Global Issues and Film

Owen County High School 2015-2016

Instructor: Betsy Hall Webster


Course Description:

·  This class is designed to give students a historical understanding of global issues by viewing films.

·  We will be discussing, taking notes and writing reviews, editorials and essays of each film that we view.

·  For many of these films, the class will be doing research on the internet to confirm or deny the facts that are depicted in the film along with looking for “bias” by the director/writer of the movie.

·  This will include the student having a complete understanding of the facts surrounding the events shown in the film.

·  We will also be viewing current events from a news sources and discussing/writing about those to attempt to give students an understanding of their world around them today.

Course Topics:

·  War

·  Civil Rights and Citizenship

·  Diversity

·  Environmental Issues

·  Globalization

Grading Policy and Breakdown

The 9 week grades will be calculated by accumulating points in the following categories:

·  50% Summative Assessments—Tests, Quizzes, Essays

·  50% Formative Assessments—readings and research

Grading Scale

100-92 A

91-83 B

82-74 C

73-65 D

64-below F

Make-up Work

·  Make-up work is the student’s responsibility and will be provided according to the district guidelines. For excused absences, you will receive the number of days you missed plus 1 to complete the work that you missed.

·  This does not apply to long term projects since the due date is announced well in advance.

·  You are responsible for the work you have missed; I will not search you out. It is your responsibility to come to me for missed work and notes from you classmates at an appropriate time.

·  All late homework will take a 50% deduction in points

NOTE: Since this is a class mainly of videos, you MUST know that there is NO WAY for a student to do makeup work. IF a student misses a portion of the movie, it will be the student’s responsibility to research the facts of the movie ON THEIR OWN TIME to be prepared to discuss and write about the events portrayed in the video. Students WILL NOT be allowed to leave class to go get on a computer to research in case of an absence.

Class Expectations

·  Appropriate behavior is expected during all class activities.

·  Respect for yourself, your classmates, and your teacher

·  Responsibility – for your own actions and behaviors.

·  You must do your own work. Cheating will not be tolerated and could result in a 0 for assignments.

·  Be prepared for class each day (book, assignments, notebook, writing instrument)

·  Be in your seat answering the “flashback” when the bell rings

·  No Hall passes will be given for any reason.

·  Stay seated (unless otherwise instructed) until dismissed

·  Clean up after yourself

·  Absolutely NO unapproved electronic devices used in class

·  ALL district rules apply


·  First offense – verbal warning

·  Second offense – private conference with Ms. Webster

·  Third offense – parent involvement and office referral

*If offense is extremely inappropriate swifter action may be taken

Global Issues and Film

Instructor: Betsy Hall Webster

Owen County High School


Several of these movies contain EXTREME violence and VERY STRONG language. Several of the movies are rated “R” as a result of the language and violence.

IF you are opposed or uncomfortable with your child watching these types of “R” rated historical movies, your son or daughter should see Mr. Wainscott about a schedule change immediately to be removed from this class.

****Due to the nature of several of these movies, I will NOT allow any student to sit in class and view these without the direct consent of the parent/guardian of the student.

I require the parent of EACH student in this class to sign THIS form as a consent form giving permission for your son or daughter to be in this class. PLEASE RETURN IMMEDIATELY. You may also EMAIL me and give express written consent.

Please give me your contact email and/or phone below. I will email or call you as soon as I have been given this form to confirm your approval.

I do this to be absolutely sure that the student is not forging a parent signature.

This MUST be turned back into me by FRIDAY!!! Failure to return this form will mean that you will have to change your schedule and be removed from this class because you will NOT be allowed to watch any historical videos that are “R” rated if I do not have this form.


Phone: 502-484-4160

Parent/Guardian Signature ______

Parent/guardian email:______


Student Signature______