Early Childhood Studies 2016-2017
"This document is unofficial for discussion purposes only. Official degree progress is dictated by the catalog for your matriculation year.
Responsibility for successfully completing the requirements of the program resides with the student.”
Name:ID#:Date Updated:
Minor/Concentration/ etc.:Advisor 1: Advisor 2:
Students must complete “Declaration of Minor/Concentration” form in order for it to appear on your transcript.
SBS Concentration in Early Childhood Studies OR Early Childhood Studies Minor for NON-SBS Majors
Child Development (Choose One):Family:
Course # / Course Title / Term / Grade / CreditsSBS 341 / The Family / 3
Course # / Course Title / Term / Grade / Credits
SBS 305 Child Development
SBS/HRD 200 Multicultural Human Growth & Development
Systems (Choose One):
LAE 200 Education in the US or EDU 100 Exploring Teaching
Leadership & Professionalism (Choose One):SBS 310 Childhood and Society
SBS/LOS 301 Group DynamicsSBS 346 Introduction to Social Services
Course # / Course Title / Term / Grade / CreditsSBS/LOS 302 Organizational Behavior
Course # / Course Title / Term / Grade / CreditsTeaching/ Preparing Children for Learning (Choose One):
SBS 199 Introduction to Early Childhood
Children and Evaluation (Choose One):EDU 336 Children’s Literature
SBS 350 Psychological Disorders in Childhood and AdolescenceSBS 340 Language Acquisition & Literacy Development
SBS 375 Infant Mental Health and AttachmentSBS 391 Mathematics in Early Childhood Education
SBS 450 Approached to Assessing Indv Differences in ChildrenSBS 392 Science in Early Childhood Education
Course # / Course Title / Term / Grade / CreditsSBS 393 Exceptionality in Early Childhood Education
Course # / Course Title / Term / Grade / CreditsCourse # / Course Title / Term / Grade / Credits
SBS Minor in Early Childhood Studies: Only available to SBS majors. Complete requirements of the SBS Concentration in Early Childhood Studies listed above as well as four (4) additional SBS electives (12 credits).
Course # / Course Title / Term / Grade / CreditsSBS Minor in Early Childhood Studies w/ State of Maine’s Early Childhood Teacher Certification 081 Birth-5:
Child Development (Choose One):Family Studies:
Course # / Course Title / Term / Grade / CreditsSBS 341 / The Family / 3
Course # / Course Title / Term / Grade / Credits
SBS 305 Child Development
SBS/ HRD 200 Multicultural Human Growth & Development
Advanced Child Development:
Course # / Course Title / Term / Grade / CreditsSBS 310 / Childhood and Society / 3
Leadership & Professionalism (Choose One):
SBS/LOS 301 Group Dynamics
Course # / Course Title / Term / Grade / Credits3
SBS/LOS 302 Organizational BehaviorLanguage/lit, math, science, exceptionality in ECE:
Course # / Course Title / Term / Grade / CreditsEDU 336 / Children’s Literature / 3
SBS 340 / Lang Aq & Literacy Dev / 3
SBS 391 / Math in ECE / 3
SBS 392 / Science in ECE / 3
SBS 393 / Exceptionality in ECE / 3
Infant/Toddler Development, Evaluation
Course # / Course Title / Term / Grade / CreditsSBS 375 / Inf Mntl Health & Attach / 3
SBS 450 / Assessing Ind Diffs/Child / 3
Course # / Course Title / Term / Grade / Credits
LAC 447 / Internship in EC Setting / 3
**IMPORTANT INFORMATION** Acceptance into the SBS and the Early Childhood (ECE) Teacher (081) Certification Track is contingent upon admission to USM, declaration of the ECE Teacher (081) Certification Track through the Office of Educator Preparation in Tk20, and successful completion of the University's writing and mathematics proficiency requirements. The acceptance criteria, declaration procedures, and candidacy directions can be found on the OEP web site at http://usm.maine.edu/educatorpreparation Acceptance criteria include passing Praxis Core, a GPA of 3.0, a current state criminal history record check, an essay, and two recommendation forms. Once the declaration has been accepted, students must subscribe and pay for Tk20. Students in the Early Childhood Teacher (081) Certification Track must maintain a GPA of 3.0 throughout their program and complete candidacy prior to the LAC447 Internship (with an Early Childhood placement). Candidacy includes passing Praxis II, a GPA of 3.0, an essay, three recommendation forms, and interview.