LEA: Iredell Statesville Schools
Local Board of Education Chairperson: Dr David Cash
Local Superintendent:Brady Johnson
- (a.1) Title of Person Responsible for Implementing Plan
Brady Johnson, Interim Superintendent
(a.2) Responsibilities of person listed in (a.1)
Chief Administrative Officer of the school system
- Iredell Statesville Schools policies, statements, plans and procedures that promote safe and orderly schools and provide assistance for students who are at-risk of academic failure or engage in disruptive and disorderly conduct:
Board of Education Policies (attached- this section)
- Student Discipline Policy
- Authority of School Personnel
- School Plan of Student Behavior
- Alternative Schools
- Disciplinary Action for Exceptional Children
- Integrity and Civility
- Disruptive Behavior
- Student Dress Code and Uniforms
- Misconduct on a School Vehicle
- Tobacco Products
- Drugs and Alcohol
- Theft, Trespass, and Damage Property
- Assaults, Threats and Harassment
- Weapons, Bomb Threats, and Clear Threats to Safety
- Criminal Behavior
- School Leave Investigations
- Parental Involvement in Student Behavior Issues
- Student Searches
- Drug Testing of Student Athletes
- Student Discipline Records
- Short-Term Suspension
- Removal of Student During the Day
- Long Term Suspension, 365 Day Suspension, Expulsion
- Appeals of Consequences
- Appeals of Long Term Suspensions
- Requests for Readmission of Expelled Students
- Student Discipline Hearing Procedures
- Sexual Harassment Policy
- Sex Offender Policy
- Attendance Policy
- HB 1032- Seclusion and Restraint
- Bullying
Student Codes of Behavior: (See Black Code of Conduct Book- Marked Tab)
Iredell Statesville Schools Strategic Plan
Crime and Violence Report
Annual Climate Survey
Alternative School Program Information
Elementary, Middle, High School Student Handbook
Safe and Drug Free Schools Plan (Grant Application)
Seclusion and Restraint Legislation-Plan and SuperSafeSchool Application
Plans and Procedures that promote safe and orderly schools and provide assistance for students who are at risk of academic failure or engage in disruptive and disorderly conduct:
- Character Education
- RTI/Assistance Teams
- Resource Officers in all Middle and High Schools
- Student Assistance Programs (SAP) in all Middle and High Schools
- Site Based Remediation Programs
- Exceptional Children’s Program K-12 and Preschool with full continuum of services
- Peer Mediation
- Comprehensive Counseling Program (K-12)
- Social Workers
- School Nurses
- Read 180, Corrective Reading
- Write from the Beginning
- Positive Behavior Support ( at 14 Schools)
- NC Standard Course of Study for Health Education (K-9)
- 3 Alternative Schools
- Virtual High School
- Flex Scheduling
- Credit Recovery Program
- After School Enrichment Programs
- Anger Management training at Alternative Schools
- Attendance Make-up Opportunities
- FreshmanAcademy
- Services for McKinney Vento Students
- Methods to share plan with parents and community
- Newspaper coverage
- Availability of plan for review
- Plan online on District Website for review of all stakeholders
- (a.1) Outline Standards of behavior , plus related consequences for not adhering to the standards:
Student Policies
(a.2) Define consequences for student under the age of 13 who physically assault or seriously injure a teacher or other individual on school property or at a school sponsored or school-related activity
A student under the age of 13 and not identified as an exceptional child who physically assaults and seriously injures a teacher or other individual on school property or at a school-sponsored or school-related activity will be suspended , may be charged and may be placed in an Alternative School setting.
Any exceptional child in accordance with Federal Rules and state regulations may be suspended and charged.
(a.3) Outline standards of behavior for school personnel, plus related consequences for not adhering to the standards.
When school personnel violate codes of ethics and standards of conducts as outlined in Board policies and state statutes, such persons will be referred to the Superintendent for standard disciplinary action. We now have an Ethics Hotline where stakeholders can report potential ethical violations anonymously.
- Responsibilities for Personnel in the development and implementation of the Safe Schools Plan including appropriate disciplinary actions for failure to carry out responsibilities:
A Superintendent