17th March 2010

In Attendance

Tanya ZebroffDFIDChair

Corey Hutington CIDADeputy Chair

Beatrice OmariCIDAMember

Anders FrankenbergSIDAMember

Laura KikuliUSAIDMember

Joe VereUNESCOMember

Agripina HabichtUNESCOSecretariat

Niki AbrishamianUNICEFMember

Mei Mei PengUSAIDMember

Pauline NsanzeUNESCOMember

Freda Wolfenden TESSA Guest

Jane CullenTESSAGuest

Bob MoonTESSAGuest

Absent with Apology

Heinrich HeinrichsGTZMember

Criana ConnalUNESCOMember

Rest LaswayWBMember

Arun JoshWBMember

Jihane GeraudFranceMember

Leoncia SalakanaFranceMember


  1. Opening of the meeting and review of the Agenda
  2. Presentation on the Teacher Education in Sub Saharan Africa (TESSA) Initiative
  3. UK’s New Logo
  4. Approval of Minutes of ED DPG 17thFebruary meeting
  5. Matters Arising from 17th February meeting
  6. Review of status of Current Issues and/or documents
  7. Issues to be raised with MOEVT through the TROIKA
  8. A.O.B.


1.1Guests from Open University UK presented on the Teacher Education for Sub Saharan Africa (TESSA) informing that it was initiated in 2005 and had 9 member countries in Africa including Tanzania.

1.2Informed further that the main activities conducted by the organisation were on Open Education Resource Materials and Tools, Implementation and Support, and Research.

1.3Further information on TESSA activities, membership and teacher resources can be downloaded at the TESSA website on or at the ED DPG website.


2.1DfID introduced the New UK Logo informing that UK efforts to combat global poverty will now be delivered through a new Logo: UKaid, aimed at increasing UK’s public support for development and raising visibility and awareness on how public’s money is spent to that effect.

2.2Informed that through the new approach UK will spend 0.7% of its national income on international development assistance by 2013 and that the logo will be used to build understanding and support for development in the UK and oversees.

2.3Shared DFID films series called “Village Voices”, featuring lives of ordinary Tanzanians in five villages over five years and depicting Tanzania’s effort and fight against poverty and hunger.

2.4Informed that the 2010 EFA Global Monitoring Report was now available and encouraged members to access the report through different sources including downloading same from the EFA website.

2.5Informed further that the soft copy of the report could not be placed on the ED DPG website due to its size exceeding the size of files to be placed on the site.


2.6UNESCO to give summary presentation of the report at the next ED DPG meeting to be held on 14th April 2010.


3.1The Minutes of the 17th February ED DPG meeting were approved withoutadditions or corrections.


4.1MOEVT circulars

4.1.1Informed that the PS had asked the Secretariat to give copies of MOEVT circulars to DPs however this was delayed by the absence of the Commissioner of Education in the office.

4.1.2Informed further that the circulars would be given to the Secretariat on Friday 19th however they would all be in Kiswahili.


4.1.3Obtain and translate the circulars and place on our website.

4.2Circulate roles for TWG Focal Persons

4.2.1Informed that the roles for TWG focal persons had been circulated and that further information had been given in regard to their technical input particularly on suggesting research areas pertaining to the group’s thematic areas.

4.3Form IVand Standard VIIExam Results

4.3.1Informed that 2008 and 2009 summary reports of the Form IV Exam had been obtained from NECTA, translated and placed on our website.

4.3.2Informed further that a full report of the 2009 STDVII exams had been obtained and also placed on our website.


4.3.3Obtain a soft copy of the full 2009 Form IV Exam report.

4.4Completion and printing of the Aide Memoire 2009 and Annual Performance Report 2008-09

4.4.1Informed that a new deadline had been set to end of April for completion and dissemination as the Ministry was still confirming correctness of secondary school data.

4.4.2Advised that since 2008 data presented at the 2008 JESR was different from the one indicated in the 2009 reports, then a footnote be written explaining why the data has been changed.

4.5Submission of PETS recommendations for implementation to MOEVT

4.5.1Informed that the PETS subcommittee had met on the 15th March 2010 to discuss and agree on PETS recommendations for implementation in FY 2010/11 as follows: grants formula system for allocating grants to councils, including clear directions in budget guidelines and other regulations and specific amount to be transferred to schools. circular on teacher attendance; track implementation and enforce penalties for needless or excessive absenteeism. school register to have full accounts of all Government schools in Tanzania to be used for consolidating data for monitoring purposes and in allocation of grants to schools.

