43rd Annual North American Meeting of the Paleopathology Association
Atlanta, Georgia –April 12-13, 2016
Abstract Form
Name and address (including email) of the first author:
This abstract is submitted as a: ____ poster ____ paper ____either
The deadline for submission of abstracts is November 19, 2015.
This paper or poster is submitted for the Cockburn Student Award competition: ___ yes ___ no
(If yes, the first author must be a student, must be a member in good standing of the Paleopathology Association, must preregister for the Annual Meeting, and follow all rules and criteria posted at
This paper or poster is submitted for the IJPP Early Career Award competition: ___ yes ___ no
(If yes, the first author must have received his/her PhD by the time of the meeting but no earlier than 2011, must be a member in good standing of the Paleopathology Association, must preregister for the Annual Meeting, and follow all rules and criteria posted at
The PPA 2016 Annual Meeting Program Committee will notify the first (or sole) authors upon receipt of their abstracts, review each abstract before accepting it for the Scientific Program, and send a notification of the Committee’s decision by January 15, 2016.
If an abstract is rejected by the program committee, the First Author can request a refund of the preregistration fee. That also applies to coauthors who have registered, unless they are First Author on any other accepted paper.
Please send this abstract form (with abstract), as an email attachment, to: Indicate in the title of the attachment: your name, poster or paper, student or regular member (for example:Danforth poster regular or Zakrzewski paper regular).
If email is unavailable, documents can be sent by surface mail to:
Sonia Zakrzewski
PPA (Atlanta)
Abstract Guidelines
Please prepare your abstract in English, single-spaced, Times New Roman 12 pt font.
The title and authors should be formatted as follows:
Lastname1, Firstname1 (affiliation), Lastname2, Firstname2 (affiliation), and Lastname3, Firstname3 (affiliation). TITLE OF PAPER OR POSTER.
The body of the abstract has a limit of 250 words,and should include the aims and objectives of presentation, material and methods, brief results and discussion. If references are used, a maximum of five references (embedded in the text)is allowed, but no figures/tables may be used. It is, however, understood that some presentations will not have this typical structure.
Although authors are free to publish their work in any venue, the topic of abstracts must fall within the aims and scope for the International Journal of Paleopathology, which may be viewed at
Please do not submit abstracts for material already put forward for one of the other meetings being held in Atlanta in April. The program of the AAPA meeting will be checked, and any item accepted for both the AAPA and PPA program will be removed from the PPA program.