MBBS I (First) Professional Examination 2012-13
Course Code:MBS101 Paper ID:0322128
Anatomy -I
Time: 2 Hours 40 Minutes Max Marks: 40
Note: Attempt all questions. Draw proper diagrams to support your answer.
Part ‘B’
1. Describe cavernous sinus, its tributaries, connections and applied anatomy. (8)
2. Describe nerve supply and action of muscles acting on shoulder joint. (8)
3. Draw well labeled diagrams of the following: (4+4)
a) T.S. of mid brain at the level of superior colliculus
b) Floor of fourth ventricle of brain
4. Write short notes on: (2x4=8)
a) Philadelphia chromosome
b) Intra embryonic coelom
c) ERB’s paralysis
d) BARR body
5. Write notes on: (4+4)
a) Microscopic Anatomy of Thymus
b) Microscopic Anatomy of pituitary gland
MBBS I (First) Professional Examination 2012-13
Roll No. Student’s Name
Student’s Signature Invigilator’s Signature
Course Code:MBS101 Paper ID:0322128
Anatomy - I
Part ‘A’
Time: 20 Minutes Max Marks: 10
Note: 1. Attempt all questions and return this part of the question paper to the invigilator after 20 Minutes.
2. Please tick (√) correct one only. Cutting, overwriting or any other marking are not allowed.
3. For answering please use Ball- pen only.
Q.1 In Klumpke’s palsy, the deformity seen is:
a) Claw hand
b) Police man’s or waiter’s tip position of upper limb
c) Ape hand
d) Wrist drop
e) Loss of rounded contour of shoulder
Q.2 If a person is unable to count on his fingers tips the nerve injured is:
a) Ulnar
b) Radial
c) Median
d) Anterior interosseous
e) Posterior interosseous
Q.3 Carpal tunnel allows passage of all except:
a) Median nerve
b) Flexor digitorum superficialis
c) Ulnar nerve
d) Flexor pollicis longus tendon
e) Flexor digitorum profundus tendons
Q.4. Colles’s fracture is a fracture of:
a) Distal end of ulna
b) Distal end of radius
c) Distal ends of radius and ulna
d) Shaft of humerus
e) Scaphoid bone
Q.5 Carpometacarpol joint of thumb is ……type of synovial joint:
a) Condyloid
b) Saddle
c) Hinge
d) Plane
e) Ellipsoid
Q.6 Dorsal extensor expansion receives the insertion of all the following muscles except:
a) Extensor indicis
b) Extensor digitorum
c) Dorsal interossei
d) Lumbricals
e) Palmar interossei
Q.7 Which is not a fascial space of palm:
a) Thenar space
b) Mid palmar space
c) Pulp space
d) Web space
e) Lumbrical canal
Q.8 Blood supply to long flexor tendons enters the tendons through:
a) Fibrons flexor sheaths
b) Vincula longa and brevia
c) Synovial flexor sheaths
d) Radial Bursa
e) Ulnar Bursa
Q.9 In the cubital fossa the medial most structure is:
a) Brachial artery and its bifurcation
b) Tendon of biceps brachi
c) Median nerve
d) Radial nerve and its deep branch
e) Ulnar nerve
Q.10 The following muscles perform flexion at wrist joint except:
a) Flexor carpi ulnaris
b) Flexor digitorum superficialis
c) Flexor digitorum profundus
d) Brachio radialis
e) Flexor carpi radialis
Q.11 Regarding relations of scalenus anterior all of the following are true except:
a) The roots of brachial plexus are posterior to it
b) The phrenic nerve is anterior to it
c) The vertebral artery is medial to it
d) The third part of subclavian artery is lateral to it
e) The subclavian vein is posterior to it
Q.12 All of the following are contents of carotid sheath except:
a) Internal jugular vein
b) Internal carotid artery
c) Vagus nerve
d) Superior cervical ganglion
Q.13 All of the following are branches of vagus nerve in the neck except:
a) Pharyngeal branch
b) Superior laryngeal nerve
c) Carotid nerve
d) Cardiac branch
e) Meningeal branch
Q.14 Foramen magnum transmits all of the following structures except:
a) Medulla oblongata
b) Meninges
c) Vertebral arteries
d) Hypoglossal nerves
e) Ascending spinal roots of accessory nerves
Q.15 All the following structures pass through the jugular foramen except:
a) Inferior petrosal sinus
b) Transverse sinus
c) Glossopharyngeal nerve
d) Vagus nerve
e) Accessory nerve
Q.16 Injury of oculomotor nerve causes drooping of upper eyelid due to paralysis of:
a) Superior rectus
b) Inferior oblique
c) Levator polpabrae superioris
d) Inferior rectus
e) Orbicularis oculi
Q.17 The pathway for the visual body reflexes is through the:
a) Lateral geniculate body
b) Edinger-westphal nucleus
c) Pretectal nucleus
d) Superior colliculus
e) Inferior colliculus
Q.18 All of the following structures are contents of the infra temporal fossa except:
a) Pterygoid venous plexus
b) Mandibular nerve and its branches
c) Maxillary artery and its branches
d) Maxillary nerve
e) Lateral and medial pterygoid muscles
Q.19 Which cranial nerve is likely to be damaged if the direct and consensual light reflexes are absent in a patient assumed to have a normal eyesight:
a) Optic
b) Oculomotor
c) Abducent
d) Trigeminal
e) Trochlear
Q.20 All of the following nerves are branches of the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve except:
a) Inferior alveolar
b) Lingual
c) Auriculo temporal
d) Chorda tympani
e) Nerve to medial pterygoid