Using Research Funds to Pay Staff Physicians
If you are planning to use 100% research funding to pay a Staff Physician then the MSP Staff Physician contract may not be the appropriate contract to use. A key factor in making this determination pertains to the physician’s duties. If the job description indicates this individual is teaching or conducting research 100% of the time then the MSP Specialist contract should be implemented. If patients will be seen, and procedures performed for a research protocol, then the physician must stay on a Staff Physician contract. Medical liability coverage cannot be extended to physicians on MSP Specialist contracts.
The MSP Staff Physician contractpaid 100% by research funds must stay within the MSPSalaryGradeRanges for the appropriate Salary Grade (B, C or D). Since no percentage can be attached to the non-base pay, or BYA component, the physician must either receive a portion of his/her pay from a non-grant related fund source, which does not require a percentage attached to cover the BYA, or be limited to the pay range for the base pay component on REG, to which a percentage can be attached, satisfying the needs of the granting agency. (Note: 100% funding can be placed on the REG, when the only funding available is grant funding, but the total salary still needs to stay within the MSP grade ranges.) If you have questions on this issue please contact Elise Jameson, Ext. 45454 or .
Below is an example of how a Staff Physician might look in PPS if 10% of his/her base pay was paid from a grant and the remainder from other, non-Federal, resources
Associate Physician Diplomate-100% time, Base: 98,700, Non-base: 36,100
Index Fund Sub FTE DIS% Pay Beg Pay End Rate/Amt DOS
RESEAR00000A 1 0.00 .1000 10/1/05 6/30/06 8225.00 REG
INDEX0000000A 1 0.00 .9000 10/1/05 6/30/06 8225.00 REG
INDEX0000000A 1 0.00 .0000 10/1/05 6/30/06 3008.33 BYA
If you are unsure about which contract to use, please contact Michael Yates,in Human Resources at Ext. 22583, (). Michaelcan help you determine whether a Specialist contract would be appropriate. He will also work with you to determine the correct title code and pay scale.
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