CUSD Writing Rubric
Based on California ELA & Common Core Adjustments
Below Basic1 / Basic
2 / Proficient
3 / Advanced
- Uses scribble (squiggle) writing
- Strings letters together
- Writes only in initial consonants
- Makes no attempt to write
- Does not relate writing to prompt
- Copies isolated words
- Not a complete thought
- Writes a complete thought
- May contain some errors in capitalization /
- Uses some phonetic spelling and relationships
- Uses left-right / top-bottom progressions
- Is understood by the reader
- Some response to the prompt
- Writes a minimum of one correct sentence
- Uses correct punctuation
- Uses appropriate capitalization
- Uses legible penmanship
- Uses proper spacing between words
- Uses sound-symbol relationships (phonetic spelling)
- Spells 3 letter short vowel words and applies basic knowledge
- Writes two or more varied sentences related to the topic
- Uses descriptive words or phrases
- Uses phonetic spelling and standard spelling for simple words
First Grade
Below Basic1 / Basic
2 / Proficient
3 / Advanced
APPLICATIONS /- Poor response to prompt
- No evidence of focus
- Little evidence of organization and sequencing of ideas
- No use, or inappropriate use of frequently occurring adjectives
- No use, or inappropriate use of temporal words
- Writes words or phrases rather than sentences
- Some response to prompt
- Focus may not be clear
- Some evidence of organization and sequencing
- Sequence may not be logical
- Uses few frequently occurring adjectives
- Uses few temporal words
- May write the assertion and/or a conclusion and fewer than 3 detailed sentences
- Writes simple sentences
- Uses little sentence variation
- Uses frame type sentences
- Uses run-on or fragmented sentences
- Clear, coherent response to prompt
- Maintains a consistent focus
- Demonstrates ability to organize ideas in a logical sequence
- Uses some frequently occurring adjectives
- Writes the assertion, a conclusion and at least 3 clear coherent sentences
- Uses some sentence variation
- Uses some complex/compound sentences
- Clear, well organized response to prompt
- Maintains a consistent focus
- Demonstrates ability to organize ideas in a logical sequence that includes a clear beginning, middle, and end
- Consistently uses frequently occurring adjectives
- Writes the assertion, a conclusion and at least three clear, coherent sentences using sentence, expansion, creativity and imagination
- Contains many errors in capitalization, punctuation, grammar and spelling (errors interfere with reader’s understanding)
- Handwriting may not be legible
- Letters and words may not be spaced or sized appropriately*
- Poor line control*
- Contains many errors in capitalization, punctuation, grammar and spelling (may spell phonetic and grade-level sight words incorrectly)
- Handwriting is mostly legible
- Some letters and words may not be spaced or sized appropriately*
- Line control may be poor*
- Shows correct use of capitalization (beginning of sentences, names of people and dates)
- Shows correct use of end punctuation
- Uses commas in dates and to separate single words in a series
- Shows correct use of grammar (use of singular and plural nouns with matching verbs, conjunctions, frequently occurring prepositions, and personal, possessive and indefinite pronouns)
- Shows correct use of spelling (spells most phonetic and grade-level sight words correctly)
- Some errors
- Handwriting is mostly clear and legible with appropriate spacing and sizing of letters and words*
- Demonstrates line control most of the time*
- Consistently shows correct use of capitalization (beginning of sentences, names of people and dates)
- Consistently shows correct use of end punctuation
- Consistently uses commas in dates and to separate single words in a series
- Consistently shows correct use of grammar (use of singular and plural nouns with matching verbs, conjunctions, frequently occurring prepositions, and personal, possessive and indefinite pronouns).
- Consistently shows correct use of spelling (phonetic and high-frequency words)
- Almost completely free of errors
- Handwriting is consistently clear and legible with appropriate spacing and sizing of letters and words*
- Consistently demonstrates line control*
Second Grade
BelowBasic1 / Basic
2 / Proficient
3 / Advanced
STRATEGIES & APPLICATIONS / Lacksa clear assertion, conclusionand details.
Omitscharacters/objects andsetting andevents.
- No opinion is evident in paragraph.
objects and/orevents.
- States an opinion but lacks support and/or conclusion.
Describes setting,character/objects, andevents indetail.
- States an opinion, supports it and concludes with a statement.
Developsasetting,character/objects, andevents with adjectives and verbs.
- States a strong opinion and supplies reasons that support it and a concluding statement.
Elicitsfeelingsfrom thereader
CONVENTIONS / Punctuation
Nocomplete sentences.
Fewwords spelledcorrectly.
Paragraphisnotindented / Punctuation
Usesperiods,questionmarks, exclamation marks,andcommas,BUT
Manycomplete sentences.
Manygrade-level words spelled correctly.
Few errors.
Fewwordsillegible / Punctuation
Usesperiods,questionmarks, exclamation marks,andcommas
Uses complete sentences.
Most grade-level words spelled correctly.
