OCTOBER 19, 1999

Members Present: Paulette Fleming, Kim Thompson, John Elmer, Mike Dahlager, Claire Ball & Elizabeth Baker

Paulette welcomed the committee to the start of the new academic year.

Brynn Rumsey will be the other student on the committee this year. Others members of the committee not present were Jim Perez and Tony Costa. A faculty member is still needed.

Everyone received their agendas on line. Since student Mike Dahlager doesn't have e-mail we will set up a mail box in the Advising & Counseling center for him

1) Minutes

Minutes were approved as written for April 20, 1999 and June 22, 1999.

There were no minutes from the June 30, 1999 meeting since that was the campus “walk around.”

The “landscape” version was chosen for the membership directory.

2) Membership Rotation:

Since there is no term limit for our Committee, Paulette expressed that we are all welcome and invited to stay on the committee as long as possible/interested.

John Elmer asked if the committee wanted to consider substitutes for members who know that they will not be present? There was discussion. It was agreed that full participation is very important.

Paulette agreed to send the dates of meetings for the whole year to all members and asks that members who cannot make any of the meetings listed to please let her know asap so we can attempt to find another date. (In the interest of having as full participation as possible.)

3) Annual meeting schedule was approved.

4)Annual Goals:

Elizabeth spoke about ADA compliance with regards to the new library building. She reported that due to a lack of funding the elevator in the library would not be replaced. They will, however, be re-designing the area around the elevator on the main level so it will be more accessible, easier to get in and out.

Kim expressed a concern about the legal issues and remodeling. She said it was her understanding that the college is obligated to bring the building up to current codes if renovations occur.

Liz said it was her understanding that because we’re not re-modeling the elevator it doesn’t pertain to us, but will check that out specifically. Paulette agreed that as ADA compliance officer she would check out the legalities around elevator issue.

Additionally, Liz reported that for access to the third floor (mezzanine level), people in wheelchairs will need to back out at that level but stated that it is primarily a faculty area.

John pointed out that the college needed to remember that potential employees with disabilities might need to access that level.

Liz also reported that the college will be putting out a display for employees and students to view.

Foss Building Door:

John reported the change has caused a great accessibility problem for students in wheel chairs. The doorway is not wide enough and the location is very bad. There was discussion around the history of the issue. Liz said she would look into the problem and make sure that future structure changes will be run past the ADA committee.

ADA Committee Annual Goals:

Goal #1: Ensure ADA Committee reviews and provides input to LMC remodel to ensure accessibility to patrons.

Goal #2: Ensure ADA committee review and input on all major remodels on campus.

Goal #3: Ensure input on distance education/internet, to have a liaison to work with TSS regarding accessibility issues.

Goal #4: Testing space and a lack there of. (Paulette will draft a recommendation from the ADA committee to Jim Perez & Liz Baker asking them to keep in mind while designing the remodel of the Advising & Counseling area the great need for testing space as well as to ensure adequate office space to provide accessibility to Kim and John's offices.)

It is the committee's assumption that, as a result of the walk around, when design or re-design facilities projects are proposed, the “walk around” report will be considered. John suggested a link on the Internet that would take people to the “walk around” report.

Next meeting: November 16, 1999, 2:00 – 3:30pm, Room 1013

Respectfully submitted by Claire Ball