St Andrew’s CE Primary School
GrandaleTel: 01482 825659
Sutton ParkFax: 01482 879540
8th January 2018
Hi Parents...
I hope 2018 is a good one for you all and your families. Please keep referring to the ‘Dates’ I sent you in September.....many events throughout the year. These are also on our website. Your support for all our Christmas events was once again phenomenal.
Reminder: Open Days....Y1 this Thursday (11th)
Reception - Wednesday 17th
Y3,4,5 - Thursday 18th
Y2 and Y6 Tuesday 23rd
Nursery will notify their parents separately when their consultation days are.
Your Christmas Card Designs were ,as always,very much appreciated by Nursing Homes/ Charities/Elderly individuals.I shall be sending you some of their lovely messages over the next couple of weeks.
Parent Pop Ins....please remember,parents don’t have to wait until our scheduled ‘Pop In’ days to visit their child....any parent who has difficult work patterns,or any parent who simply wishes to pop in to check out their kiddie working in the classroom,or maybe has a concern about their child’s progress etc please just make an appointment through our school main office....obviously,for safeguarding purposes,parents cannot simply just walk in and we do ask for at least a day’s notice.
I have often repeated my philosophy that this school is always about our partnership being open and genuine between teachers and parents working together for the benefit of each of our superstar kids....ONWARDS and UPWARDS!!!
Safeguarding Reminders:
1. Please drive and park carefully when dropping off or collecting your child.
2. But also,we ask that parents supervise their children closely when near parked cars and near
our narrow neighbourhood roads.
3. Many social media sites are,legally,off limits to our children....Sadly some parents ignore this
and could be putting their child in danger
4. Allergies...please rememberwhen organising packed lunches for your child,to consider those
of our pupils who have severe allergies. Thank you.
Parents as Artists....some exciting contributions,some serious,some funny but parents orrelatives or older brothers and sisters having a real good go at contributing an artistic piece. So far so good...keep your ideas coming in....Closing Date 18th January.
Headteacher 2017-2020