Foundation Programme (FP)
Learning Contract
FP pharmacist:Workplace establishment:
This learning contract details the agreement between the FP pharmacist and the Educational Supervisor (ES) / mentor. It should be signed and dated by each party at the start of the FoundationProgramme.
Part One: The Educational Supervisor’s undertaking
I,______(ES’s name) make the following commitments to you, ______(FP pharmacist’s name) for the duration of the FoundationProgramme at this workplace establishment.
I will
- Oversee training that will enable you to develop all the skills, attitudes and knowledge defined by the FPcompetencies and behavioural statements
- Provide support so that you can identify your individual learning needs
- Discuss the quality of evidence you are required to produce to satisfy behavioural statements
- Provide timely feedback
- Undertake supervision and/or communications with practice supervisorsso that meaningful appraisals can be conducted
- Oversee or conduct objective assessments
- Encourage CPD
- Support you in choosing a career pathway
- Make the final decision as to overall competence at completion of the FoundationProgramme
- Treat you in a manner conducive to your learning. This will include:
- giving you the opportunity to contribute and put forward your views
- being approachable and providing help when asked or referring you to a more appropriate source of help
- agreeing targets with you and adapting plans as required
- encouraging and supporting you as much as is possible within the challenging environment
- Welcome feedback from you on all aspects of the FoundationProgramme, including performance of other staff and myself
- Liaise with departmental managers and the local FP Co-ordinator to allow members of the team to devote the required amount of time with you
Signature of ES: ______Date:______
Signature of FP pharmacist: ______Date:______
Foundation Manual 2008-2010 P Petrie
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Foundation Programme (FP)
Learning Contract
FP pharmacist:Workplace establishment:
This learning contract details the agreement between the FP pharmacist and the Educational Supervisor (ES) / mentor. It should be signed and dated by each party at the start of the Foundation Programme.
Part Two: The FP pharmacist’s undertaking
I,______(FP pharmacist’s name) make the following commitments to you, ______(ES’s name) for the duration of the FoundationProgramme at this workplace establishment.
I will
- Take responsibility for my own learning and development by:
-familiarising myself with my own learning style
-participating fully in the development of my learning and personal development plans
-being proactive in seeking learning opportunities
-being independent in finding solutions to problems, where possible
- developing a portfolio of evidence to demonstrate achievement of competence
-using the time allocated to me by practice supervisorsto my best advantage
- Engage in CPD and fulfil the recording requirements of the PSNI
- Adhere to local workplace policies and regulations
- Acquaint myself with the competences outlined in the FP portfolio and endeavour to meet the required standards
- Respect and be prepared to learn from colleagues at all levels
- Be a reliable and trustworthy member of the pharmacy team
- Endeavour to meet the requirements of my post as outlined in my job description
- Receive feedback and use it to help me to develop further
- Provide honest and constructive feedback about the FoundationProgramme and those running the programme and highlight any problems encountered
- Be proactive in my career planning
- Participate in the FPpractice areas to facilitate the FoundationProgramme requirements
Signature of FP pharmacist: ______Date:______
Signature of ES: ______Date:______
Foundation Manual 2008-2010 P Petrie
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