Uses capitalscorrectly:
1. Beginningofsentences
2. Propernouns
3. Titles
4. Initials
Legiblehandwriting / Punctuation
1.Usesperiods,questionmarks, exclamation marks,andcommas
Sentencevariation,combinationand/or expandedsentences areused.
Completesentenceswithcompound and/orcomplexstructure.
Allgrade-levelwordsandmanyabove grade-level words spelledcorrectly.
Uses capitalscorrectly:
Third Grade
Below Basic1 / Basic
2 / Proficient
3 / Advanced
- Uses simplistic vocabulary
- Uses no details
- No consideration of prompt
- No evidence of logical paragraph plan
- Lacks assertion and ideas are disjointed
- Uses basic vocabulary
- Uses minimal details
- Some consideration of prompt
- Some evidence of logical paragraph plan
- Suggests an assertion with limited facts and details
- Uses appropriate vocabulary
- Uses details, facts, and/or definitions that support the assertion
- Considers prompt
- Logical paragraph plan
- Uses temporal words and phrases to signal event order
- Related details are grouped appropriately
- Creates a paragraph that introduces a topic with a clearly stated assertion with supporting facts, details, or definitions and a conclusion that addresses the assertion
- Sentences need to flow and make sense with the rest of the paragraph
- Uses linking words and phrases to connect ideas within categories of information
- Uses advanced vocabulary
- Uses vivid details
- Clearly addresses prompt
- Well developed plan
- Paragraph has a clearly stated assertion with many supporting facts and details and a strong conclusion
- Contains many errors in capitalization, punctuation and grammar (errors interfere with reader’s understanding)
- Has many incomplete sentences
- Poor spelling
- Contains errors in capitalization, punctuation and grammar
- Has few incomplete sentences
- Spells some words correctly
- Shows correct use of punctuation, capitalization, and grammar most of the time
- Uses simple verb tenses appropriately
- Shows subject-verb agreement
- Indents assertion
- Complete sentences, some containing compound and/or complex structure
- Spells grade-level words correctly
- Standard margins (fill in the lines)
- Consistently shows correct use of punctuation (.?,!)
- Contains few, if any, errors in capitalization, punctuation and grammar
- Complete sentences with compound and/or complex structure
- Spells most words correctly
Fourth Grade
Below Basic1 / Basic
2 / Proficient
3 / Advanced
APPLICATIONS /- Addresses only one part of the writing task
- Demonstrates no understanding of purpose
- Lacks a clear point of view, focus, and/or organizational structure
- Lacks a central idea but may contain marginally related facts, details, and/or explanations
- Addresses only parts of the writing task
- Demonstrates little understanding of purpose
- Maintains an inconsistent point of view, focus, and/or organizational structure
- Suggests a central idea with limited facts, details and/or explanations
- Addresses all parts of the writing task
- Demonstrates a general understanding of purpose, task and audience.
- Maintains a mostly consistent point of view, focus, and organizational structure, including paragraphing when appropriate
- Presents a central idea with mostly relevant facts, details, and/or explanations
- Clearly addresses all parts of the writing task
- Demonstrates clear, coherent writing appropriate to task, purpose and audience
- Maintains a consistent point of view, focus, and organizational structure, including paragraphing when appropriate
- Includes a clearly presented central idea with relevant facts, details, and /or explanations
- Contains serious errors in the conventions of the English language (grammar, punctuation, capitalization, spelling)
- Errors interfere with the reader’s understanding of the writing
- Includes no sentence variety
- Contains several errors in the conventions of the English language (grammar, punctuation, capitalization, spelling)
- Errors may interfere with the reader’s understanding of the writing
- Includes little variety in sentence types
- Contains some errors in the conventions of the English language (grammar, punctuation, capitalization, spelling)
- Errors do not interfere with the reader’s understanding of the writing
- Includes a variety of sentence types
- Contains few, if any, errors in the conventions of the English language (grammar, punctuation, capitalization, spelling)
- Errors do not interfere with the reader’s understanding of the writing
- Includes a variety of sentence types, with no run-ons or fragmented sentences
Fourth Grade
Below Basic1 / Basic
2 / Proficient
3 / Advanced
- Lacks a sequence of events to relate ideas, observations, and/or memories
- Lacks descriptive language and sensory details that enable the reader to visualize the events or experiences
- Provides a minimally developed sequence of events to relate ideas, observations, and/or memories
- Includes limited descriptive language and sensory details that enable the reader to visualize the events or experiences
- Provides an adequately developed sequence of significant events to relate ideas, observations, and/or memories
- Includes some descriptive language, and sensory details that enable the reader to visualize the events or experiences
- Provides a thoroughly developed sequence of significant events to relate ideas, observations, and/or memories
- Includes vivid descriptive details, and provides insight into why the incident is memorable. Dialogue and descriptions may show response of characters to situations.
- Is characterized by substantial copying of indiscriminately selected phrases or sentences
- Is characterized by substantial copying of key phrases and minimal paraphrasing
- Is characterized by paraphrasing of the main idea(s) and includes some details
- Is characterized by paraphrasing of the main idea(s) and significant details.
