Dè tha dol?

Àrd-sgoil Seachdain a’ tòiseachadh 18 Màrt 2013

Deitichean son an Leabhar-latha
Dimàirt 26 Màrt – S4 and S5 Options Evening
Diciadain 27 Màrt - Careers Carousel (in school). All S2 and S3 pupils attending in the morning.
A’ fàgail beannachd
We say adieu to Kirsty Campbell who was with us in Biology for a placement. We look forward to welcoming Kirsty again later in the session.
Erasmus Students - Asturias
Hola! We had a visit from 5 B Ed students who are in Scotland for 3 months. As part of their induction to Glasgow they observed some classes and had a tour of the school. They were looking at Contextualised Learning in Language and they asked to pass on their thanks to all pupils and staff who welcomed them and showed them Gaelic Medium Education in action.
Sainsbury’s Vouchers
Please remember if you shop at Sainsburys that you collect the Active Kids vouchers (AK13) and send them in to the school office.
Latha na Sròine Deirge – Red Nose Day
Airson a bhith a’ comharrachadh 25 bliadhna Comic Relief bha grunn rudan a’ dol air feadh na sgoile. Am measg na bha dol air adhart, bha latha gun èideadh sgoile aig sgoilearan na bun-sgoile a’ cur orra aodach o na 80an is bha sgoilearan na h-àrd-sgoile a’ cosg aodach dearg agus iad uile a’ phàigheadh £1 son a’ charthannas.
Comic Relief fundraising activities have raised £1,100 with some more money still to be counted. Nach math a rinn sibh uile – tha sinn fada nur comain.
Immersion week with children from 3 years up. £50 per Adult and £10 per child. FEW REMAINING PLACES. For more information please contact Elaine Michie on 07722070293 or
Làrach-lìn – Website
Tha sinn a’ leasachadh an làrach lìn againn agus mar pàirt dhen seo tha cuid a chlasaichean air blogs a chruthachadh. Cum sùil orra airson naidheachd is fiosrachadh.
We are developing our website and as part of this some classes have created blogs. Keep an eye on them for class information and news.
Club Bracaist – Breakfast Club
Breakfast - toast, juice and cereal 50p. Open from 8.00 – 9.00 pm for pupils who are purchasing breakfast. Cordia staff are only responsible for pupils purchasing a breakfast. Tighter guidelines regarding fire procedures have raised concerns re pupils arriving in that time who are not participating in the breakfast club. School staff supervise in the dining hall from 8:30am onwards, therefore pupils who are not purchasing breakfast should not be in the dining hall before 8:30am.
UK Maths Trust Team Challenge
Mr Smith took 4 pupils to the S1/S2 UK Maths Trust Team Challenge on Friday 15th April at the West of Scotland University in Paisley. They competed in 4 rounds and tried some very challenging maths! Well done to Lewis Grimmer, Harry McGrory, Rosie Urquhart and Eilidh Miller who came 13th out of 25 schools, which is an excellent result. The pupils were a credit to the school and to themselves in terms of attitude, behaviour and effort. Mr Smith enjoyed the day thoroughly and hopefully the pupils enjoyed the day and improved their teamwork and maths skills!
Laithean Saora an Earraich - Spring Holidays
Sgoil a’ dùnadh air Diardaoin 28 Am Màrt 2013 aig 2:30f.
School will close at 2:30pm on Thursday 28 March 2013.
Sgoil a’ fosgladh air Diluain 15 An Giblean 2013 aig 9:00sm
School re-opens at 9:00am on Monday 15 April 2013.
Glasgow Music Festival
Tha sinn an dòchas gun tèid gu math leis na tha a’ gabhail pàirt anns an fhèis. We wish all our participants the very best. Gur a math a thèid dhuibh.
Clas Ùlpan
Here’s the new language from the Ùlpan course this week:
Naidheachdan Spòrs
You can follow us on Twitter - Add us on @gaelicschool
Diluain 18 Gearran
Music Practical Exams
S G Eachdraidh 15 pupils till 10.35
Higher English Prelim periods 5 and 6
S1 Lunchtime Club, Teicneòlas
Fraingis Supported Study lunch time
Supported Study Matamataig Àrd Ìre an dèidh sgoil Mgr Mac a’ Ghobhainn
Supported Study Matamataig S4, Eadar 2 an dèidh sgoil Ms McSherry
Supported Study Beurla Ms Capocci
Supported Study Grafaigs, Dealbh agus Dèanamh
Supported Study Music after school
S1, S2 Gaelic Homework Club 3.05 – 4.05 Mrs Little
Dimàirt 19
Engineering Carousel (five S5/6 pupils participating) City Chambers 9.15am-1.30pm
Biology Higher Prelim am
Int 2 Exam, Periods 5 and 6 some S5/6 pupils will be sitting
Dodgeball lunchtime
Viola Maier from Germany is seeing S1 History Period 6
S5/6 Supported Study Ealain after school
Supported Study Eachdraidh
Toryglen Boys’ Football after school 4.30 – 6.00
S5/6 Parents’ Evening
Comann Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu Professor William Gillies 7.30
Diciadain 20
Anniesland College Open Day Visit (twelve S4/5 pupils) morning (approx 2hrs)
Higher English Prelim Periods 2 and 3
S4 Graphics Prelim
S5/6 Int2/Int1 Maths Prelim
Tha film club air anns an rum aig Ms NicNeill, 1.00 - Miss NicNeacail
Buidheann Eco, Mrs Morrison
Fraingis Supported Study lunch time
Supported Study 3.05 – 4.05 Biology SF
Supported Study – Beurla
Supported Study Physics
Supported Study Grafaigs, Dealbh agus Dèanamh
S1, S2 Gaelic Homework Club today
Rugby and Athletics After School
Diardaoin 21
Paired Reading – registration – rùm Mrs Monk
Viola Maier from Germany with S4 Period 3
HPV S2 Girls
Higher Maths Prelim
Chemistry Standard Grade Prelim Periods 1, 2, 3
Debating club 1.00 pm
Football Training for S1-S4 Boys, 4.10 – 5.10 with Mr Crichton on the school pitch.
Dihaoine 22 Màrt
Paired Reading – registration – rùm Mrs Monk
PE/Int2 PE Prelim
Higher Maths Exam
Ògras Exchange visit to Galway
Table Tennis and Rowing Lunchtime
Athletics Lunchtime
Ealain S4 Supported Study
Film G Awards
Disathairne 16
Leabhar is Craic CCA
Didòmhnaich 17

