DISACT Network Meeting

Tuesday, 23/03/2004, Australian War Memorial Treloar Technology Centre

Attending: Ellie McFadyen (NAA), Barry Cundy (AIATSIS), Mary Paton (ANU), Lydia Press (NLA), Christine Law (Screensound), Jo Wilson (Screensound), Kim Morris (Art & Archival),

Antoinette Buchanan (ACT Heritage Library), Jo Palmer (Aust. Nat. Herbarium), Janet Hughes (NGA), Laura Kennedy (AWM).

1.  Apologies: Bernard Kertesz (AWM).

2.  Minutes of the last meeting and business arising: minutes tabled; issues covered in the agenda items below.

3.  Review of progress on Memorandum of Understanding:

Janet handed out an article on disaster planning overseas and on co-operation between institutions as well as the MOU signature document. She discussed the issues involved in adding small agencies to the MOU.

New AS3745-2002 standard on emergency planning spells out the need for disaster recovery plan, an EPC and ECO (Emergency Control Organisation)

National Audit Office is to review “Safeguarding our Collections”. MOU work seems to be sitting in in-trays and not getting signed off. Responsibility of institutions to initiate cover letter, create a disaster plan, meet Australian standard before signing of MOU. Use NLA or “Be Prepared” guidelines (http://sector.amol.org.au/publications_archive/collections_management/be_prepared)

Institution applying could contact DISACT for mentoring.

ACTION: JH to raise issues with Erica Persak (NGA) who attends the Corporate Management Forum regarding Conservation Centre of Excellence. Tell DCITA there is already co-operation between institutions. DCITA want more response from CHOC and CMF

ACTION: LK to send Christine Law info on how to acquire “Safeguarding our Collections”.

4.  Inter-institutional co-operation and DISACT activities:

Disaster Recovery Workshop: Screensound is unable to fully host DISACT due to the amalgamation with the AFC and the relocation of their Finance section to Sydney. The biggest hurdle is taking other people’s money. Therefore, all agencies agreed to organize the workshop whilst Kim will handle the funding side of things. Screensound will therefore host the next workshop on DISACT’s behalf whilst Kim handles the finances. Suggested date to be early May, possibly12-13 or the week either side. Those candidates who are unsuccessful in getting on this course could join in on a one day workshop at the NLA, Janet suggested the NGA would be interested.

The DISACT seminar: NGA head of Building Services is interested in the AS on fire control and in gas fire suppression.

The DISACT website: Bernard to compile listing of institutions’ emergency contact numbers. Ellie has compilation of all institutions’ materials.

5.  Reports on activities by DISACT members and any incidents experienced:

This information is reported to the meeting but, for confidentiality reasons, will not be posted to the website.

6.  Any other business:

David Gordon provided a post-meeting tour of the Treloar C workshop and storage areas.

Next Meeting: is scheduled to be held June 8 at the NAA in Mitchell at 10am.