Meeting Memo

Subject: / Coordination.
Date/Location: / Thurs, 6/3/08. 17:30hrs. Caia, SofalaProvince. Mozambique
Present: / INGC. ( National Institution for Disaster Management)-Sandra Chilengue, Elidio Jamissi, Unicef: Jess Meeus, WFP-Abibo Meggy, Thomas Goransson, UNJLC:Elizabeth Lipscey,SCF: Michel Rooijackers, UNHAS: Urban Lindfors, Mozambican Red Cross: Lazido Mussa. CONCERN: Lila Machaieie, LONAV: Arnaldo Rungo, Cluster Lead : Gerry Magbity,




  • Airops(Helicopter)
  • Boat.
  • Trucks
  • Warehousing
  • Vehicle movement.
  • Miscellaneous.


a)Thomas: discuss with Sandra Legg on how to manage the boats in Caia while Coca Ye is in Chola/Sena.

b) Gerry/Rungo: draft a budget for the use of the 2 INGC boats.

c) Thomas: put security lights in the warehouse areas

d) Thomas: follow up on the construction of the latrines for the warehouse staff.

1.AIROPS (Helicopters).(Urban).

20rotations of 45.5 tons of cargo transported.

-17 sling rotations to Jardim with WFP food.

-1 rotation to Inhangoma with Unicef NFIs.

-2 rotations; Tambara-Doa with WFP food.

Tomorrow’s operations are as per the distributed proposed flight planto transport NFIs to Inhangoma and food to Jardim.

Respond to the special request to transport the ECHO team to Inhangoma and Bawe.


Sandra Legg went to Marromeu to negotiate with the Sena Company for a further use of their 60MT barge. The barge is currently in high demand by the company but they promised to put it at our disposal on Sunday, 9th.

-The crew of the 30MT barge continues with the transshipment of cargo onto smaller boats for Mutarara.

-7.5MT boat went to Mutarara with Unicef NFIs.


-7.5, 7, 8T boats will leave from Chola/Sena with WFP food to Mutarara.

3. TRUCKS. (Leon Claasen).

-some of the trucks are transporting food to Chola/Sena for onward transport to Mutarara by boats.

-remaining trucks were loading the choppers.

For tomorrow:1 truck to Chemba with WFP food; 1, to Tambarra with NFIs for Mozambican Red Cross. The remaining trucks will continue transporting food to Chola/Sena.

4.WAREHOUSING. (Thomas Goransson)

-10 additional temporary staff were employed in the warehouse to unload the trucks from Chimoio and Beira with WFP food.

-stock records are been updated by Vina.

CMR tracking sheet was distributed as usual.


Unicef:Friday: 1 car, Caia-Quelimane.

6. Miscellaneous:

-The Cluster received a letter from INGC with approval to use of 2 of their glass fiber boats.

-Jess (Unicef) leaves tomorrow after the end of his mission.

-Sandra (INGC) also leaves tomorrow.
