General Barn Information and Rules

Cheam Stables


Stalls must be cleaned daily. Sift well! Only manure and soiled shavings should be removed. Stall fronts should be clutter free. Sweep doorway clear of shaving daily so they are not tracked into paddock. Blanket, halter, lead, fly spray and as few other items as possible.


Paddocks are to be cleaned daily of ALL manure, shavings, and hay that may be been dragged out by your horse. Rake clean if necessary. Add gravel when you find wet spots, but do not add gravel until debris is removed.


If you tack up or groom in the aisle, please sweep before leaving or going into the ring. Don’t wait until after your ride.


Feeding are done at around 8:00, 3:00, and 10:00. The 3:00 (and 10:00 on the weekends) are done by boarders. Please make sure horses are fed in stalls (not paddocks) and in areas indicated on the board (nets, tubs, or bags). Nets must be prepared by owner with large clips. Grain must also be prepared and clear instructions. Medications should be given by the owner. Do not feed anyone’s horse without permission.

Wash area

Wash are ais outside barn at hose. Tack up area is at the far end of the barn. Cross ties are available. Please be reminded that hot water drains from manager’s suite. Use sparingly. Please hang hose neatly when done.

Tack Lockers

Tack lockers are where all tack must be stored. No new bins in front of stalls. One grain bin per horse can be stored in the tackroom area, and one blanket can be hung on the hooks. Please store EVERTHING else in your locker. Do not store open feed.

Hay storage

Storage for two to three bales inside the barn is available for each horse. Three string bales must be store sideways so there is room for six spots on each side. This means only two three-stringed bales at a time. Please clearly mark your horse’s diet on the chalk board. Room for up to 30 bales per horse his available in assigned areas.

Feed Room

Please do not leave debris in sink! It is best to wash feed buckets outside but if you clean something inside the feed room sink, it is important that you wash it out. Fridge and microwave are there for your convenience.


Keep washroom clean. Please advise manager if anything is needed.

Wheel Barrels & Forks

Two yellow wheel barrows are for general use. Do not use other boarders wheel Barrows. We encourage you to bring your own, feel free to use the stable’s when available. Everyone must have their own fork in front of the stall.


Dump manure in wagon. Do not use pile in front of the round pen until the regular bin is full.


Stall pellets are available. Boarders have a limit of one bag a week that can be taken Sunday. Mid week bags can be purchased on the honour system a cost ($4) and added to the next months board. If pellets become dry, rehydrate generously in the stall. Do not put in dry pellets during dry weather.

Riding Arena

Children under 18 must ride with helmets. Rules of safety and consideration apply (posted separately). Lunging is permitted but only one at a time if other riders are in the ring. 4 Jumps in a clover leaf patter may remain but all other jumps, cones and obstacles must be removed when finished. Please remove your manure. Do not turn your horse loose in the arena. Lights should be turned off when done.

Round Pen

Horses may be loose in the round pen.


Pasture openings and times will be posted. Please respect the time limit and “one horse at a time” rule of the 20 min paddock. The only exception is the ponies, who can not be in any other fenced area.


Horses are only permitted on southern driveway. Ride from barn to field, keeping to the left. Clean any manure deposited on driveway.


Trail around the perimeter of the field is posted in the barn. Please follow creek to treed area and then ride back the same way. Do not cross behind the house. Inner field will be open on occasion. This will be posted on the board.


Parking area is between ring and stable. Overflow parking available near pastures and manure wagon. Loading and unloading of horses permitted in driveway but vehicle and trailer should not block driveway. Please ask farriers and vets not to block driveway as well.

Trailer Parking

There is only one official trailer spot and that is reserved for barn manager. She is free to offer it to another if she has not use for it. At this time, there is no official parking area for trailers. Special considerations may be made for those who live in apartments. Please talk to management.


Every boarder and regular rider must carry HCBC Insurance. Please confirm with management in December when you have renewed for the following year. New boarders should include HCBC number on boarding contract. Please make sure to have an insurance rider on your homeowners policy for your tack coverage.

Boarder Participation

Please be sure to sign up for either a feeding or a job each week. If you are unable to do this, please feel free to contact Tamiko. It is expected that there will be interruptions in schedules. Plan in advance by trading or booking Tamiko or Takara. There is no extra charge for this service if done occasionally.


Use the whiteboard for any communications. Please keep all notices polite. Text management if there is something that upsets you.

Personal & Communication

Communication with all at the barn should be respectful. Everyone comes here to get away from the stresses of life. There should be no activity, actions, or use of words that might make another’s time unpleasant. Be keenly aware of language used at the barn and the presence of children and sensitive adults.

Smoking and Alcohol

Absolutely no smoking or consuming of alcoholic beverages.

Board Payment

Board is due on the first of the month. Interact transfer, cheque or cash is welcomed. For those who purchase hay, please write a cheque or provide cash for the previous months consumption on the 1st of the next month. Please call, email, or message is your board will be late.


It is expected the boarders actively participate in extreme cold weather situations. Extra watering shifts may be requested clearing of snow in paddocks as well. During extremely poor driving conditions, your horses will be cleaned and cared for.


Carrying on of any business activities, lessons, or leases must be cleared through management and Tamiko.


Child addendum is with contract. Please be sure to supervise children 12 and under at all times, unless arrangement are made otherwise.


Teaching of beginners should be done in the round pen if there are other riders in the ring. Guest instructors are welcome.

April 2015