WEDNESDAY MAY 24th 2017 AT 7.30 PM
at Bristol St. Andrews Bowling Club, Derby Road.
1. Chair’s welcome to all and introductions
Attendees: Jo Corke, Jenny Broe, Dennis Broe, Lucy Manning, Jenny Morris, Cllr Mike Davies, David Cemlyn, Agnes McMahon, Sarah McMurchie, Alison Griffies, John Mayne (Chair), Paul Bullivant (Secretary), Doug Reid, Simon Randolph, Kevin Coughlan, Mary Welsh, Faye Aldridge, PC Alan Gentry, Elaine Hicks, Maija Lawrence, Jo Mason
2. Apologies:
Steve Perry (Treasurer), Jon Rogers, Ken Dolbear, Sarah Cemlyn, Sheri Malik, Linda Geddes, Mark Howard, Jon Gulson
3. Approval of the minutes of the AGM and the committee meeting held on 11th April 2017 : Minutes approved
4. Matters arising from the AGM and the last committee meeting not elsewhere on the agenda :-
4.1. Amendment to the constitution:
This is approved. No further action required.
4.2. Paddling pool [JM]
John Mayne referred to the email from Richard Fletcher of 28.04 regarding the council’s current situation
There was a query as to why the council wishes to employ seasonal staff rather than just pay willing council staff to do overtime and also, what is meant by staffing?
There is no further update from Bristol City Council (BCC) at this time but the good news that the pool is planned to be open over the summer as far as we know. We had no confirmation from the Parks Dept.
4.3. Arrangement for toilet opening [JM]
As per above at item 4.2 re: email from Richard Fletcher, no further update
4.4. Rubbish collection [JM]
There was a recent incident where litter was not cleared for a weekend. However, it appears this was a one off due to a misunderstanding and there are no further reports of lack of clearance..
4.5. Replacement tree planting [JC].
A pine has been planted which was not the requested tree but will suffice.
Kevin Coughlan suggested residents of streets around the park could sponsor a tree each. This was felt by many to be a good idea to return to as and when trees may be needed. Currently there are no ‘spaces’ that need a tree in the park. A standard tree costs £295. There is current uncertainty with the council around sponsored trees. Cuts mean that city trees may not be maintained or replaced. There was reference to Chris Wallace’s website
(JM will email this link to Jo Corke) and Bristol City Council hold a record of all trees.
4.6. Repair or replacement of table tennis table [JM].
JM read out the email from Jacq Abraham from the council. A replacement table has been located and approval has been given for the transfer of the table or the replacement part of it needed to St Andrews Park.
4.7. Performance by ‘Pantaloons’ theatre company on 25th June 2017 [AM/PB].
Paul Bullivant relayed the details for A Mid Summer Nights Dream on 25th June 7pm – tickets are on sale! Go to or contact Paul.
Offers to volunteer on the night were received from various people including David Cemlyn, Sarah McMurchie and Maija Lawrence. Jenny and Dennis may have some volunteers from the Henbury Walkers. There will be some set up from 2.30pm but the bulk of volunteers will be needed from 5.30pm.
5. Chair’s Report [JM]:
5.1. Update on the spending freeze by Bristol City Council and recent letter from Richard Fletcher
[copy attached].
Discussed above at 4.2.
5.2. Action on spending freeze by Bristol Parks Forum
JM read out the letter to Cllr Asher Craig from the BPF committee which was not favourable. This was circulated with the agenda. There is a BPF meeting on 24th June at 9.30 am at Redcatch Community Hall, 38 Redcatch Rd, Bristol, BS4 2EP. Cllr Craig is expected to attend the meeting. Jo Corke, Sarah Cemlyn, David Cemlyn, Steve Perry are due to attend. Others are welcome in light of the important issues being discussed.
5.3. Report on recent meeting with Simon Miller re: fundraising for the playground.
Simon Miller has been in touch with Sarah Cemlyn about helping with fundraising for the park play area. He is an environmental consultant with experience of similar applications.
5.4 Parks Volunteer Questionnaire – This was sent out by Becky Belfin – Jo Corke will seek an update and possibly clarify how the information will be used. David Cemlyn highlighted he is against the principle of rota’d volunteering to cover basic park maintenance duties.