Easter Pupil Revision Conference

Pupil Revision Conference days at Glasgow Caledonian University. The daily cost is £18.

Friday 5 AprilHigher Physics

Monday 8 AprilHigher Chemistry

Tuesday 9 AprilHigher French

Wednesday 10 AprilHigher Maths

Thursday 11 AprilHigher Computing

Friday 12 AprilHigher History

Further information available from AOK Learning

Easter Revision Courses

The Alliance Française de Glasgow will be running semi-intensive revision courses in French between Monday 8th and Friday 12th April for Standard Grade, Higher and Advanced Higher pupils. These courses will take between Monday 8th and Friday 12th April as follows: For Secondary School Pupils: - Higher 10.00am-1.00pm - Standard Grade 2.00 -5.00 pm The cost to attend this course is £85 per pupil. If you wish to enrol for either of these courses, please contact or visit the Language Office at the Alliance Française by Wednesday 27th March 2013. Please note that places are strictly limited and cannot be reserved until payment has been received.

Venue: Alliance Française de Glasgow, 3 Park Circus, Glasgow G3 6AX Telephone: 0141 331 4080 Email:

S@S Accelerate 1

Monday 24th to Friday 28th June 2013

Want to find out more about the career you would like to follow?

Interested in finding out what it’s like to study at university?

Want to boost your chances of success in the future?

Held at the University of Strathclyde, ‘S@S Accelerate 1’ is a week-long programme for pupils at the end of S4, S5 and S6.

Through a series of group activities, you will be able to find out more about the career you are interested in following. There are five courses that you can choose from, depending on what you might like to study after school:

• Mini Space Academy (Electronic & Electrical Engineering)

• Astrophysics

• Product Design

• Psychology

• English Literature

Led by current university students who will act as your mentors, you and your team will complete our exciting five day challenge programme, as well as attending career workshops and getting a chance to see what student life is like.

What’s in it for you?

• Find out about the different areas of the career you would like to follow

• Discover what studying and working in your chosen field is really like

• Discuss your career and academic options with professionals and university staff

• Meet new friends and work with current University students

S@S Accelerate 2

Monday 22nd to Friday 26th July 2013

There are seven areas that you can choose from, depending on what you think you might like to study after school:

• Law

• Sport

• Business and Enterprise

• Languages

• Chemistry

• Education

• Physics

Led by current university students who will act as your mentors, you and your team will complete our exciting five day Challenge programme, as well as attending career workshops and getting a chance to see what student life is like.

The cost of S@S Accelerate is £100.

For further information, visit our website at or contact us at

. You can also phone us on 0141 548 3799.

Easter Revision

Cardonald College Glasgow offers Easter revision programmes in English, Maths, French, Biology, Physics and Chemistry at Higher level.

Delivered by experienced tutors, classes focus on exam techniques study skills and revision method. Tuition is in small groups with an opportunity for one-to-one support.

