June Good News newsletter 2016
The Perfect Pastor Chain Letter
As I faced writing this last newsletter article as your pastor, I felt empty of words that would adequately express my thanks. And so, as I often do, I turn to scripture and offer you this greeting in the style of the Apostle Paul:
To all the saints in Christ Jesus who are in Chestnut Hill UMC.
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
I thank my God every time I remember you, constantly praying with joy in every one of my prayers for all of you, because of your sharing in the gospel from the first day until now. I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work among you will bring it to completion by the day of Jesus Christ.
Times of transition are challenging. We reflect on what has been filled with joy for what has been good and filled with regret for what has caused pain. We look forward to what will be and are filled with hope for all the possibilities and filled with fear of the unknown. What can I possibly say that will help you to reflect well and look forward in hope? And then it hit me. Always leave them laughing! And so I leave you with something to make you smile (and maybe laugh outloud)...
The results of a computerized survey indicate the perfect pastor preaches exactly fifteen minutes. Pastors condemn sins but never upset anyone. They work from 8:00 am to midnight and also work as the janitor. They make $500 per week, wear good clothes, buy good books, drive a nice car and give about $500 weekly to the poor. They are 28 years old and have preached 30 years. They have a burning desire to work with teenagers and spend all their time with senior citizens. Perfect pastors smile all the time with a straight face because they have a sense of humor that keeps them seriously dedicated to their work. They make fifteen calls daily on congregation families, shut-ins and the hospitalized and they are always in their office when needed. If your pastor does not measure up, simply send this letter to six other churches that are tired of their pastor, too. Then bundle up your pastor and send him or her to the church on top of the list. In one week, you will receive 1,643 pastors. One of them will be perfect. Have faith in this procedure. One church broke the chain and got its old minister back in less than three weeks... so don't break the chain.
-- "That Their Work Will Be A Joy"
by Cameron Lee and Kurt Frederickson
Grace and peace,
Pastor Becky
1June CrickenbergerKari Sunderland
2Sandra Lane
3Teddy Cardwell
4Stuart May
5Amanda White
7Julian Yates
8Michael McGlothlin
9Ramona Akins
10Jeanette Almond
11Susan Tedder
12Frances Unruh
14Alice Lovelace
15Kirsten Chance
Charles Daniel, Jr.
Dan Robertson
16Lester Fainter
Kristy May
Steven Thomas
18Caitlin Sheehan
19Suzanne Allen
Hannah Donald / 20Fred Mason
Scottie Nuckols
Edna Wyatt
21Kaleigh Bennett
Albert Mason
22Elizabeth Candler
Chris Henson
Sue Norvelle
23Alice Frank
24Jeanne Carter
Lisa Redford
Sam White
25Henry Almond
26Helen Camden
Rebecca Cole
27Amanda Colquitt
Samuel Gunter
28Joseph Palazzi
Michelle Richardson
Cliff Taylor
30Kane Dalton
Katie Jessen
Children’s Ministry
Please continue to pray for our Children and all our events.
Vacation Bible School
June 21-25 (Times to be announced.)
Our closing will be on Sunday, June 26, during morning worship.
Our theme this year will be
Cokesbury’sSurf Shack
“Catch the Wave of God’s Amazing Love”
I will be scheduling a planning session very soon! We will need a lot of juice boxes and volunteers.
Jody Underwood, Lay Children’s Ministry Coordinator
Top of the Hill will meet on Monday, June 27, 2016, at 11:00 a.m.
Bring a sandwich. Dessert and drinks provided. More information provided later.
Please send your reports of visits and phone calls each month to Scottie Nuckols, 1250 Jefferson Oaks Court, # 44, Forest, VA 24551. Or e-mail to . On your report please note the month and year, names of those visited (or called) and the number of times visited or called that month and any comments of our pastor. Please try to get this information to Scottie by the 5th of the month. We express our appreciation to all the volunteers who participate in this ministry of compassion.
A total of 19visits and 73phone calls were made in APRIL.
The Merry Martha's will not meet in June, July, or August, but will be helping with receptions and Homecoming Luncheon.
Mission News
The food cart for April rained down with goods for Park View Mission. We collected 16 jars of peanut butter, 12 cans of fruit, 12 cans of vegetables, 8 cans of soup, 19 cans of meat.14 boxes of mac and cheese,2 jars of instant coffee, 1 box of crackers, and 1 box of instant oatmeal for a total of 66.76 lbs. of food. We also collected 6 pks. of diapers for a total of 147 diapers and 3 pks. of toilet paper for a total of 16 rolls. Thank youfor faithfully supporting this mission. Park View appreciates all that you do.