Thanks are given to Angela Morrison who has been working on the flower bed between the gate and Maurice Road footpath.
5.5 Correspondence received from members.
JM referred to emails he has received with views of FOSAP supporters about how FOSAP could proceed in light of the cuts. The emails are from Sarah Cemlyn, Ken Dolbear and Mark Howard. There was discussion about the future of FOSAP. Should the group consider being a community partnership/trust? There was a general feeling that the council need to confirm the future as soon as possible to help groups plan their futures.
David Cemlyn proposed that there could be a larger community group for St Andrews which would cover a wider area than the park and a wider range of issues. This could be explored along with any other’s views.
Wellbeing grants, CIL and S106 money will no longer be addressed by Neighbourhood Partnerships (5th June is the last BCR Neighbourhood Partnership meeting partnership). It is currently uncertain how these funds will now be distributed. It could be on a North/South/Central area basis. to discuss its transfer to a community
Paul Bullivant highlighted that FOSAP does also put on community events, such as the Ceilidh , Concerts, Theatre etc and so has a wider reach than just the park.
It was agreed that David C/Sarah C/Jo Corke and Lucy will arrange a meeting, independent of FOSAP but welcoming members, for anyone interested in discussing how to go forward for the benefit of the community.
FOSAP will continue for now as the vehicle it currently is.
6. The financing of future projects and services for discussion [PB for SP]:
See report from SP as attached to the agenda. David Cemlyn said he does not feel funds should be used for funding basic council services – as a matter of principle. He feels we need to keep pressure on BCC. Alex M believes that in terms of general fundraising/donations the best scenario is to try and keep funds free to allocate as the group sees fit, rather than asking/encouraging donors to allocate to a particular fund.
After discussion it was felt best to defer any decision about a Revenue Support heading until SP is in attendance. However it was agreed that the Park Arts account should be closed and funds moved to the current account. A Project Development Fund heading will also be created.
7. Report from Teija Ahjokoski [BCC] – verbal update from JM/PB.
JM read the report from Teija, which focused mainly on the new flower meadows. The cutting of the beds is expected to start at the end of the month.
Seeding of the flower meadows – proposed plans have been circulated by Martin Weitz for new placed shapes. Teija has said that the work is in hand.
· Anti-social behaviour [SM]
PC Alan Gentry reported that there has been a robbery in the park around 1 month ago which reportedly involved schoolchildren robbing one another, allegedly with knives. Schoolchildren have also been using the area by the Depot for smoking cannabis and general anti social behaviour. A lot of police work has gone into this. The bowling club windows have also been smashed. If you witness any incidents – please report immediately.
· Appearance/Heritage/Restoration [JMo]
· Bristol Parks Forum [JM/JC/SP]
· Dog walkers [MWe/KC]
· Graffiti [DR]
· Play area [SC/DC] – We have heard from Jacq Abrahams, as BCC manager for Play Areas, that she is continuing to try to get the Children’s climbing frame repaired and repainted. Also that the BCC Play area inspector will be dealing with the netball post when he visits the park around the first week of June.
· Publicity [MW]
· Recycling & Litter [JG]
· Social and Arts [AM] – NOTE: a volunteer to coordinate our Facebook activity is required.
Alex said that ideally we need several people to be ‘admins’ on the account. Kevin C knows someone interested in helping with the Facebook account. Alex will contact Kevin.
· Wildlife [JC/SR]
9. Treasurer’s Report [SP]:
Nothing further to report.
10. Secretary’s Report [PB]:
Nothing further to report.
11. Neighbourhood Partnerships [JM]:
As above.
12. Any other business:
12.1. For the next meeting: how best to coordinate volunteer's work in the park.
12.2. For a future meeting: Communicating with the public - are we effective?
The meeting dates alternate between Tuesday and Wednesday.
Please note that the names which follow the dates are those who are requested to take minutes at that meeting.
Tue 04.07.17. Jenny Morris.
Wed 06.09.17. Simon Randolph.
Tue 10.10.17. Jo Corke.
Wed 06.12.17. Short committee meeting and xmas social – Paul Bullivant.
Tue 16.01.18. Sarah Cemlyn
Wed 28.02.18. Mary Welsh.
Tue 10.04.18. AGM and committee meeting – Steve Perry.
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