Q1- Map practice ( history and geography) from SAII syllabus.

Q2- CBSE modal test paper 1 and 2 practice.

Q3- Chapter reading and exercise.

1.  Food security

2.  Democratic right

3.  Natural Vegetation and Wildlife


Project 1:

Design a mathematical newspaper which includes interesting, entertaining, knowledge oriented questions, puzzles, riddles, crosswords, poems, articles, reports, pictures and designs etc. Also, give the appropriate name for the newspaper (minimum of 4 pages).

Project 2:

Project File

(a)  Prepare a project on ‘Historical aspects of π’. You can describe about:

·  Knowledge about π in various ancient civilizations.

·  Approximations for π.

·  Circle and π.

·  Famous mathematical problems featuring π.

(b)  Prove that angles in the same segment are equal. (Using paper cutting and pasting)

Both (a) and (b) should be attached in the same file.


1} Study chapter – 14 “Natural Resources” and “work, energy and power” yourself.

2} Learn chapter 3, 4, and 7.

3} Make a list of element [atom no. 1-20], symbols ,no. of proton , no. of neutron , no. of electron , distribution of electron , valency in A-4 size sheet.

4} Represent Bohr’s Model of an atom for element from Atomic no. 1-20 in separate sheet.

5} do a survey on any one of the following:-

[i] To know about the management of solid waste generated in your neighborhood.

[ii] A survey of to find out no. of student in your class who had cough , cold, fever recently , duration of illness and medicines used.

[iii] To find out the effect of economic state on the growth of children.


The following work has to be done according to your respective roll numbers.

Roll No. Work assigned

1-7 Write the format of an email on an A3 size sheet. Write an email to your friend telling him how you plan to spend the holidays and take put the printout of the email sent.

8-14 Write the format of a notice on an A3 size sheet. As the Head boy/ Head girl of the school write a notice informing the students of your school about a trip that will be going to Pratapgarh farms during the winter holidays.

15-21 Write the format of an informal letter on an A3 size sheet. Write an informal letter to your friend about an interesting project that you did as an activity this year.

22-35 Write the format of a formal letter on an A3 size sheet. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily on any issue related to the present day education system.

36-44 Write the format of a report on an A3 size sheet. Write a report on your school’s Sports day function, for your school newsletter.

Note: Formats are to be laminated

2.  From the grammar workbook do all the exercises from units 1-3