JO Permit to Work

Frequently Asked Questions

When am I required to use General Work Permit?

  • Any time a specialized work certificate is required (Hot Work, Confined Space, Isolation of Hazardous Energy, Excavation); or
  • Work or maintenance is performed in a process area that involves breaking into a line, equipment or vessel that contains actual or potential hazards; or
  • There is a transfer of work and responsibilities from one group to another; or
  • Communication across more than one area, group, or technical type is required to accomplish the task; or
  • If the Area Controller determines a permit is required; or
  • The work has significant potential for injury or incident; or
  • While erecting or dismantling scaffolding; or
  • For any crane lifts that are blind, complex, complicated, and/or heavy; or
  • Any time work is necessary within 10 feet of overhead power lines.

Who is required to have Permit to Work Training?

  • JO employees or an authorized representative (Contractor) authorized to perform Permit to Work activities.
  • Any individual responsible for the operation of equipment or responsible for the oversight of construction, maintenance, repair or safety processes on JO property.
  • All divisions shall create and maintain a list of personnel assigned the responsibilities of Permit Approver and/or Area Controller.

Does every blank on the General Work Permit need to be written in?

No, when completing a permit a line or space left blank indicates the Permit Approver and all affected persons have evaluated the job and the blanks are not applicable to the job.

Can a PTW have more than a one Work Team Leader?

Multiple Work Team Leaders can be assigned to a single General Work Permit. Each Work Team Leader will sign initiating the permit and their portion of the job. They will again sign off the permit when their portion is completed, even if the other Work Team Leads are still working under the permit. This does not relieve the Permit Approver of any of their roles and responsibilities.

For the Permit Approver, is there a limit of permits he can sign or authorize?

A Permit Approver must be able to complete the duties required when they sign the permit. A good range is between 5-15 permits per shift, depending on the location, nature of work, risks involved, etc.

Does the WTL need to be pre-approved to sign the permit?

JO requires that a Work Team Leader is a competent individual who is responsible for the safe execution of work. The role of the designated leader may vary among several people, depending on the work specified. Contractors are encouraged to attend JO’s PTW training to build competency on the requirements of PTW.

Is English a necessary skill for WTL’s?

English is the universal language at Joint Operations. All Work Team Leaders should be capable of speaking and reading English.

What does the division do with General Work Permit when the job is complete?

Upon completion of the permit, the permit and all JSAs are to be stored in the designated location for 6 months. The EHS copy must be set aside and will be collected.

What is General Work Permit?

A General Work Permit is a detailed document that authorizes certain people to carry out specific work and details the precautions needed to complete the job safely.

If there is a two man crew working on a job task can one person be the Area Controller and Permit Approver and the other person be the Work Team Leader?

No, a Permit User cannot be the Permit Approver.

What other paper work do I have to complete with my General Work Permit?

  • Any associated certificates, hazard analysis, and an onsite JSA.
  • Any other applicable checklists or plans.
  • Tool box meeting attendance sheet.
  • Any drawing/lay out to be attached with associated certificates (excavation).

What if conditions change after the General Work Permit has been approved?

If it is a simple change in condition regarding the worksite or work being performed the existing GWP can be updated and revalidated by the Permit Approver, Work Team Leader and the crew doing the work. (Permit Approver is the deciding authority regarding revalidation or permit termination)

What do I do when my work is complete?

The Work Team Leader shall sign the permit and inform the Area Controller and Permit Approver when work is complete, control devices specific to the permit are removed, and proper housekeeping has been verified.

Can I self issue a General Work Permit?

No, individuals shall not self issue a permit; that is, the same person cannot act as Area Controller/ Permit Approver and Work Team Leader/Permit User at the same time

How long is my General Work Permit valid for? Is this the same as certificates?

Permit duration shall be designated on the permit; initially this permit is issued for one shift. A General Work Permit may be revalidated to be used for up to one week from initial issue date, given the permit has not been closed out, and provided conditions do not change.

Certificates may havedifferent validity periods than the associated General Work Permit.

Hot Work Certificates are valid for one shift and may be revalidated for two additional consecutive shifts, provided conditions do not change.

Confined Space Certificates are valid for one shift and may be revalidated for two additional consecutive shifts, provided conditions do not change.

Isolation of Hazardous Energy Certificates are valid during the entire duration of the job.

Excavation Certificates are valid for up to 1 month and may be revalidated for up to 3 consecutive months

Note: All certificates must have an accompanying General Work Permit

Example: A General Work Permit with two certificates, Excavation and Confined Space, must be created new each day along with the Confined Space Certificate. The Excavation Certificate however can be renewed each day for up to 1 month if the conditions do not change.

