Rainbow Animal Rescue, Inc. Email:

Norfolk, VA 23518 (Office) 757-583-8777 (Cell) 757-472-1585


This questionnaire was designed to help us evaluate potential volunteers. Thank you for filling it out!

Please fill in all information—failing to do so slows down the volunteer application process. Thank you!

Applicant’s name: / Date:
Address: / Apt #: / City: / State: / Zip:
Home phone: / Cell phone: / E-mail address:
Are you eighteen or over? Yes No / Are you currently employed? Yes No / Part-time Full-time
Employer name and address:
Do you have any pets? Yes No / If yes, please describe:
Please list any previous experience caring for dogs:
Have you volunteered with any other animal organizations? Yes No
If so, provide name(s), date(s), phone number(s) and supervisor(s):
Explain why you are interested in volunteering with Rainbow Animal Rescue:
Rainbow Animal Rescue, Inc. needs help in the following areas. Please complete the sections that apply to you.
Veterinarian or veterinarian technician experience
Type of experience/license:
Please describe what you would like to do:
Transporting dogs to and from vet appointments
Day(s) of the week you are available for transport
Is there a size restriction?
Yes, I would like to foster a dog. / **If yes, please fill out a Rainbow Animal Rescue Foster Application.
Showing dogs for adoption on various Saturdays at PetsMart, PETCO, Care-A-Lot, etc.
Saturday hours available:
Home Checks
Yes, I would like to be trained to do home checks.
Volunteer Coordinator
Yes, I would like to be the volunteer coordinator.
Foster Coordinator
Yes, I would like to be the foster coordinator.
Special Events and Newsletter
I can do phone solicitation to companies for sponsorship money, goods, and services.
I can work the day of the event.
I can pick up donations from companies.
I can write articles for newsletter.
I can sell ad space for newsletter.
I can label, seal, and take newsletters to post office.
I can maintain a mailing list.
I can distribute promotion ads for events.
I would like to be an event coordinator.
I would like to be on an event planning committee.
Other: If you have a special talent or idea you would like to share, please explain below.

By signing below, I acknowledge that I completely read this questionnaire, comprehend it fully, know that applying does not ensure approval and that untruthful answers or failure to comply with the requirements of this application can result in the immediate termination as a volunteer.

I assume all risks of all personal injuries and property damage, including but not limited to being bitten, scratched, or otherwise injured in connection with my volunteer work for Rainbow Animal Rescue (RoAR). RoAR is not liable to me for any injuries, damages, liabilities, losses, judgments, costs or expenses whatsoever, which I might suffer or sustain in connection with the performance of my volunteer activities for RoAR, including those caused by RoAR’s negligence (but not by RoAR’s intentional misconduct). I will indemnify, defend and hold RoAR, and its agents, guests and other volunteers, harmless from and against any claims, lawsuits, injuries, damages, losses, costs or expenses whatsoever, sustained by any animal or any person, in connection with my performance of volunteer activities for RoAR, or my breach of RoAR’s rules, regulations, policies and programs.

Signature / Date
I certify that I have never been convicted of animal cruelty, abandonment, neglect, or abuse.
Signature / Date
Reviewed by:

Rainbow Animal Rescue, Inc. reserves the right to refuse or deny any application for any reason other than race, creed, color, or religion.

Please return this form to a Rainbow Animal Rescue representative.

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