Transforming the world to sustainability
Application for Full Membership andChartered Environmentalist
Personal Details(all information mandatory)
Title / First NameSurname / Date of Birth
Organisation / Contact E-mail
Phone Number / Membership number*
*Applicants are required to be existing members of IEMA to apply for this level. IEMA recommend that non-member applicants register for Student, Graduate or Affiliate membership to access support webinars and materials in preparation for this application. You may complete your student/graduate or affiliate application form and submit with this application if you wish.
I confirm that I have read the criteria and application guidance for IEMA Full Membership and Chartered Environmentalist and believe I fulfil the requirements.
I understand that CPD is essential to maintaining my membership and will be required on an annual basis.
By signing this form I declare that I have read and understood the Code of Practice for IEMA and Society for the Environment and will endeavour to uphold these principles in my professional capacity – see page 3 of this application form.
I confirm that my contact details and addresses under my current IEMA membership are correct and up to date so that IEMA can communicate the progress of my application. (You can check and amend your contact details if necessary here)
Supporting Documents Checklist:
Please ensure you have all the information required for IEMA to process your application smoothly:
Completed Application form (and application to join IEMA as a member if appropriate)
Payment Details- found on page 5 of this application from
Supporting Paper: no more than 2000 words
CV: no more than 4 sides of A4
Relevant Masters Certificate OR Paper to Demonstrate Masters Level Knowledge: 500 words
2 signed witness statements – using template on page 4 of this application form
1colour copy of photo ID – driving licence or passport
Print name: / Date:By signing or printing your name electronically on this form you confirm that the information supplied is complete and accurate and understand that your application or resulting qualification/membership may be withdrawn at a later date if the information is found and proved to be false and/or misleading. IEMA will not use details provided in your application for any other purpose than the administration and review of this membership level. By submitting your information you confirm you agree to IEMA using your information as set out in our Privacy Policy.
About Your Interview Assessment
Interview assessments for this level are completed using a videoconference platform which requires a web camera. For more information please see our Interview Adviceleaflet.
If you wish to have a face-to-face interview, assessments centres are still available at an additional charge, please indicate your interest below.
Would you be interested in a face-to-face interview at an additional charge?* / Please SelectYesNoDo you consider yourself to have a disability or similar which prevents you from undertaking an interview via videoconference competently? * / Please SelectYesNo
*If YES, IEMA will call to discuss your options for interview. IEMA has a policy to ensure no candidate is disadvantaged during assessment.
About Your Application:
All applications for Full Membership and/or Chartered Environmentalist are completed in the same way with the same interview assessment. However, it is helpful to understand your current membership situation. Please tick the statement which applies to you:
I am applying for my IEMA Full Membership and Chartered Environmentalist together.
I am a current IEMA Full Member and wish to achieve Chartered Environmentalist.
I have Chartered Environmentalist through another Institute and wish to achieve IEMA Full Membership to transfer my CEnv status.
Why have you decided to apply for IEMA Full and Chartered Environmentalist?How many years relevant work experience do you have in an environment/sustainability role?
What proportion of your role directly relates to sustainability and environmental issues? (e.g. 20% or ¼ of your total hours)
Submit Your Application:
Please print and send four copies of your application to:
Saracen House
Crusader Road
City Office Park
Tritton Road
Please consider the environment when printing out these documents by minimising colour, printing double sided and not using binds or folders.
Contact us:
Tel: +44 (0) 1522 540069E-mail:
Code of Practice for Full Membership and Chartered Environmentalist
As a member of IEMA I will:
- Uphold and promote the environment and sustainability profession;
- Exercise honesty, impartiality, diligence and objectivity in my professional work;
- Support and promote sustainable action and challenge environmentally unsustainable action;
- Work to, and promote, high standards and best practice in the environment and sustainability profession;
- Ensure that professional judgement is not influenced by a conflict of interest and I shall make all relevant parties aware where there is such a conflict;
- Acknowledge my limitations of competence and not undertake work which I know is beyond my professional capability;
- Develop and maintain standards of professional competence and knowledge through a combination of training, learning and practical experience and through the support of others;
- In giving advice, make the relevant person(s) aware of the potential consequences of actions; and
- Endeavour to be an innovative, lateral thinker in the pursuit of environmental improvement and sustainability.
As a Chartered Environmentalist I will:
- Act in accordance with the best principles for the mitigation of environmental harm and the enhancement of environmental quality;
- Strive to ensure that the uses of natural resources are fair and sustainable taking account of the needs of a diverse society;
- Use my skills and experience to serve the needs of the environment and society;
- Serve as an example to others for responsible environmental behaviour;
- Not engage in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation or discrimination; and
- Commit to maintaining my personal professional competence and strive to maintain the integrity and competence of my profession.
By signing the application form you agree to uphold the above Code of Practice
Witness Statement Template – 2 Required
By signing this witness statement you are confirming you have:
- Verified that the supporting paper, CV and other information provided in this application is a fair representation of the candidate’s skills and experience.
- That you know the candidate in a professional capacity.
Full Name
Job Title
Professional Qualifications
(e.g. MSc, MIEMA, CEnv etc.)
Relationship to Candidate
Telephone Number
E-mail Address
IEMA randomly sample witness statements and you may be contacted to confirm authenticity.
Print name: / Date:NOTES:
- Witnesses cannot be the applicants IEMA mentor.
- One or both witnesses should have an environmental/sustainability background and it is preferable but not compulsory if at least one is an IEMA Full and/or Chartered Environmentalist member.
- Examples of a witness include line manager, colleague and/or client.
- Original copies of witness statements are preferred however scanned copies are accepted.
Payment Information
Payment Amount: £410 including VAT.
Please note this page will be removed and destroyed upon completion of your application payment. Please do not print anything on the reverse side of this page.
IEMA will issue an electronic receipt upon completion of payment.
Pay by Credit/Debit Card
Credit/Debit Card / Mastercard / VisaVisa Debit / UK Maestro
Visa Electron / *IEMA do not accept American Express or Solo
Credit/Debit Card Information
Card Holder Name and InitialsCard Number
Start Date
Expiry Date
Issue Number (if paying by UK Maestro)
Card Verification Number
(last three digits on the back of your card)
Cardholder Signature / Date: