BIBLE LEAGUE SPRING SALAD LUNCHEON: All women are invited to attend the Bible League Spring Salad Luncheon on Monday, May1, 2017, at 11:30 a.m. The luncheon will be held at the Sanborn URC, 805 Sunrise Ave., Sanborn, Iowa, 51248. Please bring a salad for every two ladies and enjoy the luncheon and fellowship with women from many area churches. The Program will include a presentation from Harold Trujillo, Regional Training Coordinator. He will speak about the Project Philip program. We would love to see a large turnout! We are issuing a special invitation for the area Pastors. Please give attending your prayerful and thoughtful consideration.
ALL VOLUNTEERS- VOLUNTEER LUNCHEON- Sibley Specialty Care presents “Restore, Renew, Revive, Reclaim and Redeem” on Thursday April 27 at 2:00 p.m. -Join us for a celebration in honor of your hard work and time you have devoted to being a volunteer at our facility. We greatly appreciate all that you do; we could not do it without you! Please stop by and be recognized. It will be an afternoon of fun, food, and learning about how the ladies from Mae B’s in Hartley get their ideas and inspiration to “reinvent, reimagine, rethink, refresh, reuse, redesign, recreate, refurbish and, most importantly, recycle ‘junk’ to make something even more better and beautiful than it may have been before.” Thank you again volunteers for all you do.
IT IS FINISHED - It’s easy to assume that when Jesus declares “It is finished,” he means his suffering is finished. Join our Groundwork conversation on John 19:28-30 as we discuss why this is really a cry of accomplishment; his work done, he is victorious, and the triumph we proclaim at Easter is just the beginning. Listen now at and subscribe to Groundwork's weekly emails for future episodes.
THE MIRACLE OF EASTER - Have you ever wondered what it would be like to meet Jesus? Or to be in Jerusalem the very week Jesus was crucified and raised from the dead? You’re invited to explore the miracle of Easter on this week’s Kids Corner. Tell the story of Easter with the KC Family Easter Craft at
Sea to Sea announces a virtual ride! - Do you want to participate in the Sea to Sea bike tour this summer, but have constraints? Sea to Sea is announcing a virtual ride! If you can't join the ride physically, there are other ways you can participate. Join us to help end the cycle of poverty. To find out how, go to, contact , or call 616-818-4902.
Serving,EasterSunday, April 16, 2017
Children’s Worship Leader: Jesus is Risen: Appearance to Mary -Emily
Banner Carriers: Hadlee --- Rylee
Greeters: Tammy, Greg, Brielle
Coffee Servers: Willie & Ellen B ---Ken & Rhonda W
Greeters: Mike & Karen B --- Lee & Stacie V
Ushers: Phil H / Harold D
Nursery:Karen B & Paige H
Evening Nursery:
Offering:Home Missions
Librarian: Phyllis V
Sunday, April 16, 2017
9:30 AM Morning Worship ---- Children’s Worship
6:00 PM Evening Worship
Monday, April 17, 2017
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
1:30 PM Sew & Sow at Kathleen Z’s home
Wednesday, April 19, 2017
6:00 AM Men's Breakfast Bible Study
6:00 PM GEMS end of year Banquet
Thursday, April 20, 2017
7:00PM Prayer & Sharetime this weekat Elmer H‘s home
Friday, April 21, 2017
Saturday, April 22, 2017
10:00 AM Bridal Shower for Alyssa Umbreit (Steven Hibma)
1:00 PM Bridal Shower for Amanda Hibma
Advanced Notice
April30-7:30 PM -Elders meeting
Serving,Sunday, April 23, 2017
Children’s Worship Leader:Jesus Is Risen: The Road to Emmaus- Pam
Banner Carriers:Henry --- Sadie
Greeters:Mary B, Audrey, Dawson
Coffee Servers: Ken & Rhonda W ---Arlene T
Greeters: Roger & Rhoda B ---- Paul & Phyllis V
Ushers: Phil H / Harold D
Nursery:Esther D & Ashley H
Evening Nursery: Amy R & Kelly S
Offering:Christian Education Tuition
Librarian:Phyllis V
Congregational Announcements
LAWN MOWER Anyone who would be interested in the mowing the church lawn may contact any of the Building and Grounds Committee members (Alvin Runia, Mike Bosma, Curt Bosma, and James Iedema) for information or to apply.
