Quenching the DRC:6 – 12 November
As a country suffering long-term conflict, theDemocratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has beengreatly affected by a lack of clean water andsanitation. Young children and women often haveto walk many hours each day to collect water.Tearfund are part of the SWIFT Consortium(Sustainable Water, Sanitation and Hygiene inFragile Contexts) which has been providing betteraccess to water, sanitation and hygiene andtransforming vulnerable villages into thrivingcommunities.
Sunday 6 November
In Acibalongo village, prompted by them comingtogether to construct latrines, families have startedto think about the other needs of their community.They discovered that there were six qualifiedteachers living in the village and so have put plansin place to start a primary school. Pray that theschool will be a success - educating a newgeneration in Acibalongo.
Monday 7 November
The village of Mwatembo now has threecommunity health clubs, which has had a hugeimpact on hygiene and cleanliness. Members havebeen inspired to share their new found knowledgewith other villages to encourage them to getinvolved. Praise God that health education can bea blessing to so many people.
Tuesday 8 November
Ungwa Sangani from Lulinda in the DRC used towake at 4 am each day and take a two-hour trek tocollect water. There has been a significantimprovement in the health of her children sinceLulinda received access to clean, safe waterthrough the SWIFT programme. Praise God thatUngwa says, 'I've noticed that my children are lesssick now.'
Wednesday 9 November
Thank God for the work of SWIFT in South Kivu,where a new gravity-fed water system meanshouseholds have to walk just ten minutes to getclean water, and 'Like cold water to a weary soul isgood news from a distant land.' Proverbs 25:25
Thursday 10 November
A recent workshop allowed 23 representatives ofthe SWIFT Consortium in the DRC to exploredifferent avenues of sustainability, and helped theagencies to apply them to their own uniqueprogrammes. Pray that their enthusiasm fordevelopment will encourage others to strive for thebest results.
Friday 11 November
Thanks to Tearfund's work with SWIFT, the peoplein Kasongo in Maniema province now have accessto safe and sustainable water for the first time in25 years. When one lady saw water pour out of apipe she said, 'I have lived here my entire life, andI didn't know what this pipe was for!' Thank God forhis grace and provision and pray that his peoplefind hope through the provision of water.
Saturday 12 November
Lord, we thank you that such a joy can be receivedfrom something as simple as water, that people incommunities where SWIFT is working in DRC areable to follow new dreams now that something sobasic has been satisfied. Pray that this work willcontinue to develop in this area so that clean waterflows throughout the country. Amen.
Surviving Ebola:13 – 19 November
The 2014 Ebola outbreak in West Africa was themost widespread Ebola epidemic in history,affecting thousands of people and causing hugeloss of life. Pray with us this week for people inSierra Leone and Liberia who have been affectedby Ebola, and for families who have lost friendsand loved ones.
Sunday 13 November
When Ebola hit the Thimborno community in PortLoko, many people were taken ill with just a fewsurviving the virus. Despite desperate times, therehas been great hope. Tearfund partner theEvangelical Fellowship of Sierra Leone (EFSL)brought in food, tools and seeds to help withfarming, and slowly the community has started torebuild. Praise God, and give thanks to him for thisgreat progress.
Monday 14 November
Disaster struck Esther's family when both herfather and brother were taken ill and died fromEbola. Tearfund partner the Association ofEvangelicals of Liberia (AEL) stepped in to deliversupport and skills training so that Esther couldprovide a better living for her family. Praise Godthat she has started her own business anddiscovered her God-given potential.
Tuesday 15 November
'God is our refuge and strength, an ever-presenthelp in trouble.' Psalm 46:1Pray for those who mourn and ask for God's peaceto be with people who have lost loved ones. Askthat the love of God will continue to shine through,even in the darkest hours.
Wednesday 16 November
As an Ebola survivor, Nyamenah is just one ofmany who has shown great resilience andperseverance to rebuild life for her and her family.With support from Tearfund partner Equip,Nyamenah has started a successful coal businessand is now looking towards a bright future. PraiseGod for Nyamenah and others like her as theystart to realise all the plans that God has in store.
Thursday 17 November
Doris lost both her husband and mother to Ebola,but with the help of Tearfund partners AEL and theYoung Women's Christian Association she hasbeen able to build a successful fish business.Now, she provides a sustainable living for herfamily. Pray for God's continued provision forDoris, her family, and others like her.
Friday 18 November
'But those who hope in the Lord will renew theirstrength. They will soar on wings like eagles; theywill run and not grow weary, they will walk and notbe faint.' Isaiah 40:31Today, pray for Tearfund partners who work tobring hope and dignity to those who have beenaffected by Ebola. Ask God to fill them withrenewed vision and strength.
Saturday 19 November
Dear Lord, we lift up the people in Sierra Leoneand Liberia as they continue to rebuild their livesand homes. We pray for those affected by Ebolaand ask for your peace to be with them. Be near tothe brokenhearted and surround them with yourlove. We ask this in Jesus' name, Amen.
