Grand Avenue Primary and Nursery School

A Policy for Flexi-Schooling


  1. Definition
  1. Statement
  1. Applying for Flexi-schooling
  1. Criteria for Flexi-schooling
  1. The Role of the Governing Body
  1. Shared Understanding
  1. Shared Agreement
  1. Statutory Rights
  1. Appendices


Flexi-schooling may be defined as when a child is educated at home for part of the school day and attend school for the remainder of the time. The responsibility for a child’s education is shared between school and home according to an agreed contract.


In compliance with legal requirements Grand Avenue consider flexi-schooling as an option for parents. Parents/carers may only select flexi-schooling for their child with the support of the Governing Body. The contract agreed is negotiated between the parent/carer and the Governing Body.

Applying for Flexi-schooling

Parents must put their request in writing to the Headteacher at least three months before they wish the flexi-schooling to take place. (See Appendix A)

Permission for flexi-schooling needs to be granted by the Governing Body before the flexi-schooling may begin. The Curriculum and Welfare Committee will consider the application and advise the Governing Body, based on the Headteachers recommendation

Criteria for applications for flexi-schooling

Each application will be considered taking into account the following

  • The physical and mental well being of the child
  • The physical and mental well being of the parent/carer
  • The educational needs of the child eg SEN, EAL, Able pupil
  • The ability of the parent/carer to provide an environment conducive to learning
  • The headteacher’s recommendation
  • The home tutor’s knowledge and understanding of the demands of the National Curriculum
  • The child’s previous progress in school
  • The social needs of the child
  • The proposed timetable
  • Reports from other agencies eg the LA, speech therapist, Educational Psychologists
  • The proposed learning contract
  • The proposed period of time over which this arrangement is to take place

Decision to Agree or Decline an Application

The Governing Body will make a decision on an application for flexi-schooling within two months of receiving the application. The decision will be made with the Chair of the Governing Body, the Headteacher and the Governors who form theCurriculum and Welfare Committee. The parents will be informed of the Governing Body decision by the headteacher, within 7 days of the decision being made.

Should the request not be granted the parents/carers have a right to appeal, within ten daysof the request being denied.The appeal will be heard by the Governing Body appeals committee.

Shared understanding

When flexi-schooling has been agreed the following conditions will apply

  • An independent inspector from the LA may visit the home to ensure the needs of the child are being met
  • The timetable must remain consistent for the duration of the contract
  • The National Curriculum must be adhered to at all times
  • The success of the flexi-schooling will be reviewed at regular intervals
  • The arrangement may be changed or terminated by the school should the educational or emotional well being of the child be a concern
  • Changes to, or termination of, the agreement may only occur at the beginning of a term or half term period
  • Time spent at home will be marked as ‘Education off site’ within the school register
  • The school’s funding for the child will be unaffected

Shared Agreement

When flexi-schooling is organised a contract outlining all practicalities must be agreed between the school and the parent/carer. (see Appendix B) The contract states

  • The days/half days that the child will attend school
  • The period of time that the flexi-schooling will take place
  • A regular reviewof the arrangements will take place
  • The subjects to be taught at home

Statutory rights

It is noted that a family undertaking flexi-schooling will have the same statutory rights as those children in full time schooling, specifically

  • Parental access to all reports and records
  • Access to meetings with the class teacher
  • Opportunities to attend school events and functions
  • Requests for authorised absences

It is noted that in the case of a child undertaking flexi-schooling that the school retain their statutory rights, specifically with regards to

  • Authorised/unauthorised absence
  • Access to LA reports
  • Reporting to parents/carers any concerns for the child’s well being


Grand Avenue Primary and Nursery School

Application for Flexi-schooling Arrangements

Name of child D.O.B

Year group

Proposed flexi-school timetable

Name of home tutor

Where home education will take place

Subjects to be taught at home

Letter of application (Reasons/plans etc..)

To be submitted to the Headteacher

Signed by parent/carer______



Grand Avenue Primary and Nursery School

Flexi-schooling Contract

I/We have agreed with Grand Avenue Primary and Nursery School that ______(Name of child) will attend school according to the following pattern

Each week






Subjects to be taught at home

This arrangement will start on ______and finish on______

I/We fully understand the agreement being entered in to and take full responsibility for educating______at home,in the agreed subjects, at the agreed times.

I/We will work with the school to review the flexi-schooling regularly.

I/We understand that this arrangement may be changed or terminated by the school should the educational or emotional well being of the child be a concern.

I/We will alert the school to any changes to be made to the agreement as soon as possible and understand changes may only be made at the beginning of a term or half term.

I/We will make every effort to ensure______attends school events and special activities.

Signed by Parent/Carer______


Agreed and signed by Headteacher______
