Distributed – Monday, November 24, 2008


A cube book report is a way to visually present information about a book in a three-dimensional format. On the six sides of a cube, you will put pictures and words that will tell other people about a book. It will not tell them the plot of the book, but it will be descriptive enough to interest them in reading the book themselves.
- A realistic fiction book- Paper cube pattern (distributed in class)

- Colored pencils, crayons or markers- Scissors
- Colored paper or construction paper- Tape (or glue stick)

1. Choose a Realistic Fiction book on your AR level and read it. (The book you choose must be approved by Ms. Jiles no later than Thursday, December 4, 2008.)

2. Use the pattern given to you to trace and cut out six squares of your colored paper.

3. On each of the six squares of colored paper you have cut, include one of the items(sides) listed below. Be sure to do this before you tape or glue anything!

Side 1 – Write the book title, author, and your name.

Side 2–Illustrate, color, and labela scene (your favorite) from the book.

Side 3- Tell the setting of the story.

Side 4– Name and describe (notjust a physical description) the main

characters. (Label the protagonist and the antagonist.)

Side 5- Write a short summary of the book (4 to 7 sentences).

Side 6 – Write an intriguing question that would make someone

want to read the book you chose.

4. Cut out the paper cube pattern. (CUT ONLY ON THE SOLID LINES.)
5. Transfer your six completed squares onto the sides of the flat cube pattern. Be sure you don’t cover the dotted lines.
6. Fold the pattern on the dotted lines, and tape or glue the sides to make a cube.

Alternative Option for Cube: Instead of using the paper cube pattern, you may use a Pop-Tarts box (no other box is acceptable and no double sized Pop-Tarts boxes). Cut out pieces of colored paper to cover the sides. Use this colored paper to make the six sides listed above. Transfer them onto the Pop-Tarts box.

Parents, please sign and return the slip below acknowledging that you: (1) have seen this project sheet, (2) are aware of the two deadlines (book choice and project completion) for the project, and (3) are aware of how the project will be graded (see back ).


Cube Book Report Project Acknowledgement

I have received the Cube Book Report Project sheet that my child, ______,received on 11/24/08. I am aware that he/she must choose a realistic fiction book and have it approved by Ms. Jiles no later than Thursday, December 4, 2008. I am also aware that the due date for the completed project to be turned in is Monday, December 15, 2008. I understand that my child will receive a reading grade and a language arts oral presentation grade for this project.


Parent’s Signature Date


Grading Information

Students will receive a reading grade and a language arts oral language grade for this project.

The reading grade will be determined as follows:


Side 1. Title, Author, Name 10

Side 2. Colored & LabeledIllustration10

Side 3. Setting5

Side 4. Characters Described & Labeled20

Side 5. Summary20

Side 6. Question5

Other: Neatness10

Other: Spelling, Grammar, Mechanics10

Other: Followed directions & Book Choice 10

The final grade calculated based on the information above will be reduced by ten points per day for each day that the project is late.

The language arts oral language grade will be determined as follows:

Eye Contact and Posture20 points

Familiarity with Report (without reading word for word)50 points

Articulation and Expression10 points

Answers questions posed by the audience20 points