Do I have to keep the PTW onsite while the job is in progress? Who keeps the permit?

Yes, the work crew keeps the GWP and JSA until the job is complete.

What if my Permit Approver/Area Controller is not available onsite when I am finished with my job?

The preferred method for close-out is written (signatures), however if a verbal sign off is necessary because of specific operational limitation(s) of an area/location, it needs to be clearly identified on the permit along with any restrictions. Do not short cut this process; it must be as thorough as if done in person.

Who can a Permit Approver designate as their designee? How does this affect the closeout process?

Another authorized Permit Approver.

How do I know who the asset owner is for a location?

Contact EHS for questions regarding asset owners.

Off shift work, does this affect the PTW Process?

No, work should be planned and executed within the normal standards of the Permit to Work JOSOP. Depending on the availability of personnel, this may require work to be delayed. For emergency situations, contact the EHS duty officer for guidance on how to proceed.

What are the minimum requirements for the PTW roles?

People who are involved in the PTW JOSOP must be trained by either JO or by the contractor performing the work.

Why do I need the General Work Permit?

Permit to Workis a communication tool between the asset owner and the work requester. This tool communicates the permission to do the work to relevant parties, it serves as a coordination document for other adjacent and affected jobs, and it allows for control of the job to be completed.

Is the General Work Permit required for routine activities?

Yes,if the routine activities were classified as a medium or high risk.

How can we get the Designated Safe Hot Work Areas? Who will be the “Facility Management” and who shall be the EHS Subject Matter Expert?

Any areas requiring the designated safe work area need to be approved by EHS division and asset custodian. SME will the SWP process advisor.

Do we need special Hot Work Certificate for vehicle/equipment entering facility such as Sub Center? Can we use current Hot Work Certificate to cover that activity?

No hot certificate is required for moving on the main roads of MGC , & SUG. Hot work certificate is required for moving in to operating areas, sub centers and within the 10 meters of any equipment containing the hydrocarbons. No separate hot work certificate is required for vehicles when a hot work certificate is already issued for the work. Vehicle number can be entered on the hot work certificate.

If it is only about vehicle entry, do we need fire watch for the Hot Work Certificate?


When we mentioned that the working time is from 07.00 to 15.00, can we close the permit the next day while opening a new permit?

No – permit shall be closed soon after completion of the job.

How many permitscan one person take ? Is there a limitation or not?

Max number of permits will be decided by the asset custodian / executing division in consultation with EHS division. A work-team leader shall not take more permits than he can effectively control

Before signature (approver) should all attachments(scaffolding check list, Pre job safety meetinglist Continuous Gas test log etc ) be present with the permit?


Who is responsible of writing the JSA?

Work team leader is responsible for writing the site JSA, planning JSA or JHA can be written by Engineer, safety officer or other assigned person.

Which personnel should be physically at the job site while the people are working?

Permit user / work team leader shall be at the work place. For critical activities area controller shall be present at the work location.

Who should keep track of PTW? (signage, history record, etc)?

Respective divisions should keep blue record for 6 months.

Who should perform gas test?

Certified gas tester can do the gas testing.

What is the allowable H2S level (and/or LEL level) that allow mechanic work on a piece of equipment under SCBA?

0 % LEL shall be the limit. With H2S present persons are allowed to work using SCBA until the concentration reaches 100ppm (IDLH)

Who should do site preparation?

Asset owner responsible for site preparations (isolations, equipment readiness), Work team leader and area controller should verify site prior to work beginning and ensure all safety mitigations listed in JHA/JSA and work permit are present.

Need to incorporate Permit Transfer Colum’s and Procedures

When signatory in the permit changes, the permit shall be renewed with new signatories.

Will we be provided PTW training and Authorization Card and Approval from JO?

Planned in 2011 First quarter, Training Center will endorse training passports acknowledging completion and competency, divisions Authorize/assign approvers?

Over writing and writing comments on PTW?

Over writing is not accepted and safety comments regarding work can be written by permit approver / area controller / EHS representative.

Who is Radiation Protection Supervisor in JO, what should be his qualification. Whether companies here having qualified RPS?

We have a JO industrial hygiene specialist. All the contracting companies have the radiation protection supervisors. The Kuwait government issues competency cards for the radiation personnel.

Whether any audit is done on their (Radiographers) activities?

This year all the NDT / radiation services are brought under CHESM.

If a company is carrying out low risk jobs at various locations which are under the control of one permit user, whether separate permit is required ?

One single permit is enough. But ensure a copy of the permit is available at each location, if the they are not working within the vicinity. Note permit is not intended for low risk jobs in low risk areas.

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