK
Each other dog excl. catalogue / 450 CZK / 800 CZK / 550 CZK / 1000 CZK
Baby, puppy / 350 CZK / 600 CZK / 450 CZK / 800 CZK
Veteran / 100 CZK / 150 CZK / 150 CZK / 200 CZK
Competitions / 100 CZK / 200 CZK / - / -
Baby, puppy and veteran dogs cannot be considered as first dog
KCHLS MEMBERS(after price reduction) / KCHLS NON-MEMBERS
1 exhibition / 2 exhibitions / 1 exhibition / 2 exhibitions
One dog incl. catalogue / 650 CZK / 1200 CZK / 750 CZK / 1400 CZK
Each other dog excl. catalogue / 550 CZK / 1 000 CZK / 650 CZK / 1200 CZK
Baby, puppy / 400 CZK / 700 CZK / 500 CZK / 900 CZK
Veteran / 150 CZK / 200 CZK / 200 CZK / 300 CZK
Competitions / 150 CZK / 300 CZK / - / -
Competitions at the exhibition till 12 o´clock / 200 CZK / 400 CZK
Baby, puppy and veteran dogs cannot be considered as first dog
KCHLS MEMBERS(after price reduction)
1/2 A5 page / 1/1 A5 page
Breeder advertising / 500 CZK / 1000 CZK-
Commercial advertising / min. 5000 CZK / min. 5000 CZK
Sponsor´s advertising / For free / For free
KCHLS MEMBERS(after price reduction)
1/2 A5 page / 1/1 A5 page
Breeder advertising / 600 CZK / -1200 CZK
Commercial advertising / min. 5000 CZK / min. 5000 CZK
Sponsor´s advertising / For free / For free
Bank:Česká spořitelna
Account number: 000000-0710772339/0800
Symbol for applications May 7th 2011: 1111
Symbol for applications May 8th2011: 2222
Symbol for applications May 7th and May 8th 20113333
IBAN:CZ67 0800 0000 0007 1077 2339
Account owner:KCHLS, Jungmannova 25, 110 00 Praha 1
The postal date on envelope is decisive for distinction between the first and second deadlines.
A payment proof – copy of the banking transaction, postal order or copy of aEurocheque has to be attached /sticked on the application form.
Without any payment proof the application will not be accepted!
In case of uncertainties – missing enclosure, illegible application, the organiser will charge an additional fee 50 CZK to cover the administration costs, which should be paid on the exhibition entry!
A photocopy of the dog’s identification card should be enclosed to each application of all the dogs admitted to the exhibition. For the Working and Champion classes unless a photocopy of dogs identification card an Examination Certificate or a copy of VSV, KV, ICH and CH confirmation for the FCI members should be enclosed!
Class / Age / Evaluation / NoteBaby class / 4 – 6 month / VN (very promising)
N (promising)
Junior class / 6 – 9 month / VN (very promising)
N (promising)
Youth class / 9 – 18 month / CAJC
Intermediate class / 15 – 24 month / CAC
Open class / Up to 15 month / CAC
Working class / Up to 15 month / CAC / For the participation in this class a Working certificate is required
Winners class / Up to 15 month / CAC / For the participation in this class titles ICH or CH for the FCI members or VSV, KV and NV are required
Veteran class / Up to 8 years
TITLES in the circles on May 7th 2011
Boys and bitches evaluated in the Youth class as V1 can be awarded as CAJC and Club Junior Winner
Boys and bitches evaluated in the Intermediate class, Open class and Winners class as V2 can be awarded as Reserve CAC.
Boys and bitches evaluated in the Intermediate class, Open Class and Winners class as V1 can be awarded as CAC.
As Club Winner can be awarded CAC boys and bitches from the Middle class, Open class, Woking class and Winners class.
The boys and bitches from the Veteran class evaluated as V1 can be awarded as the best veteran of the breed.
For the BOB title will compete the Club youth winners, CAJC (boys and bitches), Club winners (boy and bitch) and V1 from the Veteran class (boy and bitch)
As a part of the final exhibitions will be the evaluation of the „Anka cup“whole year lasting competition.
TITLES in the circles on May 8th 2011
Boys and bitches evaluated in the Youth class as V1 can be awarded as CAJC and Club Junior Winner
Boys and bitches evaluated in the Intermediate class, Open class and Winners class as V2 can be awarded as Reserve CAC.
Boys and bitches evaluated in the Intermediate class, Open Class and Winners class as V1 can be awarded as CAC.
As Club Winner can be awarded CAC boys and bitches from the Middle class, Open class, Woking class and Winners class.