4.5.2Informed that four other recommendations had been suggested for further consideration which are: council level budget execution to ensure that financial regulations are followed; in particular grants not used for other purposes and delays in release of grants to schools are minimized. the capitation grants level; (Primary-10, 000/-; Secondary-

25, 000/-) community/parent contributions to primary and secondary schools. teacher-pupil ration especially in rural, difficult and hard to reach areas and from gender perspective.

4.6ETP presentation to DPs

4.6.1Informed that the English translation of the Kiswahili comparative summary of the original and revised ETP had been completed.


4.6.2Secretariat and CIDA to complete reviewing the translation of the document so that DPs can read in advance of a presentation by MOEVT officials, which will be organised shortly thereafter.

4.7Meeting with Publishers Association of Tanzania

4.7.1Informed that the meeting had not been held as PATA had not responded. Informed however that there were plans to organise a stakeholders workshop in which issues regarding textbooks would be discussed.

4.7.2Informed that a presentation on the current textbook situation in Tanzania was done on 5th March by Tony Read at CIDA. A soft copy of the presentation had been circulated to members.


4.7.3SIDA to follow up on whether and when the workshop will be held.

4.7.4Ad hoc DP meeting to be convened by SIDA on March 26th to discuss way forward on textbook issue following ESDC meeting on Marcg 25th.

4.8Transferof Diploma teacher from Primary to Secondary

4.8.1Informed that the ESMIS team had not been able to accomplish the analysis exercise and would therefore give feedback of progress on the next meeting.


4.8.2UNESCO/ESMIS to conduct analysis

4.9Global Week of Action

4.9.1Informed that the planning team had suggested two events in which one would be held in Dar and the other one in Dodoma

4.9.2Advised for a thorough review of the budget as some items had been on the higher side

4.9.3Advised also that the DP representative in the planning team recommend a single event as TEN/MET might not have the capacity to hold two events particularly as the TEN/MET coordinator had passed away.


4.9.4UNICEF to inform on progress and on whether the event will still be held in two places

4.10Katy Allen and Text Books

4.10.1Informed that a meeting with Katy Allen with DPs had not been held and advised that an ad hoc meeting be planned prior to next ED DPG meeting to be held on 14th April 2010.


4.10.2DFID to follow up with Katy Allen on meeting with DPs

4.11DPs supporting TVET

4.11.1Informed that DPs supporting TVET had held a meeting on 25th February to discuss a coordinated assistance.

4.11.2Informed that the meeting had deliberated on raising the financing issue at the next TVET TWG so that the coordination issue would be taken into consideration


4.12.1Informed that the MOEVT PS had not signed the MOU and there had not been feedback on when the MOU would be signed.

4.12.2Informed further that the ESDC Secretariat had informed that the MOU had not been accessed neither read and that a follow up would be made.


4.12.3Bring the WASH MOU issue up at the ESDC TF meeting for follow up

4.13Media Monitoring

4.13.1Informed that UNESCO was still considering the possibility in which education information from the media would be tracked and that feedback on what can be done would be communicated at the next ED DPG meeting of 14th April 2010.


4.13.2UNESCO to follow up on possibility of Media monitoring

4.14Education Sector Report

4.14.1Informed that the report had not been completed as most Agencies had not sent a paragraph indicating activities conducted in the past 6 months.

4.14.2Agreed for agencies to send a paragraph on current activities (2010) by 19th March so that the report can be completed and circulated.


4.14.3Secretariat to follow up with each Agency on paragraph contribution.

4.14.4Meeting to finalise report to be held at DFID, April 12, 2 pm.

AGENDA NO 5:Review of status of Current Issues and/or documents

5.1Progress on MKUKUTA II

5.1.1Informed that the drafting team of the MKUKUTA II document had come up with draft annotated Outline and Operational targets

5.1.2Informed further that a consultation workshop would be held on the 17th March 2010 to seek comments and input from different stakeholders in which DPs from the Education DPG would also attend.

5.1.3Informed that draft DP comments had been compiled for submission to the drafting team, and asked members to comment further by 22nd Monday 2010 so that the documents can be sent to the drafting team.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:15pm and the next meeting date agreed to be on 14th April 2010.

Prepared by:Signed By:


Agripina HabichtTanya Zebroff

ED DPG SecretariatED DPG Chairperson