Training File
Please remember that these sheets are merely a guideline and will have to be tailored for your individual Data Centre.
This file contains the following documents:
Training Checklistp. 2
Request Sheetp. 3
Treasure Huntp. 4
Subset Exercise and Answersp. 7
Statistical Consultations Appointmentsp. 9
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.
Jane Fry
(613) 520.2600 x1121
Training Schedule Check List
- resume
- work study application (OSAP?)
- student #
- Timetable
- Blank Cheque
Day 1 (3 hr):
- Go thru DC .ppt presentation
- tour of DC
- file cabinet with personnel folder, schedule, …
- tour of MADGIC, lunch rm, other door, elevator, HR (with resume and blank check)
- Read thru training book
- our webpage
Day 2 (3 hr):
- student spend time on our webpage
- how to log on to machines
- how to – CANSIM, ICPSR, B20/20
- examples for the students to find
- CANSIM – thousands of bushels of apple production in Ontario between 1944 and 1974, & print it
- ICPSR search – types and outcomes of legal disputes and print it up
- B2020 tables on our webpage - Selected Labour Force, Demographic, Cultural, Educational and Income Characteristics by Sex , Showing Detailed Industry , for Canada, Provinces, Territories and Census Metropolitan Areas, 1996 Census
Day 3 (4 hr):
- Data Centre Treasure Hunt
Day 4 (4 hr):
- How to - subsets
- Subsets Training exercise
Data Centre Questions & Requests
Background Information (legible please!)
Status (check one):
undergrad grad student faculty staff/other
Course # and/or Professor:
Questions or Requests
Survey Name and Date: ______
Answers & Comments (please check if subset done)
Data Centre Treasure Hunt
Inevitably, one of the first questions students ask when they come to the Data Centre is, “which survey can I use?” Students often arrive with a topic or issue in mind but are unsure as to where to begin looking for a survey that would cover the same issues. While we cannot choose the survey for the student, we can recommend some surveys that might cover the topic they are interested in. Knowing which survey to suggest requires both time and familiarity with the collection of surveys available here at the Data Centre. This treasure hunt is designed to help familiarize you with the range of surveys available at the Data Centre. Hopefully it will leave you better prepared to answer that oh so challenging question ... which survey do I use?
The Hunt Is On!
Often the process of recommending a survey to a student requires some investigative work on your part. The clues in this treasure hunt are based on the types of information students tend to give you about the type of data they need.
So, your mission is to find the survey(s) that would answer the clues you are given. Write in the survey name(s) under the clue.
Good Luck!
1. I need data on peoples’ current political beliefs in Australia.
2. I am interested in the relationship between people’s education level and the time they spend on the internet.
3. I need data on what kind of childcare arrangements single mothers tend to choose.
4. My research question is: are women who work full time outside of the home more or less likely to be in physically abusive relationships than women who are not doing full time paid work?
5. I want to know how often Canadians under age 25 go camping each year and what types of activities they engage in when they are camping?
6. My research question is: Do men go to see doctors more than women?
7. I want to know if there is a relationship between age and women’s support of the legalization of abortion in Poland?
8. Where could I find data on how much $ families spend yearly on eating out?
9. Do Germans or Canadians have more national pride?
10. I’m doing a criminology paper and I’d like to look at homicides in the 1970's in Chicago. Do you have data I could use?
11. Are people who have high incomes more likely to support the Conservative party? Does this differ depending on which province they’re from?
12. I need data on seniors and their sense of personal safety in Canada.
13.* Special bonus question*
What questions would you need to ask a student who comes and says “I need data”?
*** Remember this is only a tiny sample of what is available at the Data Centre!
Answersto Data Centre Treasure Hunt
1. Australian Election Survey - 1999
2. Household Internet Use Survey
3. National Childcare Survey 1988
4. Violence Against Women Survey
5. Importance of Nature to Canadians - 1996
6. National Population Health Survey - 1996
7. Polish General Social Survey
8. Foodex - 1996
9. ISSP 1995 - National Identities
10. Homicides in Chicago, 1965-1995
11. National Election Survey - 1997
12. GSS Cycle 14 – Victimization
13. What course is this for (year and dept)? (or what is their prof’s name)
Do you know SPSS?