~Thank-you from Linda Jessen & the Mission Committee
For the month of June they are requesting canned meats (no tuna please since they got a big shipment of tuna from the FDA); canned peaches and fruit cocktail; and toilet paper since it is always in short supply.
Please place in the food cart, located in the Commons. Help those in need.
Those Who Serve ~ JUNEUSHERS: Fred Norvelle, Head Usher
June 5~Lisa Redford, Pat Moore
June 12~Elaine Clarke, Eleanor Maxham
June 19~Kay Allen, Kirstin Tiller
June 26~Neta Pearson, Marsha Burks
June 5~Pat Short
June 12~Barbara LeFew
June 19~Elaine Clarke
June 26~Kitty Burgess
Watch Sunday’s bulletin for information.
Frank Stewart, Carolyn Stewart, Jane White
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GOOD NEWSis published monthly for members and friends of Chestnut Hill United Methodist Church. Send articles to the church office by the 15th of the month.
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Our Attendance
Sunday School Worship
5/1 39 74
5/8 41 82
5/15 44 83
5/22 37 66 / Our Church Financial Picture
Through the end of April 2016
General Operating Funds:
Needed to meet our 2016 Budget $ 240,162
Needed to meet our budget to date $ 80,054
Actual receipts to date $ 67,727
Shortfall to meet budget to date $ 12,327
Actual expenditures to date $ 61,655
Overage meet expenses to date $ 6,072
Joy In Missions Funds:
Our Giving Goal for 2016 $ 11,600
Needed to meet our goal to date $ 3,867
Actual receipts to date $ 4,161
Special Offerings* (not budgeted):
Received to date $ 5,171
Dispersed to date $ 4,623
*Christmas, Easter, Annual Conference,
World Communion, etc.
2016 Joy In Mission Donations
To date, the following amounts have
been paid to the missions indicated.
Missionary Covenant Relationship $ 625
UMCOR(One Great Hour of Sharing) $ 0.00
Free Clinic $ 125
Heart Havens $ 201
Missions~Food for Families $ 480
Interfaith Outreach $ 250
Meals on Wheels (Souper Bowl) $ 1,024
Habitat for Humanity $ 125
Churches for Urban Ministry $ 125
Adult Care Center $ 125
Daily Bread $ 125
Camp Timothy $ 500
Society of St. Andrew $ 310
Good Neighbor $ 0.00
Heifer $ 0.00
UMCOR-Non-Administrative $ 0.00
Blue Ridge Area Food Bank $ 125
Undesignated $ 0.00
Thank You for Your Generosity
The 2016 session of the Virginia Annual Conferencewill be held in Roanoke, Va., at the The Berglund Center(formerly the Roanoke Civic Center) on Friday, June 17, to Sunday, June 19. Please be in prayer for Rev. Becky and Jody Underwood, Children’s Ministry, and all those attending this year.
Fred Shafer, 1293 Jefferson Way, Forest, VA 24551
Deanna Blankenship, 1206 Suncrest Dr., High Point, NC 27265
There will be a reception/retirement celebration for Rev. Becky Cloud on Sunday, June 12, after church service. Food and drink will be provided by UMW circle members, so you don't need to bring anything unless you are asked to. Come and give Becky your best wishes for a happy retirement!
There will be a reception after church on Sunday, July 10, to welcome our new pastor, Liz Ecklund, & her family to Chestnut Hill. Please join us in giving them a warm welcome! Food and drink will be provided.
Mark Your Calendars…
CHUMC will be doing Wednesday night dinners at Park View Mission on Aug. 17and Nov. 2 this year. Please mark your calendar if you are able to help, either by cooking or serving and cleaning up. Judy Robertson will be calling people in July.
On Sunday, May 15, 2016, we rejoiced in the baptism of Ty Caswell Burgess. His parents are Dean & D’Lynn Burgess. The proud grandparents are Wilton & Kitty Burgess.
Our 2016 Easter Offering
Your generous giving to our Easter Offering brought in $4,393.00to help us meet our obligation to pay apportionments which provide compensation for active and retired persons in our connectional United Methodist Church. Thank you for your faithful giving which allows us to meet our mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
Thank you…
We would like to say a “BIG THANK YOU” to Gloria Coleman for making a beautiful quilt that was presented to the 29th Division of National Guard on Saturday, April 30th, for Military Appreciation Day at Mead Memorial.