Summer 2017 YouthWorks Mission Trip F.A.Q.
(For students currently in grades 6 to 10)
How much does the trip cost? – We have been able to lower the cost of mission trips this year. Last year the cost was $390, but this year we have lowered that to $250. This includes transportation, food during the drive and while at our ministry site, and all program fees.
Where will my child be going on this trip? – We will travel to the eastern shore of Virginia, to a small community named Onancock. The drive from FCOB to Onancock will take approximately 4 hours. We will stop along the way for lunch.
What will students do on this trip? – We’ll be going to serve the community through an organization called YouthWorks. During our week on the eastern shore we’ll serve in work projects (things like painting, doing yard work for the elderly, and light construction tasks) as well as at kids club (a VBS style activity for low-income elementary students in the area who don’t have a lot of options during the summer months). In the evenings, our students will have a chance to learn more about the community and area through activities like swimming, crabbing, and a community cook-out.
Where will students stay? – We’ll stay in a church in Onancock. We’ll be sleeping on the floor in Sunday School rooms, so students should plan to bring an air mattress or sleeping pad.
Who is YouthWorks? – YouthWorksis an organization that has been bringing together teenagers and communities for over 30 years. I have participated in many mission trips in my life, and YouthWorks creates—by far—the safest, most impactful, most spiritual mission experiences I have ever been a part of. You can learn more about them here:
Why should I send my student on a mission trip? – We know that summer can quickly become an extremely hectic time of year. Sports camps, boyscout camps, band camp, science camp, running camp, and trying to somehow fit in a family vacation or two makes summer crazy, to say the least. The last thing we want to do is create more stress in your life or the life of your student. But we also know that mission trips change lives. They change the lives of the people we go to serve, but they also change the lives of the students who go and serve. Week-long mission trips are one of the best ways for students at FCOB to connect with other students in the group, build friendships with peers and leaders, and most importantly encounter Jesus. Mission trips have a tendency to get us thinking about others, instead of ourselves. Finally, they give us a change to own our faith as we put it into action.
We will have more detailed information for those who register as we get closer to our departure date. Pastor Calvin is available any time to answer your questions. You can also find more about our mission location here: