Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Who’s the Absolutist of them All?

75 points

Due Wednesday, September 16th

Everyone loves the king! But which monarch was the best of all?

Your Task:

*You and your partner will create a campaign poster and a campaign advertisement for your monarch explaining why your monarch is the best of all of the monarchs. Using the information about your absolute monarch from your webpage along with your text, you should have a pretty good idea of what life was like under your monarch's rule.

*The campaign poster will then be post outside of the classroom when completed for elections.

Items to include on your poster (50 points):

1. Picture of the monarch

2. Campaign slogan for the monarch that reflect their goals, political view points, political agenda, and their accomplishments. *This should be creative & catchy!

3. One quote stated by the monarch that reflects their goals, political viewpoints, their political agenda, or their accomplishments.

4. A “Most Absolute Monarch” section

Items to include within this section:

How the monarch controlled the:

a. Nobility

b. Peasantry

c. Military

d. Religion

e. Taxes & Government spending

Instructions for Advertisement

1. At least 45 seconds.

2. All group members should participate

3. Campaign slogan should be emphasized and clearly stated and explained.

4. One quote stated by the monarch that reflects their goals, political viewpoints, their political agenda, or their accomplishments.


This assignment is worth 75 points total.

Picture of Ruler ------(5 points)

Quote------(10 points)

Slogan------(15 points)

Creativity------(15 points)

Neatness/Accuracy ----(15 points)

“Most Absolute Monarch”--(15 points)

Louis XIII + Cardinal Richelieu

Louis XIV

Fredrick William the Great Elector

Fredrick William the Great

Ivan the Terrible

Peter the Great

Elizabeth I

James I

Charles I

Oliver Cromwell

Charles II

James II

William III & Mary II

Phillip II