National Union of Teachers
Norfolk Association Executive Meeting
Saturday 23rd January 2016
St Nicholas School, Dereham
Present: Mike Smith(chair), Chrissie Smith,Vicky Warnes, Leticia Willins, Chris Smith,Alix Lewis, Tina Humber, Andy Underwood.
Action / Responsible person
  1. Minutes of the previous Norfolk Division Executive meeting
Minutes of the previous Norfolk OGM (Gathering)
These were notes because the meeting was not quorate.
  1. Matters Arising
Mike suggested that we ensure people know that there will be a twenty minute business meeting at the start of gatherings which those attending need to be present for.
  1. Apologies: Helen, Steve, Scott, Nick, Tim, Sean

  1. Reports
Secretaries report – tabled
Pensions – tabled
International – tabled
ULR – tabled
Treasurersreport – Tina reported that the account is heathy. The accounts are currently with the auditors. She proposed we pay them £50 each as we have done previously.
Secretaries Report – Chrissie reported that alongside the usual level of casework there is an increase in work around new academies. Scott has worked hard on getting academies to pay into facilities. There is now additional work to do consulting on different policies etc coming from the various academy chains and trusts as well as the local authority.
JCC Report – Mike reported that Colin Collis from NASUWT will be retiring as secretary and Mike will be retiring as chair. Mike and Colin will nominate Russell Hammond from NASUWT to become chair and Scott to become secretary. Tim Wilkes has resigned from JCC so Chris who was the reserve will take his place.
JCC will be undergoing change in the future, looking to be more inclusive of academies because the number of LA schools is declining fast. / To be agreed at AGM
  1. Academies and Free Schools
There is an increase in schools looking to form multi academy trusts. Schools are looking to form groups with other schools and avoid being taken over by chains.
West Norfolk Academy trust are not paying into facilities and want to negotiate through their own in house reps. Jayne Spurier the rep at Terrington is working hard to support this. Scott is not going in to these meetings because they do not pay facilities. Mike will attend initially just to mentor the reps. He will not continue to attend in the longer term. The concern is that the other unions send in county officers which makes our refusal to seem unfair
  1. Current Campaigns
Palestine trip
Chris gave a brief outline of what he will be doing.
He will be going on February 13th. He has already attended the briefing meeting in Manchester.
The executive agreed to pay Chris £900 toward the trip with the rest being made up by the union at national level.
Chris brought the resources he has been given. He will be writing a number of reports when he returns.
Chrissie noted that the proposal to give a £200 donation has not yet been brought to a quorate meeting. Therefore she proposed we bring it to the AGM.
Mike noted that our members in special schools were concerned about donating to DPAC because the representative was expressing views that they were not in agreement with.
The Executive were in favour of bringing the motion forward again for debate at the AGM. Chrissie was asked to seek clarification on DPACs policies about inclusion in education. / Propose at AGM to pay £900 toward Chris going to Palestine.
Seek clarification on DPACs policies around inclusion in education / Secretaries
  1. Conference Delegates
Mike suggested we need to clarify our rules for conference delegates. He offered write the change to be proposed at the AGM.
A list of next year’s delegates needs to be circulated. / Mike to write rule change for AGM
Circulate list / Mike
  1. Motions for Conference
A timetable for submission and consideration of conference motions needs to be entered into the plan of work. / Add conference motions to plan of work / Secretaries
  1. Newsletter and website
Chrissie requested articles and reminded everyone that articles can go on the website at any time.
Chrissie will circulate the newsletter deadline. / Newsletter deadline to be circulated / Chrissie

Meeting Closed at 11:10am