Local Medical Committee Meeting2 October 2012



James McMichaelChair

David Robertson Hon Secretary

Dave AstleyDerwentside

Jon LevickDerwentside

Fiona McConnellDurham & CLS

Francis WhalleyDurham & CLS

Donna BoydDurham Dales

Kamal SidhuEasington

Norbert DielehnerSedgefield

Mike SpenceSedgefield (Practice Manager)

Heather PrestwichSessional

Robin WadeSessional

Claire ElderLMC


Neil O’BrienND CCG

Phil GoverHealth Squared

Sarah LeeTadea

L12/83 / Apologies for Absence
Richard Harker (Darlington)
Aiden Lavender (Darlington)
Matt Sawyer (Darlington)
Stewart Findlay (Durham Dales)
KV Reddy (Easington)
Mike Spence (Sedgefield – Practice Manager)
Dinah Roy (Sedgefield)
Anne Holmes (Sessional)
John McGuire (Sessional)
Robin Wade (Sessional)
L12/84 / Minutes of the Meeting held on 3 July and 4 September 2012 – were accepted with the following amendments to:
3 July –signed.
4 September – 81.01 Diomorphine Supply Problems should read Diamorphine. KS reported no further supply problems but did though however point out there had been a significant incident in the area with regard to morphine.
L12/85 / Matters Arising
85.01 Smoking Cessassation
L12/86 / Secondary Care Matters
Members felt that Sue Jacques and members of the Trust be invited to the next meeting to discuss Community Care and GP Choices issues.
L12/87 / Primary Care Trust Matters
87.01Energy on Prescription Scheme
Phil Gover and Sarah Lee returned to the LMC with another pilot scheme, which this year will only take in parts of Durham Dales locality and some of the Tees area. The Pilot will be the same as last year that energy can be placed on prescription with the goal to eradicate fuel poverty. PG confirmed that he will meet with the relevant Practice Managers to update them and ask them to help with defining the selection process. Both promised to return to the LMC and update on the Scheme at a later date.
87.02PMS Contracts
Memo of understanding – need a copy to place here.
L12/88 / Primary Care Support
DAR gave a brief outline of
12/89 / Clinical Commissioning Groups
89.01CCG Constitution
Neil O’Brien confirmed that version 8 of the ND CCG Constitution was now available and had been verified with legal advice and would be sent to all 31 Practices. The LMC made an amendment to 1.3.2 regarding the engagement of the LMC – it was for the CCG to engage and not individual Practices.
It was confirmed that the LMC would support the constitution after the above amendment and the Secretary would put this in writing.
89.02 ND CCG – Update (Neil O’Brien)
NO’B confirmed that ND CCG was in a reasonably healthy financial position and did not wish to waste the money on silly schemes but wished to use the non-recurrent funds to help Practices in a practical way. Therefore they had decided to run a possible pilot scheme this year over the winter months. The scheme would be for surgeries to open over the weekend – this would be four sessions paid at £1000 per session. This would be to fund 1 Doctor, 1 Nurse and 1 Receptionist. If the surgery wishes to run without a Nurse then the funding would fall to £750 per session. This scheme would help with winter pressures. There would be no telephone system open and therefore would be 100% walk-in. No systems would be in addition to LESs which currently run and not those who already have a Saturday surgery.
Remuneration is the same for all Practices no matter how big or small they are. The scheme would be flexible in that Practices can decide to run as many sessions between 1 – 4 they wish but the only condition is that it is consistent and for all of the 16 weeks. Practices could draft in locum for the cover if they so desired. This matter would be carefully looked at to see how the scheme impacted on the Ambulance, A&E and UCC services. The scheme would run from 6 November for 4 months (16 weeks). A letter would be going out to Practices shortly to find out who is interested in taking up this scheme.
If all 31 Practices take up this scheme it would cost approximately £2 million.
Members felt that other schemes could have been looked at, ie an LES for Nursing Home Patients or end of life care.
L12/90 / Pertussis NES
This matter was noted – it was felt that the best way to achieve this was to receive the information from Midwives.
L12/91 / Out of Hours Issues
NO’B confirmed that he had met with the FT and he had explained that the CCG were not happy with what the FT provided and it was not what the CCG wished to commission. Members felt that there were gaps in GP provision and they also felt they were paying for a very expensive service and not receiving value for money. Members felt that the service specifications should re-looked at.
L12/92 / Communication from the BMA/GPC
92.01Bribery Act
It was once again noted and NO’B confirmed that ND CCG had read.
Once again the LMC confirmed that they could not and would not share the LMC Reimbursement rates.
L12/93 / Easington Representation
Easington Members reported that they were having problems feeding their issues with regard to Trust matters as most of their patients do not use CDDFT. Members wondered how they feed their issues to the relevant LMC to discuss these matters. The Secretary confirmed that the Regional LMC would meet this week and they would raise the matter there.
L12/94 / Local NHS Organisations
DAR gave a brief outline of the local NHS structures.
L12/95 / General Correspondence
95.01 Work Capability Assessments, ATOS and ESA - letter from MP
This letter was discussed and noted[CDDLMC1].
L12/96 / Any Other Business
Members agreed that the Constitution needed to be amended to take into account that Chester-le-Street was a locality on it’s own now and therefore the seat allowance would read:-
Durham 4 seats
Chester-le-Street 3 seats
96.02 Medical Records – Deceased Patients
Members raised the issue around the return of MRs for deceased patients and wondered whether they could be returned with an electronic disc rather than several reams of paper being used. Claire Elder said that she would look into this matter[CDDLMC2].
L12/97 / Date, Time and Place of Next Meeting
6 November 2012 @ 19.30 in the Board Room at Appleton House

Private and Confidential

Ref: CNE/MINUTES/AGENDAS/LMC/Minutes 2012/3 July 2012

[CDDLMC1]Do you want the MP inviting to the next meeting?

[CDDLMC2]Have requested help from the BMA have looked on line for official docs and am not getting anywhere!