AYSO Board Meeting Minutes

March 6, 2013

6:00 PM–Mi Zacatecas - American Canyon

Board Members

Sam Link, Regional Commissioner -P
Cynthia Murphy, Treasurer - A
Melissa Diehl, Registrar - P
Stephanie Jones, Registrar - P
Fernando Flores, Coach Administrator - P
Kirk Connors, Coach Administrator - P
Derik Vides, Coach Administrator - A
Diego Ortiz, Elite (EXTRA) Coach Administrator
Jose Segura, Elite (EXTRA) Coach Administrator
Travis Behn, Coach Trainer - P / Bruce Jones, Referee Administrator - P
Robert Vega, Assistant Referee Administrator - A
Alisa Riddle, Assistant Referee Administrator - P
Duane Burnett, Assistant Referee Administrator - A
Al Frevle, Referee Trainer - A
Jose Naranjo, Safety Director - P
Rosa Zepeda, Purchaser - P
Mellissa Dugdale, CVPA - P
Donell Mannor, Assistant CVPA
Gus Viale, VIP Administrator

Board Member – P (Present)

Board Member – A (Absent)

Proposed Board member, Present, Confirmed

Proposed Board member, not present, no vote confirm

TopicResponsible Time

OpeningBoard 6:00

Treasury ReportMurphy 6:05

Treasurer was not present at meeting. Section postponed until next board meeting.

  • Outstanding AP
  • Receipts received from Rosa, Bruce, and Melissa Dugdale for Conference. Kirk to send mileage.
  • Account Balance
  • Not Available
  • Checks
  • Not Available
  • DWC registration
  • Need $1150 for DWC, 2 teams

Section 2/9 Conference Overview 6:08

  • CVPADugdale
  • Our region can either annually a) have all volunteers sit through a 3 hour in person Safe Haven course led by Melissa and Donell, or B) take the online Safe Haven course. Our region has opted to have ALL volunteers take the Safe Haven course annually online.
  • CVPS has several new forms for the coaches to add to their binders. These include:
  • Concussion release
  • Player release (to be signed by parents) for their child to leave the field after practice/game w/o a parent/guardian, allow for child to ride with another adult who is not theirparent/guardian, etc.
  • Introduced Donell Mannor as proposed CVPA Assistant and voted in, 10-Y, 1-N. Welcome Donell!
  • Background check will happen faster though AYSO National. Finger printing not necessary for AYSO National, but is required by Napa County.
  • All volunteers that work with team, even if it is a parent who brings pizza to the end of every game, must have a volunteer form in and approved by CVPA.
  • Need to reinstate Field Marshal Program for spot checks of field practices and games.
  • RegistrationDiehl/S. Jones
  • Parents who wish to make requests for a specific coach and/or player pairing must do so in writing. No guarantees will be made confirming fulfillment of request at time of submission.
  • CoachingConnors
  • New coaching manuals are coming from AYSO. Much improved. Once we have a copy of manuals in hand, Kirk, Fernando, Derik, Diego and Jose will go through to add Region specific guidelines.
  • RefereeB. Jones
  • NO RED CARDS TO COACHES OR PARENTS. It is a sign of aggression, Referees may only card players. (noted that this is new or different from past Section 2 play)
  • Youth volunteer Retention: Planning for a Youth Referee luncheon.
  • Reward and acknowledgement for referees.
  • VIPLink
  • We are planning to offer VIP play for Napa Valley. Gus Viale is planned VIP Administrator. Sam to confirm Gus and introduce to NVUSD Special Ed Director.

Coaching Update

  • Select Coaching UpdateFlores/Connors/Vides 7:01
  • Coaching Advancement Opportunities
  • Introduced Diego Ortiz and Jose Segura as proposed Elite Coach Administrators and voted in unanimously. Welcome Diego and Jose!
  • Tiny Kickers ReadinessBehn
  • Travis needs to know how many TKs to plan for – estimate 30
  • Flyers need to be generated for program
  • Reminder that it is Master Coach – Parent – Child, with jamboree play afterwards.
  • If U5 is successful, plan of repeating same curriculum with U6.

Referee Update Jones/Vega/Burnett 7:12

  • Winter Referees
  • Issue with last U12 game where ¾ play rule was not observed. Coach believed it was ½ time play rule. Discussedand discovered that player who played ½ game arrived late – after game started. In future, ¾ rule will need to be observed and enforced.
  • Referee Advancement Opportunities

RegistrarDiehl/Jones 7:26

  • Health Check for Registration 2013
  • Venue/Dates
  • Reserved and Set
  • Signage
  • Large signs and stickers w/ new times/dates for existing signage are in. Waiting on yard signage pricing.
  • Flyers
  • VUSD and NVUSD flyers done, approved and waiting to go to printer
  • Media
  • Newspaper, radio spot attention needs to be addressed. Interview with Register/Vallejo Time herald needs to be completed.

Registrar (cont.)Diehl/Jones 7:26

  • Health Check for Registration 2013
  • Who Attends – Board/Youth
  • All Board is expected to attend registration events – NO EXCEPTIONS

Easter SponsorshipS. Jones/Zepeda 7:49

  • Activities
  • Easter baskets (3) are done for 3 age groups
  • AYSO Easter Booth planned
  • U5 Goal and field marking at Comm II to be done Friday before event
  • Need table, Awning, Flyer holder, Tiny Kicker and Primary season flyers
  • Soccer Eggs and Soccer Rubber Ducks ordered.
  • Easter banner draft by 3/9.
  • What is left to do?
  • Parks&Rec Easter Meeting scheduled for 3/14 at 100 Benton at 1 PM, Roderickk leading. Stephanie to attend.

Volunteer StatusDugdale 7:56

  • What is needed for PY2013?
  • Planned for 350 volunteers (Include Buddies for VIP)
  • CVPA Assistance
  • May need more assistance to call on background checks
  • Ideas for Volunteer Recognition: White board at soccer locker with Volunteer of the Week. Also need pins for recognition.
  • Idea: Plan on End of season game day as an opportunity to promote Select, Recognize volunteers, BBQ, Jumpy Houses, etc. We have Kickoff event, we need end of primary Season Event. Thank you Jose! Great idea!

Safety IssuesNaranjo 8:09

  • Meeting with Creighton Wright, AC P&R (March)
  • Field Plans
  • Concern of getting Kimberley in shape prior to August 1st practices. Irrigation, leveling, reseeding needs to occur now.

Budget for PY2013 – Discussion/VoteEntire Board 8:14

Approved, unanimous

Jennifer Ramirez Soccer Scholarship – Discussion/VoteEntire Board

Approved, unanimous

Open ItemsEntire Board 8:29

US Olympic training coming to American Canyon March 24th. All are invited to attend. Atletico will provide BBQ luncheon.

ASF Referee Training available to AYSO referees arch 16th, 23rd, 30th. See Fernando for details. A $40 fee for the final certificate is needed; otherwise training has been paid for by Atletico.

AYSO National is looking for donations for the Rose Parade Float for the 50th anniversary of AYSO. We need to see where we are financially before committing any resources.

Close 8:35

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