Mission Trail Elementary PTO
February 6, 2017
Heather LancasterWanda MillerAngela Place
Wendy HauserLaura AntolakEva Chevreux
Angela SchaferAndrew Van Der LaanCari Asjes
Chrissy SelserChristina WuJulie Houts
Natalie WilksMeg GrandcolasCarrie Blackford
Sara PlunkettTeresa MayorSarah McQueary
Kelly WagnerTammy HenkeGeorgina Greenyer
President Carrie Blackford called the meeting to order at 9:00am in the Mission Trail cafeteria.
The minutes were approved from the last PTO meeting November 7, 2016.
Treasurer’s Report – Wendy Hauser went over the current balance sheet.
Motion to accept quarterly financials ending 12/31/16 by
Chrissy Selser and Angela Place. The vote was passed.
Principal’s Report – Mrs. Bond reported that the school is continuing to work towards collaborative classrooms and thanked the PTO for purchasing hooki stools and standing stations. She reported that she just completed Friday Fun Night from the teacher raffle. Conferences are coming up. Teachers will be training for new literacy. State testing will be right after Spring Break. She encouraged us to watch the state legislature.
Staff Liaison Report/STEAM Presentation – Natalie Wilks gave a presentation on all the new purchases for STEAM. She reported that the enthusiasm from students and teachers is amazing.
President’s Report – Carrie Blackford reported about
Community Fundraisers – Kendra Scott $202 and Pizzeria Locale $200-250 have been a success
Labels for Education –This is our last year for this program. Only UPC with labels for education label is being accepted. Deadline is end of school year and all points collected go to PE equipment and Playground.
President-Elect’s Report – Julie Houts reported about grade level socials are going well and to please submit pictures. She also reported on the BVEF Sunflower ambassadors that the process has started for that. The First Annual Night of Lights will be held Fri., April 21st 6-9pm. It is an all community event at district office. BVN will have navy lanterns that you can purchase.
Old Business
Book Fair – Sarah McQuearyreported the book fair was a success and spring bookfair is May 4th with the all school dinner being held that evening which is hosted by the 5th grade.
Family Bingo Night – Carrie Blackford reported for Natalie Moynihan that it was a great success with positive feedback. Thank you Lauren Johnson and Natalie Moynihan.
New Business
Nominations – Sarah McQueary – Sign up Genius for people to sign up for PTO offices is until Feb 15th. We still have openings for staff appreciation, treasurer and science on wheels.
Bulldog Bolt – Sarah McQueary reported that the race will be held April 23rd from 4-6pm on a Sunday. It is a timed 5k run/walkor a 1 mile walk. There will be prizes awarded by agegroup. The Running Company will manage the race. It is open to the community. All school family picnic following the race with 3-4 food trucks. Rain or shine. Jessie Pullins is chair. Soliciting businesses for donations/sponsoring. It is our 2nd largest fundraiser. Packet pickup will be at KC running company on the Saturday before the race.
Community Service – Heather Lancaster reported on the
January events. There were 72 volunteers for Martin LutherKing Jr Day at Harvesters. This is the last year they will keep it open for scout troups as the program has grown and they want to make sure that the MTE families are able to participate. The next project they did was Meals on Wheels Pod activity where they filled 90-100 supplemental meal bags. Upcoming events include Bingo at Villa Ventura Retirement Home and the Special Olympics basketball scrimmage for 3rd-5th graders. March will have a Wayside Waifs toy pod activity. Next week they will be collecting old adult size t-shirts in bins for the toys and 12 oz Gatorade bottles with the cap. In May they will collaborate with the staff appreciation committee to make staff appreciation posters. For April, they will work with Special Olympics track and field and are looking for an Earth Day activity. The deadline to enter hours is Mar 31st.
Box Tops –Meg Grandcolas reported that MTE earned $1,267.90 from March, May, August and October 2016 collection. There is a new Box Tops Bonus app for smart phones that allows you to scan your receipt to receive cash back.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:09 am
Minutes were respectively submitted by Sara Plunkett
***Next Meeting, April 17th at 9:00am***