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Ministry Covenant

Between Roy Nunn (CLM) and Trinity United Methodist Church (Congregation/Charge)

(date 09 19 2017)

  1. Local Church Description and Mission

Trinity United Methodist Church is an intercity Congregation with 225 + members in East Saint Louis Il, our Mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

  1. Members of the Mutual Ministry Team (MMT)

Leverne Backstrom, Camille McCaskill, James Little Jr, Jewel Birge, Sheree Sams, Darrell Smith, TeenetteDae,

  1. CertifiedLay Minister: Roy Nunn


Support for a quality time Pastorassist in prepare bulletin, preach on Sunday as needed, visit those who are hospitalized bereaved or in crisis, conduct funerals, meet monthly with supervising elder, and meet with Mutual Ministry Team, and Pastor.

  1. Equipping Clergy (assigned by DS):

Rev. Daryl Fansler.


Meet with (C L M) Monthly to minter and equipped them provide supportso they may grow and become effective spiritual leadersand informedthem about differed cultural and ethnic and racial backgroundand help prepare them for different issue and concern that may accrue, and help guide them through the process of minister.

  1. District Superintendent:

Rev. Dr. Rose Booker-Jones


The primary responsibilities arerelatingto the overseeing the work of the local church, also including participating with the Bishop in making of appointment.

  1. Congregation Members (names/roles):

Name: Lee Ola H. Johnson Role: Church Treasurer

Name: Barbara Sams Role: Finance Committee Chairperson

Name: Leverne Backstrom Role: Staff / Pastor – Parish Relations

Name: Peggy Lewis Lecompte Role: Church Council Chairperson


Church Treasure shall be professing members of the United Methodist Church.

Committee on finance shall establish written financial policies to document the internal controls of the local Church and all its accounts.

It is the responsibility of the staff committee to communicate with nominations and leadership development and Church Council for leaders or employed staff.

Members of Church Council shall be persons of genuine Christin character who love the Church are morally disciplined, are committed to the mandate of the life of the Church.

  1. Others as agreed:
  1. Pastoral Expectations of Certified Lay Minister

Assist with Sunday Morning Worship service, visit the sick and shut-in and those who are Hospitalized, meet with the mutual ministry team and meet with assign equipping Clergy.

  1. Duties/Responsibilities:

The Certified Lay Minister shall preach the word, provide a care ministry to the Congregation, assist in program leadership, and be a witness in the community for the growth, missional and connectional trust of the United Methodist Church.

Amount of time required:(5) hours per week (25) hours per month

  1. Learning Plan (process/method/time commitment):

I am commented to continue with all the recertification courses in person or on line that are assigned yearly for continue educationand training, that are require for (CLM)to complete.

  1. Time Away:
  • Paid Vacation: # days per year (0) including Sundays
  • Continuing Education: (1) hour per days.(365) day per year
  • Renewal/Study Time:1 hour per days365 hours per year
  • Emergency Situations:(10) # per year
  1. Congregation’s Support of Certified Lay Minister

I have agreed to serve on a volunteer basis

  1. Financial Support (May need to adjust if not doing supply)


Annual Salary(0)

Reimbursed Expense (per ($636) yr.)

Mileage (0) Professional Expenses (0)

Continuing Education (0)

Other (please list):

  1. Support of CLM Development (What will be done, and by whom)
  1. Training:Most of our training is provided through the Mississippi River District Conference, and through an on-line service, Be disciple. com
  2. Support: are provided by Equipping Clergy, Pastor Lisa Scott Joiner, the Mutual Ministry Team, and congregation.
  3. Supervision:Pastor Lisa Scott Joiner
  4. Accountability:
  1. Stewardship Conference apportionments

Is in accordance with the apportionments formula approved by the general conference.

2. Financial responsibilities to equipper District

The finance committee annually compiles a budget for supporting the and vision of the local Church and submits the budget to the Church leadership team for review and adoption.

3. Local mission goal

We did not earn the hours the day the weeks of our lives, time is a gift from God, how we chose to use it is a matter of stewardship, as Christens we try to manage time wisely, practice new skills and putting our talents to work in ministry.

5. Review Process: Explain how the congregation and the CLM will assess this form of ministry

for effectiveness annually, including:

a. When the review is to happen – prior to Church Conference meeting.

b. How it will be accomplished – with Pastor and SPRC

c. Who will be involved – The D S, Pastor, Members of SPRC, and Charge Conference

d. What will be assessed – assigned duties of witness Ministries

e. Any plans for improvement – Shall be established during Charge Conference

f. Whether to celebrate mutual accomplishmentsto be determined by SPRC

6. Provision for Covenant Reconsideration: shall occur during Charge Conference

a. Steps to release and/or change the ministry covenant as necessary: at Charge Conference

b. OPTIONAL – terms for termination of covenantwhenever Charge Conference give a thirty- day notice

7. Closing Statement (promise of mutual support and encouragement.):

I will continue to pray and ask God to bless my spirit so I will be open to news ideals and ways to inspire those who attempt to live in God world without knowing our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I pray that am more generous with my timeand we will have an increase in disciple because it take a disciple to make andisciples.

8: Signatories

This covenant is agreed to this ____ day of ______in the year ______of our Lord Jesus

Christ, as witnessed to by our signatures.


Church Council Chairperson Lay Leader


Church Council Chairperson Lay Leader


Church Council Chairperson Lay Leader


This covenant is supported and approved by the connection (District Committee on Ministry and

Conference and District Superintendent) on this _____ day of ______in the year ______

Of our Lord Jesus Christ, as witnessed by the signatures below.


District Superintendent Equipping Clergyperson

This is to certify that I have received and accepted the terms of this covenant to serve as certified lay minister Roy Nunn ofthe United Methodist Church/Charge. It is understood by myself and all parties represented by the above signatories that as the certified lay minister, I will serve as part of a Mutual Ministry Team that includes members of the congregation and an equipping clergyperson assigned to guide my leadership. Further, I will complete the certification process and/or recertification courses and participate in additional events as required by the district superintendent. As a layperson I understand that I am not ordained with sacramental authority or eligible for clergy compensation or rights.

Date ______

Certified Lay Minister

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Also signed by those covenanting for faithful ministry on ______(date) on behalf of the mission and ministry of ______(congregation/charge).

MutualMinistry Team:


Staff – Parish Chairperson Position: ______


Position: ______Position: ______


Position: ______Position: ______


Position: ______Position: ______


Position: ______Position: ______


Position: ______Position: ______

Other Witnesses:

1-1-2017 CLM Coordinating Team