Nursing Communication

Authar:Dr.huda B.Hassan /BNS.MNS.PhD./Assest.proff.

Address:University of Baghdad/Nursing College

Nursing Communication

Communication have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used

*Is the interchange of information between two or more people.

* Exchange of ideas or thoughts.

*Talking &listening.

* Writing &reading.

* Is the transfer of information & feelings between two or more people.

Effectiveness communication nurses depend on:

1-  ability to collect assessment data.

2-  Initiate interventions.

3-  Evaluate outcome of interventions.

Component of communication process

n  Face to face communication involves:

1-  A sender : A person or group who wishes to convey a message to another

(source encoder).

Source- encoder: this term suggest that the person or group sending the message must have an idea or reason for communication(source) & must put the idea or feeling in to a form that can be transmitted.

Encoding: Is selected of specific signs or symbols (code) to transmit the message. Such as the words, tone of vice.

2-  Message: means what is actually said or written.

How the message transmitted----- by channel.

Channel: The medium used to convey the message.

the channel should be appropriate for the massage &help the message more clear.

n  Talking face to face a person more effective in some instances than telephoning or writing a message.

n  T.V, Radio.

3- Receiver (listener):Who must listen, observe, and attend this person is the decoder.

Decode: means to relate the message perceived to the receiver s storehouse of knowledge & experience & to sort out the meaning of the message.

4-  Response ( feed back):Is the message that the receiver returns to the sender.

Feedback: can be -- verbal

-- Non verbal

Modes of communication:

1-  Verbal communication.

2-  Non verbal communication.

n  Verbal com.: is largely conscious because people choose the words they use.

Words depend on:

n  culture

n  Socioeconomic background.

n  Age

n  Education

When choosing word the nurse need:

1-  Pace & intonation.

2-  Simplicity.

3-  Clarity & brevity.

4-  Timing & relevance.

5-  Adaptability.

6-  Credibility.

7-  Humor.

Ø  Non verbal communication: is sometimes called (body language)

It includes gestures, body movement, use of touch, and physical appearance.

Nonverbal communication tells other more about what a person is feeling than what is actually said, because nonverbal behavior is controlled less consciously than verbal behavior.

Note: Observation and interpreting is essential skill for nurses to develop the clients nonverbal behavior.

To observe nonverbal behavior efficiently requires a systematic assessment of the person's overall 1- physical appearance.(clothing and adornments can be source of source)

2-posture & Gait : (walking, erect posture, physical discomfort).

3-  Facial expressions.

4-  Gestures: hand and body gestures may emphasize and clarity the spoken word, or they may occur without words to indicate a particular feeling or to give a sign.

Ø  Factors influencing the communication process

1-  Development: Language &psychosocial and intellectual development

Knowledge of a clients developmental stage will allow the nurse to modify the message accordingly.

2-  gender: female and male differently: girls tend to use language to seek confirmation, minimize differences, and establish intimacy.

Boys use language to establish independence and negotiate status with a group.

3-  Values and perceptions: Values: are standards that influence behavior and perception: are the personal view of an event.

4-  Personal space: Is the distance people prefer in interactions with others.

Proxemics: is the study of distance between people in their interaction

n  Communication thus alters in accordance with four distances (Tamparo and Lindth,2000)

1-  Intimate: Touching 1 ½ feet (Ex: cuddling a baby, touching the sightless.

2-  Personal: 1 ½ to 4 feet ( Ex: nurse sitting with clients during giving drugs).

3-  Social: 4 to 12 feet. (Ex: the nurse who stands in the doorway and ask a client how are you today.

4-  Public: 12- 15 feet: require loud, clear vocalizations ( Ex: health teaching lecture).

5-  Territoriality: Is a concept of the space and space things that an individual considers as belonging to the self.

6-  Roles and relationships: between sender and receiver affect the communication process. Ex: clients and physician.

7-  Environment: Comfortable, temperature, excessive noise and poorly ventilated environment can interfere with communication.

8-  Congruence: verbal and nonverbal aspects of the message match: Trust prevent miscommunication.

9-  Interpersonal Attitude: Attitudes convey beliefs, thoughts, and feelings about people and event.

Nurse- clients relationship: (therapeutic relationships) (helping relationship) have two goals:

1-  Helps clients manage their problems I living more effectively and develop unused or underused opportunities more fully.

2-  Helps clients become better at helping themselves in their everyday lives

Phase of therapeutic relationship

1-  Pre-interaction phase: similar to the planning stage before interview

-  the nurse has information about the client before the first face to face meeting ( during taking client name, address, age, medical history)

2-  Introductory phase: ( orientation phase)

The clients and the nurse closely observe each other and form judgments about the others behavior.

Benefit of introductory phase:

1-  opening the relationship.

2-  Clarifying the problem.

3-  Structuring and formulation.

3-Working phase: Benefit

1-  Exploring and understanding thoughts and feelings.

2-  Facilitating taking action.

4-  Termination phase: nurse and client accept feelings of loss.


1-  Rubenfeld, M., and Scheffer, B.; Critical Thinking in nursing: An Interactive Approach, 6th eddition, J.B. Lippincott Company,2000,PP:-215-16,220-23.

2-  Linda, S., Williams, D., and Hopper, P.;Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing

10th eddition, F.A. Davis Company,Philadelphia,2000, PP:-14-15.

3-  Haber,J., Krainovich, B. et al.;Comprehensive Psychiatric Nursing,14th eddition, Mosby,Atime Mirror company, 2009,PP:122, 127,242,340-341.