MAY 23, 2016
The regular monthly meeting of the Branch Township Supervisors was held on Monday, May 23, 2016 7:00 P.M. at the Branch Township Memorial Building, Llewellyn, PA. Attending were Anthony Bertasavage, and David Schultz, Supervisors, Joyce Beach, Secretary/Treasurer, Gino DiNicola, Solicitor, and Norm Bertasavage and Dave Bell of the Planning Commission. Absent was Laine Gehres, Supervisor. The minutes of the meeting of Monday, April 25, 2016 were available for inspection. A motion was made by David Schultz to approve the minutes, seconded by Anthony Bertasavage, all Supervisors in favor.
The bills were then read. A motion was made by Anthony Bertasavage to approve the bills as read, seconded by David Schultz, all Supervisors in favor.
SolarCity Corp. 105.00SolarCity Corp. 120.00
SolarCity Corp. 33.00Raymond Sukeena 44.00
Russell D’Attilio 20.00Bill Wentz 46.53
David Strausser inquired about a road project for 2016. David Schultz said road work will be done in the Township this summer but did not provide any additional Information.
Dave Bell asked if the Township and the Good Intent Hose Company are in agreement concerning the 2016 Poker Run. The Good Intent will provide their own insurance for this event, as was the case last year. In addition, they will take additional steps to keep Silverton Road open and accessible to Township residents or emergency vehiclesif necessary.
A motion to approve the list of scheduled non-firefighting activities provide by The Phoenix Park Community Fire Company was made by Dave Schultz, seconded by Anthony Bertasavage, all Supervisors in favor.
A motion was made by David Schultz to authorize Gino DiNicola to prepare an ordinance concerning obstructions located in Township roads and right-of-ways, seconded by Anthony Bertasavage, all Supervisors in favor. Gino will prepare a draft ordinance for the Supervisors and advertise it for approval at the next regular Township meeting.
Roadmaster Dave Schultz reported Township workers have been repairing roads, mowing, trimming trees, and cutting brush. Work was done to Clay Street Cemetery and the monument to get ready for Memorial Day. A tree was taken down in Phoenix Park. Quite a bit of work needs to be done at the compost site due to the recent county wide burn ban. A motion to accept this report was made by Anthony Bertasavage, seconded by David Schultz, all Supervisors in favor.
Chief Joe Wenner read the police report into the record. A motion to accept the report was made by Anthony Bertasavage, seconded by David Schultz, all Supervisors in favor.
Meeting was adjourned by Chairman Bertasavage at 7:28 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted,
Joyce M. Beach, Sescretar/Treasurer