- Demonstrates little understanding of the literary work
- Fails to provide support for judgments
- Demonstrates a limited understanding of the literary work
- Provides weak support for judgments
- Demonstrates an understanding of the literary work
- Provides some evidence from text to support analysis, reflection and research.
- Demonstrates a clear understanding of the literary work
- Provides evidence from literary text to support analysis, reflection and research.
Fifth Grade
BelowBasic1 / Basic
2 / Proficient
3 / Advanced
STRATEGIES & APPLICATIONS / Addresses only one part of the writing task
Demonstrates no understanding of purpose
Lacks a clear point of view, focus, and/or organizational structure
Lacks a central idea but may contain marginally related
facts, details, and/or explanations / Addresses only parts of the writingtask
Demonstrates little understanding of purpose
Maintains an inconsistent point of view, focus, and/or organizational structure
Suggests a central idea with limited facts, details and/or
explanations / Addresses all parts of the writingtask
Demonstrates a general understanding of purpose
Maintains a mostly consistent point of view, focus, and organizational structure, including paragraphing when appropriate
Presents a central idea with mostly relevant facts, details,
and/or explanations / Clearlyaddresses all parts of the writing task
Demonstrates a clear understanding of purpose
Maintains a consistent point of view, focus, and organizational structure, including paragraphing when appropriate
Includes a clearly presented central idea with relevant
facts, details, and /or explanations
CONVENTIONS / Contains serious errors in the conventions of the English
language(grammar, punctuation, capitalization, spelling)
Errors interfere with the reader’s understanding ofthe
Includes no sentence variety / Contains several errors in the conventions of the English
language(grammar, punctuation, capitalization, spelling)
Errors may interfere with the reader’s understanding ofthe
Includes little variety in sentence types / Contains some errors in the conventions of the English
language(grammar, punctuation, capitalization, spelling)
Errors do not interfere with the reader’s understanding of
the writing
Includes a variety of sentence types / Contains few, if any, errors in the conventions of the
English language (grammar, punctuation, capitalization, spelling)
Errors do not interfere with the reader’s understanding of
the writing
Includes a variety of sentence types, with no run-ons or fragmented sentences
Fifth Grade
Essay Writing
BelowBasic1 / Basic
2 / Proficient
3 / Advanced
STRATEGIES & APPLICATIONS / Attempts to write toa topic
Lacksdetails and/or evidenceto supportproposal or position
Uses poor or confused organizationalpattern
Does not link one paragraphto another
Does notwritea concluding paragraph
Uses simplisticvocabulary
Informationforclarity missing
Vague or nonexistentpoint of view / Writes a multi-paragraph compositionto atopic
Uses minimalevidence and detail to support a position
Generally organizesinformation sequentially
Uses minimal transitional wordsor phrases
Includesaconcluding paragraph that doesnot adequately summarize
important idealsanddetails
Usesbasic vocabulary
Rarely anticipates readerconcerns
Usespointof view with little support / Writes a multi-paragraph composition withindentation on a
States a clearposition insupportof a proposal with relevant evidence and detail in subsequentparagraphs
Overall organizes composition sequentially
Uses transitional wordsor phrases that clearly link oneparagraphto
Includesaconcluding paragraph that summarizes important ideas and details
Addressesreaderconcerns andis aware ofaudience and purpose
Supports pointof viewwith details / Writes a convincingmulti- paragraphcomposition with
indentation on atopic
Fully developsa positionin support of aproposal
Follows aclear sophisticated organizationalpattern
Hassmooth transitionsbetween paragraphs
Concludeswitha detailedsummary linked tothe purpose
Uses advanced vocabulary
Addressesreader’sconcerns and may addressopposing viewpoints or counter-arguments
Clearly develops pointof view
Exceptional expressionand voice that connectswiththe reader
CONVENTIONS / Uses incomplete or confused sentencestructure
Frequently misuses verbs
Uses incorrectcapitalization, punctuation, and/or spelling which
distracts reader
These errors interfere with the reader’s understanding ofthe writingand has no flow
May write illegibly / Uses mainly simple andcompound sentences
May showsome confusion with subject /verb agreement, correct
Makes some errors incapitalization, punctuation,and spelling ofhigh frequencywords
These errors interfere with the reader’s understanding ofthe writingand has little orno flow
Writes legibly / Uses compoundand complex sentencestructures
Usesprepositional phrases, transitions, and conjunctions
Usesregular and irregularverbs
Uses correct capitalization, grammar,punctuation,and spelling
Theseerrors do notinterferewith the flow andfocusof theprompt
Writes legibly / Usesvariedand sophisticated sentencestructures
Usesprepositional phrases, appositions, transitions,
independent/dependent clausesand conjunctionsto elaborate ideas
Uses correctgrammar, capitalization,and punctuation
Theseerrors do notinterferewith flowand focus ofthe prompt
Uses correct spellingthroughout paper
Writes legibly
Boldface indicates a Common Core adjustment to the current standard 5.2.12kw