Minutes for November 13, 2017
5:15 PM Public Hearing – Authorizing the Exchange of Property with Prospect Bank
Mayor Smith explained that the City was exchanging parking lots north of Prospect Bank that the City owns for a lot on the south side of the former high school which Prospect Bank owns. Prospect Bank has plans to create parking and green spaces on their property to add to the beautification effort in the downtown area.
5:20 PM Public Hearing – Paris Downtown Streetscape Project
Mayor Smith explained that the ITEP Grant is State of Illinois funds that will be used to create new sidewalks and install new, uniform street lighting in the area from Crawford to Union on Main and Central Streets. The project will be completed in three phases – Phase 1 will be the area around the planned Tiger Senior Apartments. Phase 2 will be the area around Prospect Bank, and Phase 3 will complete the area in between the first two phases around the downtown square. The project will be completed in the next 1.5 to 2 years.
Mayor Smith called the regular meeting of the Paris City Council to order at 5:30 PM. Rich Kash said the opening prayer. Present on roll call were Commissioners Boyer, Branson, Hughes, KemperandMayor Smith.
The Pledge of Allegiance was repeated in unison.
Commissioner Boyermoved for approval of the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Kemper seconded the motion. Included on the consent agenda was the approval of the minutes of the October 23, 2017 regular meeting, bills previously paid $15,101.72, bills to be paid $321,067.55, salaries $269,302.82.All answered aye on roll call, no nays.
- ORDINANCE NO. 12, SERIES 2017 Authorizing Exchange of Property. Commissioner Boyer introduced and moved to approve, Commissioner Kemper seconded the motion. All answered aye on roll call, no nays.
- ORDINANCE NO. 13, SERIES 2017 Amending Chapter 111, Alcoholic Beverages. Commissioner Boyer introduced and moved to approve, Commissioner Kemper seconded the motion. All answered aye on roll call, no nays. Mayor Smith explained that this Ordinance is creating a new class of liquor license – a micro-brewery license for a new business that Bruce Young is opening in the downtown area.
- RESOLUTION of Support – Downtown Streetscape Project ITEP Application. Commissioner Kemper introduced and moved to approve, Commissioner Boyer seconded the motion. All answered aye on roll call, no nays.
- RESOLUTION Accepting the Resignation and Appoint Replacement to the ParisCenter of Fine Arts Board. Commissioner Boyer introduced and moved to approve, Commissioner Kemper seconded the motion. All answered aye on roll call, no nays.
Commissioner Reports
Mayor Smith:
- Information – Illinois Bicentennial Flag Raising Ceremony on Monday, December 4th at noon at City Hall to kick of a yearlong celebration of Illinois’ 200th year of statehood.
Commissioner Boyer:
Commissioner Branson:
Commissioner Kemper:
- Motion to approve the purchase of chlorine feed equipment for the Water Plant from Brooks and Associates, Inc. at the cost of $1,475.00. Commissioner Kemper moved to approve, Commissioner Boyer seconded the motion. All answered aye on roll call, no nays.
- Motion to approve proposal for 18” storm sewer in the 300 block of West Madison Street from B & T Drainage for the cost of $40,945.00. Commissioner Kemper moved to approve, Commissioner Branson seconded the motion. All answered aye on roll call, no nays.
Commissioner Hughes:
- Motion to approve of the 4th annual Reindeer 5K Run on November 25th hosted by the REC. Commissioner Hughes moved to approve, Commissioner Branson seconded the motion. All answered aye on roll call, no nays.
- Information – “CARE” will be hosting a run at Twin Lakes Parks on December 3rd
Dennis stated that his goal is to be sure that City funds are invested safely with a good rate of return.
No report
No report
At 5:45PM Commissioner Boyermoved to adjourn, Commissioner Kemper seconded the motion. All answered aye on roll call, no nays.
Approved City Clerk