The boys and bitches from the Veteran class evaluated as V1 can be awarded as the best veteran of the breed.
For the BOB title will compete the Club youth winners, CAJC (boys and bitches), Club winners (boy and bitch) and V1 from the Veteran class (boy and bitch)
All presented dogs will receive an evaluation and diploma. The dogs awarded as VN1 will receive medal. The dogs waiting for the titles CAJC, CAC, Special competition Winner and Best veteran of the breed will receive cup.
The titles are not entitlements.
BIS BABYfor the boys and bitches evaluated in the Baby Class as VN1
BIS PUPPYfor the boys and bitches evaluated in the Puppy Class as VN1
BIS JUNIORfor the boys and bitches awarded in the Youth Class as CAJC
BIS VETERANfor the boys and bitches evaluated in the Veteran class as V1
BIS for all dogs awarded as BOB
Junior Handling – age groups: 1) till 10 years, 2) till 15 years according to the birth date one day before the exhibition. The demonstrated dogs should belong to the VIII. FCI group registred in some of the FCI countries´ breed books. This dog should not be evaluated during the exhibition. Evaluated is the dog’s ´demonstration.
The most beautiful pair of dogs – for female and male dogs of the same breed owned by a single owner and evaluated during the exhibition.
The best breeder group – for at least three and maximal 5 individuals of the same breed coming from a single breeder and at least from two different fathers and mothers and evaluated during the exhibition.
The best male breeder – the male breeder having at least 5 descendants evaluated during the exhibition. Evaluated is the breed type and quality. The male breeder should not be evaluated during the exhibition.
The necessary documents for those competitions: entrance voucher, a photocopy of the dog identification card and vaccination certificate.
Dogs have to be accompanied by a vaccination certificate confirming the vaccination against rabies, distemper, para-viral dinase and hepatitis at least no later than 30 days and not earlier than one year before the show.
The application should be completed for each dog. The application should be completed on typewriter or in block capitals. The organizer acceptsno responsibility for wrongly completed applications (wrong data about the dog). Unless a photocopy of Performance Certificate, Club winner certificate, National winner certificate, FCI Champion certificate or Interchampion certificate is enclosed the dog will be classified to the Open class. The photocopies will not be returned. Certificates for hunting breeds are issued by ČMKJ, Jungmannova 25, 115 25 Praha 1.
A proof of fee payment has to be sticked on the application, unless the application will not be accepted. As a proof a pay slip tally (sticked on), stamped charging order copy (enclosed), bank statement copy and Eurocheque copy (enclosed) will be accepted. A dog may be classified in one class only. Changes of the classification after the deadlines are not possible. The acceptation of a dog will be confirmed by the entrance form. By application acceptance each exhibitor is subject to all provisions of the FCI Exhibition Rule. The exhibitoragrees with the presentation of his address in the exhibition catalogue.
Condition for the Working class classification is the Performance certificate sent latest till the second deadline of the exhibition. Condition for the Champion class classification –Internationa FCI Champion and National FCI Champion is the Champion certificate sent latest till the second deadline of the exhibition.
The exhibition is accessible to males and females of all retriever breeds belonging to the group VIII. FCI registred in the FCI breed books, that reached the age required for the classification no later than 1 day before the exhibition day. As a second dog can be considered a dog of same owner having same address. A dog of co-owner is considered as first dog. Imported dogs have to be registered in Czech breed books and inthe application form should be the written the original breed book initialises and registration number of the dogs ´religion country. The co-owners ´dogs having the registration abroad only – without the ČLP registration are considered as KCHLS non-members. The show organizer does not take responsibility for damages caused by a dog o ran exhibitor, or for dog loss or death. Free running of dogs is not allowed. The Show Committee may reject an application without giving a reason. Hot females, females at advanced gravidity stages, nursing females, and individuals with operative or other interventions on exteriors are excluded from the exhibition. Changes in dog exterior done by excessive hair spraying, hair tinting and the basic trimming on the exhibition are not allowed. Owners of „BOB“awarded dogs are obliged to participate in the final winner show. Unless otherwise stated in the instructions, the provision of the FCI International Exhibition Rule and the CMKU Exhibition Rule apply. If the show does not take place for any reasons the fees will be used for settlement of the exhibition costs. Taking puppies (with the exception of the registred puppies) is prohibited.
Complaints against judge´s decision are inadmissible. Only formal reasons of breaching the Exhibition Rule or instruction may be contested. A complaint has to be filed in written together with a bail of CZK 500 during the exhibition only. Unless the protest is found justified the bail will be forfeited for the benefit of the organizer.