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Authorised and published by the Victorian Government, Melbourne.
CarePoint Trial
What is CarePoint?
The Department of Health (Victorian Government) and Medibank Private are trialling a model of care known as ‘CarePoint’. This trial is designed to test the effectiveness of a new integrated model of care for Victorians with chronic conditions and complex needs, across service settings and supported by collective funders.
This model of care will build on the principles of person centred care; integration across existing system resources and the critical central role of the GP or Physician in care assessment and planning; and feature home monitoring, care navigation and an electronic care plan and patient record.
What are the aims of CarePoint?
The CarePoint trial will add to our understanding of how to better facilitate the integration of care services around patient needs and enable patients and service providers to strengthen management across primary, specialist, acute and aged modalities, funds and settings, with the triple aims of:
- Improving patient, carer and provider experience
- Improving health outcomes
- Improving health system utilisation by reducing patient admissions by 25% (including reducing readmissions).
How will the CarePoint trial work?
The CarePoint trial will operate in partnership, with the Victorian Government and Medibank, in conjunction with key sector partners (public and private health services, Medicare locals, AMA, RACGP).
The CarePoint trial will take place over 2014-2017, with evaluation anticipated to be complete by the end of 2017.
Baseline analysis has been completed and this identified high densities of eligible clients in the Mornington Peninsula, Frankston, Manningham and Whitehorse areas. The trial is currently being undertaken in partnership with Peninsula Health and GP clinics in the Peninsula area. Eastern Health has also agreed to support the trial and will commence trial activities early in August 2014.
The CarePoint trial cohort will include: 2,200 Victorians comprising Medibank members and non-insured Victorian adults who all have multiple chronic and complex conditions with initial presenting pattern of high service utilisation (adults with four or more admissions in two years, or, two or more admissions within a three month period in the last six months. The CarePoint trial is not exclusive to Medibank members, and other private health insurers can also participate and fund facilitation services for their own members.
What was the HIRC’s role in developing CarePoint?
In 2013 the HIRC was charged with investigating interventions designed to improve outcomes for people with
chronic illness and complex needs. The CarePoint trial is the eventual outcome of the HIRC’s recommendations to the Minister for Health.
For more information or to contact the Council
Information about the Council’s activities is available on its website, You can email the Council at .
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Authorised and published by the Victorian Government, Melbourne. Print managed by Finsbury Green.