Guidelines for the Multi-Genre Research Essay

What is a multi-genre research essay?
What is multi-genre project? In terms of this assignment, it is a creative research paper. Don’t be distracted by the term “creative,” rather focus on the term “research.” Your project will not meet the course requirement without extensive, valid, documented research. You are probably wondering “What is a multi-genre research project?” It's a collection of pieces - a cohesive series of written pieces in a variety of genres, informed by your research on a particular subject that presents different angles on a research question. Done effectively, this accomplishes the same goals as atraditional research essay, but in a more expansive way. It is personal and creative. It involves you, the writer, making conscious decisions about what information or ideas are important and how to present that information to the reader.

For this project, you will use different genres to create a paper that leaves the reader with a clear idea about your answer(s) to the research question that guided your work, and these answers will be informed by "traditional" research (e.g., library-based work, interviews, and so on). However, you'll present these ideas in a highly-creative way. This will not be a haphazard collection of disjointed stuff; you must connect the genres and what they represent with a central, significant framework. In other words, you must somehow tie all of the pieces together such as a magazine, a scrapbook, diary, CD cover, etc.

This project will help develop research skills, strengthen your writings skills, review how to document sources, explore writing in different genres, and examine your ideas about crime related topics. At the end, you will have a project that with show critical thinking and creativity.

You will turn in a multi-genre project containing ____ items:

1.  Title Page – a title and your MLA heading centered – needs to adhere to the framework

2.  Table of Contents –includes all parts of project including page numbers

3. Introduction to your project – Basic Introduction – ½ page
This will greet readers and give a bit of background information about your project.

  You'll need to introduce the subject, your research question, and anything you think the readers should know about your project before they read it.

  Write down important things readers ought to know before they begin reading your papers.

  Make sure you include your thesis statement here.

4. Main Body

  This is the fun part. You must choose at least three (3) genres from the lists below.

  You must choose one from Creative Writing, one from Informative Writing, and one from the remaining groups, Art and Other – only one piece allowed per genre.

  A multi-genre paper depends on the writer using a variety of genres to get his/her point across. REMEMBER THESE ARE ALL ORIGINAL PIECES - YOU DO NOT MERELY COPY THEM FROM A SOURCE!

  All pieces are linked by your thesis

  Every piece must make its own point

  Each piece must be at least one full page in length and have extensive, writing.

  Each genre you create must be fully documented, following the MLA format (parenthetical citations) as to the source of your information for creating that piece of work. You must have citations (at least 2) in every genre or it will not count.

  Do not use any color, graphics, fonts other than Times New Roman

  Be blatant about what I am to learn from the genre.


5. Transitions: Leading into each genre, you need a connector to ensure that each piece flows easily, smoothly, and logically to the next piece– 3 genres =3 transitions- which will help to create unity. It needs to fit within the framework and should be about ½ page in length.

6. Conclusion – sum up your project and restate your thesis. This must fit into your framework. – ½ page

7. A reflective essay -2 – 3 pages about your project containing the following items:

  Your topic and why you chose it

  What you knew about your subject before you started

  What you hoped to discover through your research

  What you learned and how that affected your choice of genres

  The genres you chose to include and why you chose them

  A specific explanation of how you integrated sources from your research into your project and why you felt this was a good idea

  An evaluation of how successfully you accomplished integrating your sources in order to communicate your overall theme and why you feel this way

  A statement of what you learned from this project

8. A Works Cited Page - Everything you cited must be listed in your works cited page. You should have a minimum of 4 sources listed. Any project without parenthetical citations and a works cited page will earn a failing grade, as this is plagiarism.

9. Research Journal – This is the annotated bibliographies that you created during the research process and copies of all of the research you consulted for the project. You should have consulted at least 8 sources.

This project will take a few weeks to complete. There will be a number of mini-deadlines imposed throughout the project to keep you on track.

Lab dates

2/16 –library lab

2/24 – room 2062

2/27 – room 2101

3/3 – room 2101

3/6 – room 2062

3/8 – room 2062

3/10 - room 2101

3/14 – chrome books

3/16 – chrome books

3/20 – room 2062

3/21 chrome books

3/22 – room 2062

Due Dates – unless stated otherwise, all assignments are due at the beginning of class and must be typed using MLA format.

2/22 – 3 topic choice paragraphs

3/1 – research question and 3 annotated bibliographies with research

3/6 - 3 different annotated bibliographies with research

3/7 - 2 different annotated bibliographies with research

3/9 - working thesis/framework, outline of project possible genres

3/13 – 1st genre

3/15 – 2nd genre

3/17 – 3rd genre

3/22 – final project in its entirety - @ end of class.

I will accept your final project at the beginning of class on 3/23 with no penalty!

** If you are absent, have an early dismissal, or late arrival, your assignments are still due on the date listed.

Possible Genres

As you research and create, you need to consider your topic and think about what genres would be effective to communicate your research and ideas. Before you select a genre, ask yourself, “Why am I choosing this genre? What do I want to be able to say or express through this genre? Your choices must be intentional and have a purpose. These are just some ideas. This list is not all inclusive.

Creative Writing

Extended metaphor fairy tale fable

Short story poetry of a recognized form stream of consciousness

Menus yearbook page greeting card

Brochure diploma script (play, movie, radio, TV)

Scrapbook advice column answering machine message

Computer game story map one-act play

Fictional memoirs fictional letters fictional diaries

A legend children's story anecdote

Mystery sci-fi story western

Romance humorous piece horror story

Detective story

Informative Writing

Biography film critique press conference

Court transcript character sketch school work (test, essay)

Dialogue phone conversation talk show transcript

Monologue editorial magazine article or page

Web page postcard book review

Police report lab report pamphlet

Book cover map historical document

Eyewitness report newsletter time line

News reports sports features personality feature

Weather reports how-to pieces scientific piece

Letter to the editor license (driver’s, doctor’s, other professional)

Newspaper article/page (obituary, sports, news) historical piece

Letter (formal, friendly, business, complaint, thank-you)


Wanted poster movie poster collage

CD cover banner product package

Model photograph cartoon

Photo essay rebus story political cartoons

Comic strip advertisement mural

Diorama drawing paintings

Ceramics sculpture jewelry

Mixed media comic books T-shirt

Logos billboards architectural designs


Journal/diary entry classified ad recipe

Prayer crossword puzzle mail conversation

Trivia game (Jeopardy, Wheel of Fortune, etc.)

Original instrumentals, songs with lyrics

I also encourage you to propose other genres that aren't included here -- if you think of something, let me know.