What is your assignment?
What are your interests?
Subsets Exercise
Do the following subsets in the appropriate directories using your name as the student’s name. Please leave them in the directory after you are done so I can have a look at them. Also, correct any errors you see on this sheet, and write in any survey names that are left out.
After finishing this exercise, you’ll be ready for anything!
***Answers are in italics after the questions.
1. I was looking at the Residential Telephone Service Survey 1998 November
These are the variables I am interested in:
Q02 q03 q05 q07 szcode3 prov1
* these variables are fine
2. If you could put the following variables from the Canadian Drug Survey on disk that would be great.
A1 a2 a3 a4 a6a a7e a7f a10a a10b a10g a11 a38a a38b sex dvagegp1
* sex should be sex1, Survey name is Canadian Alcohol and Drug Use
3. I am interested in the November 1951 Gallup Poll. I need the following variables.
Educ q1b q1e union sex mtongue age income
Thanks so much.
* give them the whole poll because the Gallups are so small
4. From the most recent time use survey I have chosen the following variables:
Agegr1 incm h6 h6a h7 h7a h8 h8a h9 h10 h10a h18 j2j4sp29 sex
Could you please include the weight variables
* should be agegr10, wghtfin. Survey name is GSS Cycle 12, 1998
5. I was searching your website and found the follow-up grad survey of 1990
I am interested in the following variables
A06 g04 g30a8 g30c7mm b34-b39 jobc1 16_p
* no b39, jobc1 doesn’t exist, no 16p
** Survey name is National Graduates Survey, Follow up Survey
6. Hi
I am writing to request a few variables from the Aboriginal survey.
I would like the following variables:
Geog ident regind b1_1c1 b6_6a1 b11 b1111b1 f2_2b1 f2_2b3 f3_3a1 f3_3a3 f3_3d f7_1 hlos totincp
Thanks for your time
* you have to look in the readme.txt file to see that var with ‘_’ in them need to have the ‘_’ replaced with a ‘p’
7. I am interested in doing research on census information ranging from the early 1970’s to the most recent one available. I would like the following information but I only need a 2% sample.
Family size
Language at home
Total family income
Thanks for your time
1971 / 1976 / 1981 / 1986 / 1991 / 1996Province / Province / Prov / prov / prov / provp / Provp
Family Size / Famsize / Famsize / units / unitsp / unitsp / Unitsp
Langauge at home / Langehome / ------ / homelang / homelang / hlnp / Hlnp
Total family Income / usfaminc / ------ / hhinc / hhinc / hhincp / Hhincp
8. From the Sun Exposure Survey I would like to select only those who work outdoor. This would be #1 in q 401. The other variables I am interested in are q403f sex prov dvincad. Thanks
* make sure that the right selection is done
9. Eurobar19: Gender Roles European Community, 1983, I would like only to look at those who are in France. This is variable five and value 1.
V43 v46 sex v256 v261 v265. If I could have a 25% sample that would be great.
Have a good day
* make sure the right selection is done, sex is v255
Statistical Consultation Appointments with Blake
** Please read the Guidelines before booking an appointment. **
Time / Wednesday / Thursday11:00 – 12:00 / 01010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101 / Name:
Phone #:
12:00 – 1:00 / 01010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101 / Name:
Phone #:
1:00 – 2:00 / 01010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101 / Name:
Phone #:
2:00 – 3:00 / 01010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101 / Name:
Phone #:
3:00 – 4:00 / Name:
Phone #:
Course: / Name:
Phone #:
4:00 - 5:00 / Name:
Phone #:
Course: / Name:
Phone #:
5:00 – 6:00 / Name:
Phone #:
Course: / Name:
Phone #:
6:00 – 7:00 / Name:
Phone #:
Course: / Name:
Phone #:
Guidelines For Statistical Appointments
- Students who wish to consult must book an appointment.
- Each student is allowed 1 hour at a time - maximum. When the appointment is finished, the time may be extended at Blake’s discretion if no other student is there for an appointment.
- Students should phone us if they cannot make their appointment. If you miss two appointments without calling to cancel, we will not book any more appointments for you.
- Students who are in the same class may come at the same time.
- Blake is here to give help in statistics and to get students started on their assignments, NOT to do their assignments.