JANITOR SEARCH– Anyone who may be interested in being considered for the position of Janitor can contact any of the members of the Building and Grounds Committee (Alvin Runia, Mike Bosma, Curt Bosma, and James Iedema) for information or to apply.
A Bridal Shower will be heldfor Alyssa Umbreit bride to be of Steven Hibma at the Harris Fire Station on Saturday April 22nd at 10:00 AM. She is registered at Target and Menards.
A Bridal Shower will held for Amanda Hibma on Saturday April 22nd at 1:00 PM at the Harris Fire Station. She is registered at JC Penney’s- (hibmakondrath), Target, and
Mary’s Gift Shop -
We will again have a Display of graduation pictures. If you have a graduate of 8th grade,high school or college please bring your picture to church by April 23.
Easter Sunday - Today we celebrate Christ’s victory over death and sin; a victory that is for all of His people! Your support for Christian Reformed Home Missions helps people in Canada and the United States realize that they are part of Christ’s victory. To learn more about this work, visit
Ascension Day 2017 – With great joy we anticipate celebrating together the anniversary of the coronation of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Son of God, as King of the Universe. The celebration will be held, D.V., on Thursday, May 25, 2017 at 7:00 pm at Sibley Christian Reformed Church
Maker Fun Factory VBS is quite an imaginative place & we need to create, craft, build, & transform supplies to get ready!!! Please take a look at the VBS table in the Fellowship Hall for items we need for decorating. Dates for decorating work nights will be Tuesdays in April /May (April 18, 25 & May 2) from 6:30 to 9:00 PM.
Who made you? Why were you made? Deep questions huh? Well Maker Fun Factory VBS is coming this summer to tell kids that they were CREATED BY GOD BUILT FOR A PURPOSE! Monday, June 5 through Friday, June 9 our church will be transformed into a factory workshop & we will be sharing this amazing news with kids ages 4-graduated 5th grade! Please spread the word & invite kids to join us for mornings filled with God's Word & lots of fun!
Elder Deacon Nominations – The Council presents the following list of nominees for the offices of Elder and Deacon for three year terms from June 01, 2017 through May 31, 2010. For the office of Elder: Kenneth Haack, Mark Hibma, James Iedema; Rodney Van Beek; Paul Vellema and Loren Zevenbergen. Deacon: Mike Mulder, Doug Vander Meulen and Lee Vellema. The Council is committed to avoid having a father and son serving on Council at the same time. Therefore should a father be selected to serve as elder the son becomes ineligible.
Congregational Meeting – The Council calls the congregation to our annual Spring Congregational Meeting to begin following our service of Worship on Sunday Morning, May 07, 2017 and conclude within our evening Service of Worship with a time of recess over the late morning and afternoon hours. Four elders and two deacons will be elected for selection following our morning service. During our evening service of worship two elders and one deacon will be selected to serve in these offices. Should a father be selected as elder the son will become ineligible to serve.
Pipe Organ Encounter at Dordt College – Dordt College, in conjunction with the American Guild of Organists will be hosting a Pipe Organ Encounter June 11 – 16, 2017 on the campus of Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa. Anyone interested in this event can consult the tri-fold on the bulletin board or check on line at The Pipe Organ Encounter is a one week summer camp for students ages 13-18. The camp includes daily lessons by master teachers and performances by nationally-known artists.
Disability Connection Event – Hope Haven of Rock Valley, Iowa invites you to a Disability Connection event with Terry DeYoung, the Reformed Church in America’s Coordinator for Disability Concerns. The event will be held on Saturday, April 22 from 9:00 am to 12:00 Noon followed by lunch at the Sheldon United Methodist Church. To register contact Dan DeVries (), Beth Odor (); or call 712-476-3136. For more information see the announcement on the bulletin board.