Running a Faculty Activity Report Query in MyUAlbany
Faculty Activity Report Review Queries
Login to MyUAlbany.
In the Faculty Activity Report Review section, select the Queries link .
In the Search by field, enter the first few letters of the query name. All Faculty Activity queries begin with UAFAR.
Select the Search button .
Select the Run hyperlink that is on the same row of data as the query that you want to run.
A new window will open similar to the one below. This particular query has a prompt that lets you fill in the desired Reporting Year (i.e. 0607).
Enter the desired four digits in the Reporting Year field – for 2006-2007 enter 0607.
Select the View Results button .
The results of the query will appear in a list.
If you see an active View All link on the left side of the page above the query results, select it so that all of the data from the query displays.
You can simply view the data on your computer monitor, download it to an Excel spreadsheet or use the data to populate an established Pivot Table template.
Populate a Pivot Table
A Pivot Table summarizes data in spreadsheets and presents the result in ways that may be more useful to you. A Pivot Table Template has been created for each of the Faculty Activity Report queries.
Be sure to select the View All link so that more than just the first 100 data rows will show on the screen.
Highlight the number 1 in the first data row.
Use the scroll bar at the bottom of the page to scroll to the right as far as you can, so that the last data column is showing. Use the scroll bar at the right of the page to scroll down to the bottom of the page so that the last row of data is showing.
Hold down the Shift key and left click with your mouse button so that your cursor is in the last data cell, whether it has some data in it or is blank.
You will see all the data on the screen become highlighted. This means it is “selected”.
Perform a copy operation (from the Edit menu of your internet browser, choose Copy, or simultaneously hold down the CTRL key and press the letter “C”).
Open up the appropriate FAR Excel template, in this case, the file named Pubs_Reports_Template.xls.
It should open automatically to the Data tab, and the cursor or highlighted cell will be cell A2.
Since you have already copied the data from the query, simply paste the data from the query by performing a Paste operation (from Edit menu of your internet browser, choose Paste, or simultaneously hold down the CTRL key and press the letter V”).
Click on any of the other worksheet tabs to update the pre-designed pivot tables. In this example it is the Pub Types tab.
Position your cursor anywhere in the table, and right click your mouse.
Choose the option for Refresh Data.
The table will automatically refresh with the new data.
Refresh all of the other pivot tables on the other tabs in the workbook.
From the menu selectFile – Save As to save the file as its original name and substitute the date for the word Template.
In this example the file would be called Pubs_Reports_6-12-07.xls.
Select the Save button .
You can also modify the current pivot table to produce your own customized output.
For example:
You could remove the Dept grouping by clicking on the “Dept” button in cell A5 and dragging it off the pivot table. This would lead to a total summary of different publication types for all rows in the “Data” sheet.
Download Query Results to Excel Spreadsheet
Select the Excel 2K Spreadsheet hyperlink to download the query results into Excel.
The query results are exported to an Excel spreadsheet where the data can be modified to the user’s preference. A new window will open similar to the one below.
You will notice that it looks like you are still in the browser and not Excel. However, if you look at the menu bar you will see Excel features such as Data – Sort, etc.
You can also save the file to your hard drive or network drive. Choose File, Save As. Make sure that the Save as type says Microsoft Excel Workbook.
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