UC Davis, Center for Aquatic Biology and Aquaculture
2015 CABA ScholarshipsApplication Package
All CABA scholarships are open to UC Davis graduate students.The CFFU scholarship is also open to junior and senior undergraduatestudents.Students must bein good academic standing,and beengaged in research on fisheries biology, riparian ecology, or limnetic ecology, that is relevant and beneficial to recreational or commercial fisheries in California.
- California Fly Fishers Unlimited (CFFU), Bob Bittner Scholarship
- The CFFU sponsors one $2,500scholarship.
- This scholarship is open to junior andsenior undergraduate students, and graduate students.
- The student recipient is selected by the CFFU.
- Diablo Valley Fly Fishermen (DVFF), Bob Wisecarver Scholarship
- The DVFF sponsors one $2,500 scholarship, named for Mr. Bob Wisecarver, the first President of the DVFF Club and a well-known conservationist.
- This scholarship is open to graduate students (limited to U.S. Citizens).
- Preference will be given for research on a sport-related fish or its prey.
- The student recipient is selected by a CABA Executive Committee, and reviewed by the DVFF Scholarship Committee prior to approval.
- Fly Fishers of Davis (FFD) Scholarship
- The FFD sponsors one $1,500 scholarship.
- This scholarship is open tograduate students.
- The student recipient is selected by a CABA Executive Committee, and reviewed by the FFD Scholarship Committee prior to approval.
- Marin Rod and Gun Club (MRGC) Scholarships
- The MRGC sponsors two $1,500 scholarships.
- These scholarships are open tograduate students.
- The student recipients are selected by a CABA Executive Committee, and reviewed by the MRGC Scholarship Committee prior to approval.
Application Requirementsfor all Scholarships:
- A completed Application Form (see next page).
- A cover letter (limited to 2 pages) describing your qualifications, interests, career goals, participation in conservation activities, and howyour proposed research project is relevant, applicable, and beneficial to sport and commercial fishing.
- A written statement (limited to 3 pages), outlining your research project and how it will benefit California recreational and commercial fisheries. Statement should be appropriate for and easily comprehensibleby a lay audience.
- All applications must be signed by a faculty advisor and submitted in PDFformatvia email toJoyceBoulanger, JLBoulanger @ucdavis.edu, by Friday, January 30, 2015.
If selected to receive a scholarship, thestudent recipients will be required to:
- Give a 15-20 minute presentation of their project research to the donor club members at a mutually agreed upon date and time.
- Establish and maintain contact with the donor clubafter receipt of the scholarship,and for one additional year (by visit, letter/email, or phone).
- Appropriately recognize the support received from the donor club in any publications resulting from this research/thesis, and provide a copy of the publication to the donor.
UC Davis, Center for Aquatic Biology and Aquaculture
2015 CABA Scholarships Application Form
applicant’s namemailing address
phone number
email address
Please checkthe scholarships you are applying for:
______California Fly Fishers Unlimited (CFFU), Bob BittnerScholarship, $2,500
______Diablo Valley Fly Fishermen (DVFF), Bob Wisecarver Scholarship, $2,500
______Fly Fishers of Davis(FFD) Scholarship, $1,500
______Marin Rod and Gun Club (MRGC) Scholarships, $1,500 (2 are available)
yes / noAre you a U.S. Citizen? (TheDVFF Scholarship is limited to U.S. Citizens)
Summary (limited to 100 words) describing your proposed research,how it is in line with the objectives of the CABA scholarships, and how the funds will assist you in carrying out your work:
If awarded a scholarship, I agree to present my work at a meeting of the donor group in a format that is appropriate to a lay audience.I also agree to acknowledge the donor’s support in any publications resulting from the research.
Applicant’s Signature:_______Date:______
I certify that I have read over the submission materials, believe the student to be in good academic standing, and support his or her scholarship application.
Faculty Advisor’s Signature:_______Date:______