Letter of Instruction (LOI) for
Pre-Deployment Training
- Purpose: This LOI provides guidance for attendance and participation in Pre-Deployment training, to be held on 10-11 Apr 10 in Wichita, KS.
- Application: This LOI applies to all Service Members and their Families who attend Pre-Deployment events. It also applies to service providers and presenters.
- Background: The Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) mandated Pre-Deployment training for all Reserve Component (RC) personnel preparing for deployment for Contingency Operations. The Adjutant General of Kansas mandated Pre-Deployment training for all Members of the Kansas National Guard preparing for deployment for Contingency Operations. Pre-Deployment training is designed to meet the mandatory training requirements (IAW National Defense Authorization Act 2008, section 582, Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program (YRRP)) and provide valuable information for Service Members and their Families.
- Responsibilities:
The participating unit is responsible for providing a roster to the Yellow Ribbon Support Specialist (YRSS) NLT 15 Mar 10, providing Pay and Allowances for all Service Members, and maintaining 100% personnel accountability throughout the training event. Primary responsibility for personnel accountability onsite will be designated by the senior NCO for each unit. Command shall provide the YRSS registration numbers of unaccompanied Members whowill be attending NLT two weeks prior to the event. Command input regarding topics of instruction or desired additional instruction will be coordinated by the YRSS for final input to the event agenda.
The YRSS is responsible for scheduling Pre-Deployment training, contacting and coordinating unit Command, maintaining the integrity of the policy guidance, contacting and scheduling presenters, contacting service providers, utilizing Subject Matter Expert (SME) presenters, developing an agenda, collecting and analyzing evaluation reports, and conducting After Action Reviews (AAR) with participating units, presenters, and Yellow Ribbon personnel.
The Yellow Ribbon budget manager is responsible forcoordinating fiscal requirements for the Family Members and the event with the Contracting Office - USPFO, Unit S4 (Supply/Logistics) and the facility where the contract for training will occur. The State Family Program director (SFPD) is responsible forsupporting the YRRP event with staff and resources as needed, for the registration of Family Members, and for communicatingthose numbers to the YRSS. The POC for Family registration is SGT John Doe.
Presenters are responsible forhaving their presentations to the Yellow Ribbon Team NLT 2 weeks prior to the scheduled event. Their requirements are to be on location 1hour prior to the scheduled start time to present information in an organized, professional manner; to maintain the time limits set in the agenda;and to provide all handouts and take-home materials for Service Members at the event or as needed.
Service providers will request needed table and space requirements to the YRSS lead NLT 22 Mar 10, and be on location 1 hour prior to start time.
The host facility is responsible forproviding all space and services contracted for and providing on-site support as needed.
- Action: Service Members will be seated NLT 0800, 10 Apr 10 for Pre-Deploymenttraining. Training will conclude at 1200, 11 Apr 10. Location is Wichita Marriott, 9100 Corporate Hills Drive, Wichita, KS 67207. It is suggested that the uniform is ACU/ABU/Flight Suit, as appropriate. Lodging for Family Members who reside more than 50 miles from Wichita, KS is available depending on funds available.
- Description: Training schedule: (Example)
(Breaks will be scheduled throughout the event to accommodate the number of attendees)
0800-1200: Training (General Session)
1200-1300: Meal break (noon meal provided)
1300-1600: Training (Round Robin)
0800-1200: Training (General Session)
Sample agenda is attached.
Briefings will include related Yellow Ribbon support subjects, which may include Transition Assistance Program and TURBOTAP, TRICARE, Department of Veterans Affairs medical and benefits briefings, Vet Center, personal finance counselors, Military OneSource, Director of Psychological Health, Employer Support of Guard and Reserve (ESGR) and US Department of Labor, Kansas Army and Air National Guard service and support, education, retention, Family Program, Military Family Life Consultants, Chaplains’ Programs, Substance Abuse Prevention, Suicide Prevention, BATTLEMIND (Resiliency Training), and Veterans service organizations. Unit Command will be contacted by YRRP Team to plan agenda topics.
- Agenda (Sample)
Time / Subject
0800-0810 / Introduction, Yellow Ribbon Support
0810-0830 / Commander’s Welcome
0830-0900 / Employer Support of Guard and Reserve (ESGR)
0900-0945 / TRICARE
0945-1000 / Education Opportunities
1000-1020 / Break
1020-1100 / Stressors - Chaplain
1100-1130 / Director of Psychological Health
1130-1300 / Lunch
1300-1400 / First Session of Round Robin Workshops
Single Service Members
Youth Programs
Family Programs
1405-1500 / Second Session of Round Robin Workshops
Service Providers Area Visiting
Youth Programs
Financial Survival
Family Programs
1505-1600 / Third Session of Round Robin Workshops
Service Providers Area Visiting
Unit Time (Administration)
Relationships - Chaplain
1600 / END OF DAY 1
Time / Subject
0800-0810 / Introduction, Yellow Ribbon Support
0810-0830 / Commander’s Comments
0830-0900 / Military Pay
0900-0945 / Guarding Your Personal Information
0945-1000 / Wills and Power of Attorney
1000-1020 / Break
1020-1100 / Battlemind for Families
1100-1130 / Resiliency
1130-1200 / Closing/Surveys/Commander’s Comments
1200 / END OF DAY 2
- Point of contact (POC) is:
John Doe
Adapted from Kansas