Individual classes are eight hours in total and delivered in two hour slots over four days.

Packages available

  • one subject: £75
  • two subjects: £130
  • three subjects: £200

Contact us

For more information, please call our Training Solutions Team on 0141 272 3331 or email

Sgeama Còmhnaidh nan Oileanach

Tha Sgeama Còmhnaidh nan Oileanach 2013-14 a-nise fosgailte airson iarrtasan!
'S e pròiseict shònraichte a th' ann an Sgeama Còmhnaidh nan Oileanach, a bhios a' toirt cothrom do dh'oileanaich aig a bheil a' Ghàidhlig fuireach còmhla airson bliadhna acadaimigeach agus Gàidhlig a chleachdadh mar chànan làitheil am measg oileanaich eile.
Tha Sgeama Còmhnaidh nan Oileanach fosgailte do dh'oileanaich sam bith aig Oilthigh Ghlaschu a tha fileanta sa Ghàidhlig, a dh'aindeoin dè an cuspair a bhios iad ag ionnsachadh san Oilthigh.
Tha cothrom aig oileanaich air an Sgeama ceangal làidir a chumail ris a' Ghàidhlig fhad 's a bhios iad san Oilthigh, agus cothrom a dhol an sàs le iomairt Ghàidhlig an Oilthighe, Gàidhlig @ Oilthigh Ghlaschu.
Tha Sgeama Còmhnaidh nan Oileanach air a bhith a' ruith airson ceithir bliadhnaichean a-nise, seo na bh' aig oileanaich a ghabh pàirt ann ri ràdh....
"Thug an sgeama buaidh mhòr air mo chuid Ghàidhlig... A bharrachd air na sgilean cànain agam a neartachadh, thug an sgeama fada a bharrachd misneachd dhomh a bhith a' cleachdadh Gàidhlig ann an suidheachadh sam bith"
- Calum MacLeòid, 2012-13
"Dh'fhàs mi cleachdte ri bhith a' bruidhinn Gàidhlig mun cuairt an Oilthigh...is fhuair mi barrachd misneachd"
- Catherine Tinney, 2009-10
/ "Bha e na buannachd mhòr dhomhsa a bhith a' bruidhinn Gàidhlig gach latha ann an suidheachadh mì-fhoirmeil...rinn mi torr charaidean is chaidh sinn gu tachartasan Gàidhlig còmhla"
-Victoria Kilgour, 2010-11
"Chòrd e rium gun robh sinn uile còmhla, 's uile an sàs ann an Gàidhlig aig an Oilthigh...bha mòran fealla-dhà a-staigh san flat againn!"
-Ross MacSorley, 2010-11

Tha Foirm Iarrtais agus Cùmhnant airson Sgeama Còmhnaidh nan Oileanach 2013-14 ri fhaotainn air-loidhne aig
*Feumaidh iarrtasan airson 2013-14 a bhith a-staigh ro 5f air Dihaoine 29mh Màrt*
Ma tha ùidh agad anns an sgeama, tha barrachd fios ri fhaighinn air làrach-lìn Gàidhlig @ Oilthigh Ghlaschu & làrach-lìn Taigh na Gàidhlig, neo tha fàilte ort sgrìobhadh gu Fiona Dunn, Oifigear Gàidhlig an Oilthighe - aig - le ceistean sam bith a bhios agad.

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Exam preparation

A collection of resources to help teachers, students and parents prepare for exams.

Exam information

Exam timetable 2013

Learners can create and view their own personal exam timetable using the Scottish Qualification Authority's online timetable builder.

Your Exams 2012

This SQA booklet tells learners what to expect and what to do, and how they will receive their results and their certificate.


BBC Bitesize

Revision tools from the BBC for students studying for Scottish and English qualifications.

SQA: Past question papers

SQA from where you can download National Qualification question papers - completely free of charge.

Dealing with stress

PDF file: Childline - Beat Exam Stress

Childline has produced a leaflet about how to beat exam stress. It has tips on how to revise and useful information to help you get ready for your exams.

Beat exam stress

Part of the NHS Live Well section, this advice on helping teenagers cope with exam stress is aimed at parents and carers.

Study skills

SQA Study Guides

SQA Study Guides are designed to help candidates prepare for their exams no matter what subject they are studying.

Study Skills

Young people can learn how to become effective learners and how to manage their own learning with this new interactive resource. The section for 15-18-year-olds has activities on how to make the most of lectures, how to revise for exams, and how to explore different styles and strategies for learning.

BBC Brainsmart (Scotland)

Find out about the 100 billion brain cells that make you the person you are. Learn about maximising memory, boosting motivation and making plans that really work.