Lost in Lebanon:20 – 26 November
Tearfund partners continue to support strugglingSyrian refugee families fleeing the fighting inLebanon through food distribution and hygienekits. This week we pray for those families caughtup in the conflict, that you would supply theirneeds and keep them safe.
Sunday 20 November
'My youngest daughter sometimes cries becausewe don't have enough milk to give her,' saysHoweida, whose Syrian family have fled thefighting to live in Lebanon, supported byTearfund's provision of food vouchers. 'We arevery thankful,' she says. Pray for Howeida and herchildren, and that her husband would be restoredto good health and find work.
Monday 21 November
'In Lebanon I can smell the air that comes fromSyria. I feel Syria and Lebanon are the same. Mycountry and home.' Pray for those, like thisgrandmother, who long to return to their birthplace.Pray that they would find hospitality from thecitizens around them, and comfort in God.
Tuesday 22 November
'I'd like to thank all the Tearfund supporters whoare providing us with food vouchers every month,'says Um Rabih. 'It's a great blessing.' She fled toLebanon with her husband and three childrenwhen the shelling in their home town, Homs,became unbearable. Pray that God will provide fortheir daily needs - they arrived with just a few smallbags of clothes.
Wednesday 23 November
'The Lord your God has blessed you in all the workof your hands. He has watched over your journeythrough this vast wilderness ...' Deuteronomy 2:7
Pray for God's provision for refugees in Lebanon,through our partners. In Jesus's name, Amen.
Thursday 24 November
Ahmad, aged 13, who receives regular foodvouchers from Tearfund, lives in the Bekaa Valley,Lebanon. He is part of what has been termed a'lost generation' - refugee children who havemissed up to five years of education because ofthe war in Syria. Pray for children like Ahmad, thatthey will have their schooling restored.
Friday 25 November
The Hammoud family is one of the poorest familiesTearfund partner Heart for Lebanon serves. All tenof them live in one small rickety tent. Pray for thefamily as they suffer once again in the wintermonths, that they would stay in good health, andthat Heart for Lebanon will continue to reach out tothem with love and practical help.
Saturday 26 November
Heavenly Father, thank you that you are our rock,our fortress and our salvation. We pray forTearfund's partners as they seek to bring securityto displaced families in the Middle East. We praythat you would intervene in the lives of thosepeople, and that they would know something of thegreat comfort that comes from finding a home inyour loving kindness.
Livelihoods in Laos:27 November – 3 December
Much of Tearfund's work in Laos, South-East Asia,focuses on vulnerable migrant communities whohave limited access to livelihood opportunities,services and financial reserves. Our partnersreverse the cycles of poverty that trap people.
Sunday 27 November
Me Not's son was experiencing severe stomachpain. She left her three children in Laos andtravelled three hours to reach a hospital inThailand because doctors at her local clinic lackedthe skills for a diagnosis. 'I was very scared andworried that my son would die,' she says. Pray forknowledge for those who work in healthcare inpoor communities.
Monday 28 November
Treatment is costly and Me Not is now in debt. Herlender charges 5 per cent interest and sevenmonths later, she is no closer to paying this off.Her situation is representative of many others.Pray that God would help families to make wisedecisions with their resources and thatmoneylenders will be driven by compassion notselfishness.
Tuesday 29 November
Sixteen-year-old Noy could not afford to progressbeyond primary education. Instead, she went towork in a Thai cookie factory, hoping to earnsufficient income to support her family. Long hoursand strenuous work led Noy to return home afterone year. Give thanks for the policies and lawsthat protect our rights in the UK workplace.
Wednesday 30 November
Back home, Noy took a sewing course run byTearfund partner World Concern. She now offersprofessional sewing and tailoring services, earninga decent wage from the comfort of her home.'Here it is so much better for me to work,' Noyexplains, 'I am my own boss and I can earn moremoney doing something I enjoy.' Give thanks forNoy's business and pray she would inspire othersin the community.
Thursday 1 December
Kiam was married at 13 and now aged 18, she hasresponsibility to care for her parents, youngersiblings, husband and children. Many youngwomen feel pressured to marry early, to lessen thefinancial pressure on their parents. Pray for youngwomen like Kiam, as they transition from theinnocence of childhood to raising and providing fora family.
Friday 2 December
'We do not have enough money or food to eat,'explains Kiam. With few options available, Kiamtravelled to find work in Thailand. She now faces15-hour working days, poor conditions and thethreat of trafficking. Tearfund partners are workingwith women like Kiam to provide new livelihoodopportunities locally. Pray these initiatives wouldbe fruitful and reach the most vulnerable.
Saturday 3 December
Reflect and give thanks for the work God hasgiven you to do, paid or not. Remind yourself:'Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, asworking for the Lord, not for human masters.'Colossians 3:23Ask God to help you do this and consider what youcan do to help those around you.
Tearfund Prayer Diary November 2016 – tearfund.org/praying