June 1, 2011

To: CTE Educators

From: Dr. Jan Bowers, CWU/CTE Programs Administrator

Dr. Henry Williams, CWU Residency School Principal Program Administrator

Re: Two CTE Options for Applying for CWU Residency School Principal Certification

We are pleased to co-announce and co-provide two options for CTE educators who want to use the OSPI/ CTE Director Intern Program and/or the CWU/CTE graduate program to apply for the CWU Residency School Principal Certification program.

OSPI/CTE Director Program

CTE educators who would like information about the OSPI/CTE Intern program can contact Robert Eckert at for program information.

CWU/CTE Graduate Program

CTE educators who would like information about the CWU/CTE graduate program can contact Dr. Jan Bowers at . The CTE graduate program uses a cohort model, learning communities, technology, field based projects, two summer institutes (3 weeks per summer) and 2 to 3 online courses for the CTE graduate degree. Students use project portfolios or a test or thesis to exit the degree program.

CWU Residency School Principal Certification Program

CTE educators who have a graduate degree and who have completed the OSPI/CTE Director Intern Program or who have taken the CWU residency principal or program administrator required courses in the CTE graduate program can contact Dr. Henry Williams at for application information for the CWU Administrator Certification program.

Professors Bowers, Williams and Eckert look forward to working with CTE educators on their graduate level career goals.